

        時間:2024-04-29  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Optimization Methods Spring 2024
        Project Specification – Binary Classification for Bankruptcy Detection
        Last Updated: April 4, 2024, Deadline: May 10, 2024, 23:59 (HKT)
        Thus far we have learnt a number of optimization methods, ranging from the simplex method for linear
        programming, modeling techniques for integer programming, gradient/Newton methods for unconstrained
        optimization, KKT conditions, SOCP formulation, etc.. Besides theories, please remember that optimization
        methods are practical tools for solving real world problems. The aim of this project is to practice our skill on
        the latter aspect. We will make use of the Julia1
        The project’s theme is about practical solutions for binary classification. It can be considered as an extension to
        what we have experimented in Computing Lab 2. We will explore additional aspects about binary classification
        and more importantly, implement and compare these ideas on a real-world dataset.
        Background. Let us recall that the binary classification task aims at learning a linear classifier that distinguishes a feature vector as positive (+1) or negative (−1). Let d ∈ N be the dimension of the feature vector,
        the (linear) classifier is described by the tuple (w, b) where w ∈ R
        is the direction parameters and b ∈ R is
        the bias parameter2
        , both specifying the linear model. Given (w, b), a feature vector x ∈ R
        is classified into
        a label y ∈ {±1} such that
        y =
        +1, if w⊤x + b = w1x1 + · · · + wdxd + b ≥ 0,
        −1, if w⊤x + b = w1x1 + · · · + wdxd + b < 0.
        As an illustration, the following figure shows a case with d = 2 such that the classifier is described by
        w = (w1, w2) and the scalar b:

        Fig. 1. Example dataset.
        According to the rule in (1.1), all the feature vectors that lie above the dashed line shall be classified as +1
        (blue points); those that lie below the dashed line shall be classified as −1 (red points).
        1As an alternative, you are welcomed to use Python with optimization modeling packages supporting SOCP and MI-NLP such
        as cvxpy. However, you have to notify the instructor about the choice and the plan on how you wish to accomplish the project
        in the latter case on or before May 1, 2024, i.e., two weeks before the deadline. In the project, you are not allowed to use any
        pre-built solver for binary classification such as MLJ.jl, ScikitLearn.jl, flux.jl, scikit-learn in your final submission (though
        you are encouraged to try out these packages as extra work to support your solution). Please ask the instructor if you are unsure
        whether a specific package can be used.
        2Note that this differs slightly from Lecture 16 as we include the bias parameter in the classifier design.
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 2
        Dataset & Folder Setting We have m ∈ N samples of training data described by {x
        , y(i)}
        i=1, where
        (i) ∈ R
        is the ith feature vector and y
        (i) ∈ {±1} is the associated label. We will use a curated version
        of the Bankruptcy dataset taken from https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/365/polish+companies+
        bankruptcy+data. It includes the d = 64 performance indicators from around 10000 companies in Poland
        from 2000 to 2012, and includes a label that tells if the company has gone bankrupt or not. Our goal is to
        learn a classifier to predicts if a company is going to bankrupt based on its recent performance.
        To prepare the environment for the project, retrieve the Jupyter notebook ftec210**project-2024.ipynb
        and the zip archive ftec-project-files.zip from Blackboard. Place the *.ipynb files in a working directory,
        extract the *.zip file and move the *.csv files inside the same working directory. Your working directory
        should have the following content:
        Notice that:
        • ftec-groupi-train.csv – the training dataset for students in group i, i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. This is a csv
        file that contains 20 samples of company data to be used in the Compulsory Tasks.
        • ftec-groupi-test.csv – the testing dataset for students in group i, i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. This is a csv file
        that contains 60 samples of company data to be used in the Compulsory Tasks.
        • ftec-full-train.csv – the training dataset that contains 8000 samples of company data to be used in
        the Competitive Tasks.
        • ftec-full-test.csv – the training dataset that contains 2091 samples of company data to be used in
        the Competitive Tasks.
        Lastly, the Jupyter notebook ftec210**project-2024.ipynb provided detailed descriptions and helper codes
        to guide you through the tasks required by this project. Please pay attention to the comments provided inside
        the code cells of the Jupyter notebook as well.
        1.1 Compulsory Tasks (50% + 2% Bonus)
        The compulsory tasks of this project is divided into two parts. You are required to
        (A) answer questions related to the optimization theory and modeling related to binary classification; and
        (B) implement the modeled optimization problems on computer and solve them with the Bankruptcy dataset.
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 3
        Theory and Modeling Denote the training dataset with m samples as {x
        , y(i)}
        i=1, where x
        (i) ∈ R
        is the ith feature vector with d attributes and y
        (i) ∈ {±1} is the associated label. Let R0 > 0 and ℓi > 0,
        i = 1, ..., m be a set of positive weights. The following optimization problem designs a soft-margin classifier :
        ℓi max{0, 1 − y

        ⊤w + b
        } s.t. w⊤w ≤ R0. (1.2)
        It can be easily shown that (1.2) is a convex optimization problem.
        Task 1: Formulation (10% + 2% Bonus)
        Answer the following question:
        (a) Suppose that the optimal objective value of (1.2) is zero. Explain why in this case, with reference
        to (1.1), any optimal solution to (1.2) is a classifier (w**2;
        , b**2;
        ) that can correctly distinguish the m
        training samples into the +1 or −1 labels.
        (b) Give an example of training dataset with d = 2 where the optimal objective value of (1.2) is not
        zero. You may describe such dataset by drawing it on a 2-D plane.
        (c) Rewrite (1.2) as an equivalent nonlinear program like the form given in the lecture notes, e.g.,
        min f0(x) s.t. fi(x) ≤ 0, i = 1, ..., m. Make sure that each of the fi(x) is differentiable.
        (d) Derive the KKT condition for the equivalent formulation in (c).
        (e) Suppose the optimal objective value of (1.2) is zero, show that there may exist more than one
        optimal solution to (1.2). (Hint: you may let d = 2 and consider a similar dataset to the one
        illustrated in Fig. 1).
        (f) (Bonus) Explain the phenomena in (e) using the KKT conditions derived in (d).
        Eq. (1.2) is called the soft-margin formulation for binary classification. In particular, we observe that the term
        max{0, 1 − y

        ⊤w + b
        } evaluates the amount of error for the ith sample, and we note that the term is
        > 0 if and only if the ith training sample is mis-classified for the sample, i.e., y

        ⊤w + b
        ≱ 1.
        Feature/Attribute Selection. Besides the (training) accuracy of a model, for classification problem with
        large d, i.e., there are many attributes, another interesting aspect is on the set of selected attributes. Let
        w**2; ∈ R
        d be an optimal classifier, e.g., found by solving (1.2), the selected attributes are
        S := {i ∈ {1, . . . , d} : |w
        | ̸= 0}
        An attribute j is not selected if w
        j = 0 as it does not contribute to the prediction of label in (1.1).
        In practice, it is believed that a sparse classifier, i.e., one with a small |S|, is better as it is easier to interpret,
        easier to implement, etc. In the following tasks, we will build upon the model (1.2) and incorporate various
        constraints to favor a sparse classifier design into the classifier design (via optimizatio
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 4
        Task 2: Optimization Formulation (10%)
        Answer the following questions:
        (a) Show that (1.2) can be written as a Second-order Cone Programming (SOCP) problem.
        (b) We now incorporate a shaping constraint into the soft-margin problem. Formulate a similar SOCP
        problem to the one in part (a) with the following requirement: for given R0, R1 > 0,
        • The objective is the same as in (1.2).
        • The directional parameters w ∈ R
        satisfies the following shaping constraint:
        w⊤Σw + c
        ⊤w ≤ R0,
        where Σ ∈ R
        is a given symmetric, positive definite matrix, and c ∈ R
        is a given vector.
        • The directional parameter and bias parameter belongs to an ℓ1 ball to promote sparsity, i.e.,
        | + |b| ≤ R1.
        You may begin by formulating the problem as specified above, and then demonstrate how the
        problem can be converted into an SOCP.
        (c) As an alternative to part (b), formulate a mixed integer program (MIP) problem which imposes
        a hard constraint on the sparsity of the classifier, i.e., for given R0 > 0, R1 > 0, S > 0, specified as
        • The objective is the same as in (1.2).
        • The directional parameters w ∈ R
        satisfies the following shaping constraint:
        w⊤Σw + c
        ⊤w ≤ R0,
        where Σ ∈ R
        is a given symmetric, positive definite matrix, and c ∈ R
        is a given vector.
        • Each element in w is bounded such that
        −R1 ≤ wi ≤ R1, i = 1, ..., d.
        • The number of non-zero elements in the vector w is constrained such that
        (no. of non-zero elements in the vector w) ≤ S
        Computational We shall put the optimization designs formulated in the above into practice. Our
        tasks are structured into 3 stages: data analysis, optimization, interpretation. The Jupyter notebook template
        ftec210**project-2024.ipynb provides descriptions and helper codes to guide you through most of the
        following tasks. Please pay attention to the comments in the Jupyter notebook.
        In the compulsory tasks, we focus on a training dataset of m = 20 companies (ftec-groupi-train.csv). Each
        company has 64 attributes (performance indicators). The dataset also contains information of whether the
        company has bankrupted or not, treated as the label yi ∈ {±1}.
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 5
        Task 3: Warmup Exercise (5%)
        (a) Inspect the dataset by making a 2-D scatter plots of the 20 samples over the features ‘Attr1’ and
        ‘Attr2’ that corresponds to ‘net profit / total assets’ and ‘total liabilities / total assets’, respectively.
        Mark the ‘Bankrupt’ (resp. ‘Not Bankrupt’) companies in red (resp. blue). Comment on the pattern
        (b) Try 2-3 more combinations of pairs of features and make comments on the observations.
        Remark: The program template has provided the relevant helper codes for this task, but you may have
        to ‘tweak’ the template to examine other pairs of features in part (b).
        For part (a) in the above, you may observe an output similar to:
        Moreover, you may notice that the training dataset is unbalanced. There are only 15-20% of bankrupted
        companies with a +1 label. In the following tasks, you will implement classifier designs based on the MIP and
        SOCPs from Task 2.
        As a first step, we design the classifier based on the first d = 10 features, i.e., ‘Attr1’ to ‘Attr10’.
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 6
        Task 4: Optimization-based Formulation (15%)
        (a) Implement and solve the SOCP problem from Task 2-(a) with the following parameters:
        ℓi = weight · (yi + 1) + 1, R0 = 5.
        Note that weight > 0 is a given scalar that you can modify in the Jupyter notebook. In particular,
        it serves the purpose of weighing more for the samples with bankrupted companies. You may use
        the solver ECOS in JuMP for the SOCP.
        (b) Implement and solve the SOCP problem from Task 2-(b) with the following parameters:
        ℓi = weight · (yi + 1) + 1, R0 = 5, R1 = 2.5, c = 0, Σ = I.
        You may use the solver ECOS in JuMP for the SOCP.
        (c) Implement and solve the MIP problem from Task 2-(c) with the following parameters:
        ℓi = weight · (yi + 1) + 1, R0 = 5, R1 = 10, S = 2, c = 0, Σ = I.
        You may use the solver Juniper in JuMP for the MIP.
        (d) Using the default setting of weight = 1 for the above. Compare the sparsity level of the classifier
        solutions found in part (a), (b), (c) by plotting the values of the classifiers learnt. Comment on
        whether the classifiers found are reasonable.
        Notice that it may take a while to solve the MI-NLP in Task 5-(c) since an MIP problem is quite challenging
        to solve in general (with d = 10, in the worst case, it may have to test 210 options).
        Recalling from Computing Lab 2, the performance of a classifier can be evaluated by the error rate when
        applied on a certain set of data. It can further be specified into false alarm rate and missed detection rate. To
        describe these metrics, note that for a given classifier (w, b), the predicted label is

        (i) =
        +1, if w⊤x
        (i) + b ≥ 0,
        −1, if w⊤x
        (i) + b < 0,
        Now, with the training dataset {x
        , y(i)}
        i=1. Suppose that m− is the number of samples with yi = −1 and
        D− is the corresponding set of samples, m+ is the number of samples with yi = 1 and D+ is the corresponding
        set of samples. The error rates are
        False Alarm (FA) Rate = 1
        ̸= −1), Missed Detection (MD) Rate = 1
        ̸= 1) (1.3)
        Notice that both error rates are between 0 and 1. Sometimes they are called the Type I and Type II errors,
        respectively, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_positives_and_false_negatives.
        As our aim is to design a classifier that makes prediction on whether a future company that is not found in the
        training dataset will go bankrupt, it is necessary to evaluate the error rate on a testing dataset that is unseen
        during the training. Denote the testing dataset with mtest samples as {x
        test, y
        i=1 , the testing error rate
        for a classifier (w, b) can be estimated using similar formulas as in (1.3). Consider the following task:
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 7
        Task 5: Error Performance (10%)
        For our project, the testing dataset is prepared in ftec-groupi-test.csv.
        (a) Write a function fine error rate that evaluates the FA/MD error rates as defined in (1.3).
        (b) Evaluate and compare the error rate performances for the 3 formulations you have found in Task
        4. For each of the formulation, adjust the parameter weight≥ 0 so that it balances between the
        FA and MD rates on the training dataset, e.g., both rates are less than or equal 0.5. (The weight
        parameter can be chosen individually for each classifier formulation, you may try anything from 0.5
        to 2 until you get the desired performance).
        (c) Based on the fine tuned classifiers in part (b), find the top-2 most significant features selected by
        the optimization from the MIP formulation. Then, make a scatter plot (similar to Task 3-(a)) of
        the training dataset for the two selected features. Then, overlay the fine tuned classifiers found
        in part (b) on top of this scatter plot while ignoring other features.
        Remark: Please make the function for evaluating error in (a) general such that it takes dataset of any size
        and features of any dimension. You will have to reuse the same function in Task 6. For part (c), please
        refer to (1.1) how you would define a line on the 2D-plane of the selected attributes, and pay attention to
        the comment provided in the helper code.
        The scatter plot in Task 5-(c) may look like (the selected attributes may vary from student to student):
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 8
        1.2 Competitive Tasks (30%)
        The goal of this competitive task is to implement your solver to the binary classifier problem, without relying
        on JuMP and its optimizers such as ECOS, Juniper, etc. as we have done so in the previous tasks. To motivate, we observe that while optimization packages such as JuMP are convenient to use, they are often limited
        by scalability to large-scale problems when the number of training samples m ≫ 1 and/or the feature is high
        dimensional d ≫ 1. The task would require considerably more advanced coding skills.
        We shall consider the full dataset and utilize all the 64 available attributes to detect bankruptcy. Our
        objectives are to find a classifier with the best training/testing error and the sparsest feature selection.
        Our requirement is that (i) the classifier has to be found using a custom-made iterative algorithm such as
        projected gradient descent for solving an optimization problem of the form:
        fb(w, b) s.t. (w, b) ∈ X, (1.4)
        where (ii) fb(·) shall be built using the provided training dataset and X ⊆ R
        d × R is a convex set.
        You are recommended to consider the logistic loss3 as we have done in Lecture 16 / Computing Lab 2:

        Minimizing the above function leads to a solution (w, b) such that y

        which makes a desired feature for a good classifier. Moreover, as inspired by Task 4, we may take

        Our task is specified as follows.
        Task 6: Customized Solver for Classifier Optimization (30%)
        Using the dataset with the training data from m = 8000 samples in ftec-full-train.csv. Implement
        an iterative algorithm to tackle (1.4). You are required to initialize your algorithm by w0 = 0, b0 = 0.
        Suggestion: As the first attempt, you may consider the projected gradient descent (PGD) method using
        a constant step size with fb(w, b) selected as the logistic function (1.5) and using the projection onto the
        set X in (1.6). See Appendix A for the solution of the projection operator onto this X.
        Assessment You will receive a maximum of 10% for correctly implementing at least one numerical algorithm (e.g., projected gradient), together with
        1. plotting the trajectory of the algorithm is show that the objective value in (1.4) to be decreasing to a
        certain value asymptotically and providing comments on the algorithm(s) implemented,
        2. providing derivations and justifications on why the implemented algorithm is used.
        3Notice that the logistic objective function can be interpreted alternatively as a formulation for the classifier design task with
        the maximum-likelihood (ML) principle from statistics. This is beyond the scope of this project specification.
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 9
        We will also use the F1 score which is a common metric to evaluate the classifier performance:
        F1 =
        2(1 − PMD)
        2(1 − PMD) + PF A + PMD
        See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-score. Moreover, the number of non-zero elements in (w, b) will be
        calculated according to the normalized version of latter, and
        (# non-zero elements in w, b) = 1
        i.e., the magnitude has to be large enough relative to the other elements. For convenience, we have provided
        the functions f1 score, no of nonzeros for you in the project template which can be directly used. The
        remaining 20% of your marks in this task will be calculated according to the following formula:
        Score = 7.5% × exp 
        10 · min{0.75, Your Training F1} − 10 · min{0.75, Highest Training F1}
        + 7.5% × exp 
        10 · min{0.75, Your Testing F1} − 10 · min{0.75, Highest Testing F1}
        + 5% ×
        max{4, Lowest number of non-zero elements in w, b}
        max{4, Your number of non-zero elements in w, b}
        . (1.7)
        The highest F1 are the highest one among the class of FTEC21014
        . Some tips for improving the performance
        of your design can be found in Appendix B.
        If you have tried more than one algorithm and/or more than one type of approximation, algorithm parameters,
        you have to select only one set of classifier parameters (w, b) for consideration of the competition in (1.7).
        Please indicate clearly which solution is selected in your report and include that in the submission of your
        program files. That said, you are encouraged to try more of these different variants and include them in the
        project report. Moreover, observe the following rules:
        • The algorithms you designed are not allowed to directly optimize on the testing set data. In other
        words, your iterative algorithm should not rely on any data in ftec-full-test.csv as you are not
        supposed to see the ‘future company’ data while training a classifier. Your score in (1.7) will be set to
        zero if we detect such ‘cheating’ behavior. However, you can evaluate the test error performance of your
        solution as many time as you like before you find the best setting.
        • Your selected algorithm for the competition must be deterministic and terminates in less than 104
        iterations. In other words, you can not use stochastic algorithms such as stochastic gradient descent
        (SGD) for the competition. That being said, you are encouraged to try such algorithms as an additional
        task which may be counted towards the ‘innovation’ section.
        If you have questions about the rules, please do not hesitate to consult the instructor at htwai@cuhk.edu.hk
        or the TA or ask on Piazza.
        1.3 Report (20%)
        You are required to compile a project report with answers to the questions posed in Task 1 to Task 6. For
        your reference only, you may structure the report according to the order of the tasks:
        4The scores for ESTR2520 students will be calculated by taking the best error performance across both ESTR2520 and
        FTEC2101 students.
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 10
        1. Background and Introduction — In this section, you can briefly introduce the problem, e.g., explaining the goal of classifier design, discussing the role of optimization methods in tackling the problem.
        2. Model and Theory — In this section, you can discuss how the classifier design problem is modeled as
        optimization problems. More specifically,
        – You may begin by discussing the soft-margin formulation (1.2) and then answer Task 1.
        – Next, you can describe the optimization models and then answer Task 2.
        3. Experiments — In this section, you describe the experiments conducted to test your formulation, i.e.,
        – You may first describe the dataset by presenting the results from Task 3. In addition, it is helpful to
        describe a few properties regarding the dataset, e.g., the size of the dataset, the range of the values for
        the different features.
        – Then, you can describe the experiments for each of the 3 formulations with the results from Task 4.
        – Finally, you can compare the formulations by answering Task 5.
        4. Competitive Task — In this section, you describe the custom solver you built to solve the large-scale
        classifier design problem, i.e.,
        – You shall first describe your formulation as laid out in the discussion of Section 1.2.
        – Then, you shall describe the iterative algorithm you have derived in Task 6.
        – Apply the iterative algorithm on the complete training dataset and show the objective value vs. iteration number. Discuss whether the algorithm converges and report on the performance of the designed
        5. Conclusions — In this section, you shall summarize the findings in the project, and discuss various
        aspects that can be improved with the formulation, etc..
        Throughout the report, please feel free to write your answer which involves equations (e.g., Task **2) on a paper
        and scan it to your Word/PDF report as a figure. On the other hand, if you wish to typeset the mathematics
        formulas in your report nicely, you are strongly recommended to use Latex, e.g., http://www.overleaf.com
        (P.S. This project specification, and other lecture materials in this course have all been typesetted in Latex).
        For the latter, a Latex template has been provided on Blackboard.
        For Task 3 to 6, please include all the plots and comments as requested. For Task 6, please indicate the
        Training F1, Testing F1, No. of non-zero elements in w for your selected solution. We will also run your
        code to verify the values reported and take the ones obtained from your code.
        The program code in .ipynb has to be submitted separately. However, you are welcomed to use excerpts from
        the program codes in the report if you find it helpful for explaining your solution concepts.
        Lastly, you are welcomed to use online resources when preparing the project. However, you must give proper
        references for sources that are not your original creation.
        Assessment Here is a breakdown of the assessment metric for the report writing component.
        • (10%) Report Writing: A project report shall be readable to a person with knowledge in optimization
        (e.g., your classmates in FTEC2101/ESTR2520). Make sure that your report is written with clarity, and
        more importantly, using your own language!
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 11
        • (10%) Innovation: You can get innovation marks if you include extra experiments, presentations,
        etc.. that are relevant to the project (with sufficient explanations); see Appendix A for some recommendations.
        1.4 Submission
        This is an individual project. While discussions regarding how to solve the problems is encouraged, students
        should answer the problems on their own (just like your HWs). The deadline of submission is May 10 (Friday),
        2024, 23:59 (HKT). Please submit with the following content to Blackboard:
        • Your Project Report in PDF format.
        • Your Program Codes [either in Jupyter notebook (.ipynb), or Julia code (.jl)].
        In addition, the project report shall be submitted to VeriGuide for plagiarism check.
        A Dataset Description
        Here is the list of all the 64 features collected in the Bankruptcy dataset:
        Attr1 net profit / total assets
        Attr2 total liabilities / total assets
        Attr3 working capital / total assets
        Attr4 current assets / short-term liabilities
        Attr5 [(cash + short-term securities + receivables - short-term liabilities)
        / (operating expenses - depreciation)] * 365
        Attr6 retained earnings / total assets
        Attr7 EBIT / total assets
        Attr8 book value of equity / total liabilities
        Attr9 sales / total assets
        Attr10 equity / total assets
        Attr11 (gross profit + extraordinary items + financial expenses) / total assets
        Attr12 gross profit / short-term liabilities
        Attr13 (gross profit + depreciation) / sales
        Attr14 (gross profit + interest) / total assets
        Attr15 (total liabilities * 365) / (gross profit + depreciation)
        Attr16 (gross profit + depreciation) / total liabilities
        Attr17 total assets / total liabilities
        Attr18 gross profit / total assets
        Attr19 gross profit / sales
        Attr20 (inventory * 365) / sales
        Attr21 sales (n) / sales (n-1)
        Attr22 profit on operating activities / total assets
        Attr23 net profit / sales
        Attr24 gross profit (in 3 years) / total assets
        Attr25 (equity - share capital) / total assets
        Attr26 (net profit + depreciation) / total liabilities
        Attr27 profit on operating activities / financial expenses
        Attr28 working capital / fixed assets
        Attr29 logarithm of total assets
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 12
        Attr30 (total liabilities - cash) / sales
        Attr31 (gross profit + interest) / sales
        Attr** (current liabilities * 365) / cost of products sold
        Attr33 operating expenses / short-term liabilities
        Attr34 operating expenses / total liabilities
        Attr35 profit on sales / total assets
        Attr36 total sales / total assets
        Attr37 (current assets - inventories) / long-term liabilities
        Attr38 constant capital / total assets
        Attr39 profit on sales / sales
        Attr40 (current assets - inventory - receivables) / short-term liabilities
        Attr41 total liabilities / ((profit on operating activities + depreciation) * (12/365))
        Attr42 profit on operating activities / sales
        Attr43 rotation receivables + inventory turnover in days
        Attr44 (receivables * 365) / sales
        Attr45 net profit / inventory
        Attr46 (current assets - inventory) / short-term liabilities
        Attr** (inventory * 365) / cost of products sold
        Attr48 EBITDA (profit on operating activities - depreciation) / total assets
        Attr49 EBITDA (profit on operating activities - depreciation) / sales
        Attr50 current assets / total liabilities
        Attr51 short-term liabilities / total assets
        Attr52 (short-term liabilities * 365) / cost of products sold)
        Attr53 equity / fixed assets
        Attr54 constant capital / fixed assets
        Attr55 working capital
        Attr56 (sales - cost of products sold) / sales
        Attr57 (current assets - inventory - short-term liabilities) / (sales - gross profit - depreciation)
        Attr58 total costs /total sales
        Attr59 long-term liabilities / equity
        Attr60 sales / inventory
        Attr61 sales / receivables
        Attr62 (short-term liabilities *365) / sales
        Attr63 sales / short-term liabilities
        Attr64 sales / fixed assets
        B Additional Information
        Suggestions — The below are only suggestions for improving the performance of your classifier design in
        Task 6. You are more than welcomed to propose and explore new ideas (but still, make sure that they are
        mathematically correct – feel free to ask the instructor/TA if in doubt)!
        • Formulation Aspect – Here are some tricks to tweak the performance of your classifier design in Task 6.
        1. The design of the weights {ℓi}
        i=1 maybe crucial to the performance of your classifier. Like what you did
        in Task 5, try tuning the parameter weight to get better performance.
        2. The value of R1 in (1.6) is crucial to the sparsity of the classifier found.
        3. The logistic regression loss (1.5) is not the only option. Some reasonable/popular options can be found
        in https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs**80/2022sp/notes/LectureNotes14.html.
        • Algorithm Aspect – For Task 6, the recommended algorithm is projected gradient descent (PGD) method,
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 13
        which are described as follows. For solving a general optimization:
        fb(w, b) s.t. (w, b) ∈ X. (1.8)
        With a slight abuse of notation, we denote x ≡ (w, b) and the PGD method can be described as
        PGD Method
        Input: x
        (0) ∈ X, constant step size γ > 0, max. iteration number Kmax.
        For k = 0, ..., Kmax
        (k+1) = ProjX
        (k) − γ∇fb(x
        End For
        The book [Beck, 2017] is a good reference for learning different optimization algorithms.
        When X = {x ∈ R
        i=1 |xi
        | ≤ R} as in (1.6), the projection operator is (see [Duchi et al., 2008])
        1. Input: x ∈ R
        , R > 0.
        2. Calculate the vector u = abs.(x) such that it takes the absolute values of the input x.
        3. Sort elements in u with decreasing magnitude, denote the sorted vector as v, |v1| ≥ · · · ≥ |vd|.
        4. For j = 1, ..., d,
        If vj −
        r=1 vr − R
        ≤ 0, Then set jsv = j − 1 and break the for-loop.
        5. Set θ =
        jsv Pjsv
        r=1 vr − R
        6. Return: the vector xˆ such that ˆxi = sign(xi) max{0, |xi
        | − θ} for i = 1, ..., d.
        Besides, you are more than welcomed to explore the use of other iterative algorithms, e.g., conditional
        gradient, back tracking line search, etc., for solving the optimization at hand.
        Lastly, tips for implementing the MI-NLP, SOCP, etc.. in the compulsory tasks have been included with the
        the template program. Be reminded that it is not necessary to follow all the tips therein.
        C On the Use of Generative AI Tools
        We are following Approach 3 as listed in the University’s Guideline on the matter: https://www.aqs.
        cuhk.edu.hk/documents/A-guide-for-students_use-of-AI-tools.pdf — Use of AI tools is allowed with
        explicit acknowledgement and proper citation. In short, you are allowed to use generative AI tools to assist
        you, provided that you give explicit acknowledgement to the use of such tools, e.g., you may include a
        sentence like:
        The following section has been completed with the aid of ChatGPT.
        Failure to do so will constitute act of academic dishonesty and may result in failure of the course and/or other
        penalties; see https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/. Below we list a number of advices for
        the do’s and don’ts using AI tools:
        • DO’s: You may use AI tools for polishing your writeups, e.g., to correct grammatical mistakes, typos,
        or summarizing long/complicated paragraphs, etc. The results are usually quite robust especially for
        improving the writings from less experienced writers. Of course, you are responsible for the integrity of
        the edited writing, e.g., check if the AI tools have distorted the meaning of your original writeups or not.
        FTEC2101/ESTR2520 Project 14
        • DON’Ts: You should not ask AI tools to solve mathematical questions. Not only this will spoil the
        purpose of learning, AI tools do a notoriously bad job for tasks involving facts and mathematical/logical
        reasoning. Worst still, they tend to produce solutions that sound legit but are completely wrong.
        • DON’Ts: You should not ask AI tools to write the entire project (report) for you. Likewise, AI tools
        are notoriously bad at creating (technical and logical) content. They tend to produce writings that sound
        legit but are completely illogical.
        We believe that when properly used, they can be helpful in improving students’ overall learning experience.
        In fact, you are even encouraged to try them out at your leisure time. Nevertheless, we emphasize again that
        you have to provide explicit acknowledgement in your submission if you have used any generative AI tools
        to assist you in this course.
        A. Beck. First-order methods in optimization. SIAM, 2017.
        J. Duchi, S. Shalev-Shwartz, Y. Singer, and T. Chandra. Efficient projections onto the l **ball for learning in
        high dimensions. In Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning, pages 272–279,

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