
        CSCI 2122代寫、代做C/C++編程語言

        時間:2024-03-28  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

        CSCI 2122 Assignment 4
        Due date: 11:59pm, Friday, March 22, 2024, submitted via git
        The purpose of this assignment is to practice your coding in C, and to reinforce the concepts discussed in
        class on program representation.
        In this assignment1 you will implement a binary translator2 like Rosetta3
        . Your program will translate from
        a simple instruction set (much simpler than x86) to x86 and generate x86 assembly code. The code will
        then be tested by assembling and running it. This assignment is divided into two parts to make it simpler.
        In the first part, you will implement the loader and a simple translator, which translates the simpler instructions. In the second part, you will extend the translator to translate more complex instructions.
        1. Complete Assignment 0 or ensure that the tools you would need to complete it are installed.
        2. Clone your assignment repository:
        where ???? is your CSID. Please see instructions in Assignment 0 and the tutorials on Brightspace if
        you are not sure how.
        Inside the repository there is one directory: xtra, where code is to be written. Inside the directory is a
        tests directory that contains tests that will be executed each time you submit your code. Please do not
        modify the tests directory or the .gitlab-ci.yml file that is found in the root directory. Modifying
        these files may break the tests. These files will be replaced with originals when the assignments are
        graded. You are provided with sample Makefile files that can be used to build your program. If you
        are using CLion, a Makefile will be generated from the CMakeLists.txt file generated by CLion.
        For this assignment you will translate a binary in a simplified RISC-based 16-bit instruction set to x86-64
        assembly. Specifically, the X instruction set comprises a small number (approximately 30) instructions,
        most of which are two bytes (one word) in size.
        The X Architecture has a 16-bit word-size and 16 general purpose 16-bit registers (r0 . . . r15 ). Nearly all
        instructions operate on 16-bit chunks of data. Thus, all values and addresses are 16 bits in size. All 16-bit
        values are also encoded in big-endian format, meaning that the most-significant byte comes first.
        Apart from the 16 general purpose registers, the architecture has two special 16-bit registers: a program
        counter (PC), which stores the address of the next instruction that will be executed, and the status (F),
        which stores bit-flags representing the CPU state. The least significant bit of the status register (F) is the
        condition flag, which represents the truth value of the last logical test operation. The bit is set to true if
        the condition was true, and to false otherwise.
        1 The idea for this assignment came indirectly from Kyle Smith.
        2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_translation
        3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_(software)
        Additionally, the CPU uses the last general-purpose register, r15, to store the pointer to the program stack.
        This register is incremented by two when an item is popped off the stack and decremented by two when
        an item is pushed on the stack. The program stack is used to store temporary values, arguments to a
        function, and the return address of a function call.
        The X Instruction Set
        The instruction set comprises approximately 30 instructions that perform arithmetic and logic, data movement, stack manipulation, and flow control. Most instructions take registers as their operands and store
        the result of the operation in a register. However, some instructions also take immediate values as operands. Thus, there are four classes of instructions: 0-operand instructions, **operand instructions, 2-operand instructions, and extended instructions, which take two words (4 bytes) instead of one word.
        All but the extended instructions are encoded as a single word (16 bits). The extended instructions are
        also one word but are followed by an additional one-word operand. Thus, if the instruction is an extended
        instruction, the PC needs an additional increment of 2 during the instruction’s execution. As mentioned
        previously, most instructions are encoded as a single word. The most significant two bits of the word
        indicates whether the instruction is a 0-operand instruction (00), a **operand instruction (01), a 2-operand
        instruction (10), or an extended instruction (11). For a 0-operand instruction encoding, the two most significant bits are 00 and the next six bits represent the instruction identifier. The
        second byte of the instruction is 0.
        For a **operand instruction encoding, the two most significant bits are 01,
        the next bit indicates whether the operand is an immediate or a register,
        and the next five bits represent the instruction identifier. If the third most
        significant bit is 0, then the four most significant bits of the second byte
        encode the register that is to be operated on (0… 15). Otherwise, if the third most significant bit is 1, then
        the second byte encodes the immediate value.
        For a 2-operand instruction encoding, the two most significant bits are 10, and
        the next six bits represent the instruction identifier. The second byte encodes
        the two register operands in two four-bit chunks. Each of the 4-bit chunks identifies a register (r0 … r15).
        For an extended instruction encoding, the two most significant bits are
        11, the next bit indicates whether a second register operand is used, and
        the next five bits represent the instruction identifier. If the third most
        significant bit is 0, then the instruction only uses the one-word immediate operand that follows the instruction. Otherwise, if the third most significant bit is 1, then the four
        most significant bits of the second byte encode a register (1 … 15) that is the second operand.
        The instruction set is described in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each description includes the mnemonic (and
        syntax), the encoding of the instruction, the instruction’s description, and function. For example, the add,
        loadi, and push instructions have the following descriptions:
        Mnemonic Encoding Description Function
        add rS, rD 10000001 S D Add register rS to register rD. rD ← rD + rS
        loadi V, rD 11100001 D 0 Load immediate value or address V into
        register rD.
        rD ← memory[PC]
        PC ← PC + 2
        push rS 01000011 S 0 Push register rS onto program stack. r15 ← r15 - 2
        memory[r15 ] ← rS
        First, observe that the add instruction takes two register operands and adds the first register to the second. All 2-operand instructions operate only on registers and the second register is both a source and
        destination, while the first is the source. It is a 2-operand instruction; hence the first two bits are 10, its
        instruction identifier is 000001 hence the first byte of the instruction is 0x81.
        Second, the loadi instruction is an extended instruction that takes a 16-bit immediate and stores it in a
        register. Hence, the first two bits are 11, the register bit is set to 1, and the instruction identifier is 00001.
        Hence, the first byte is encoded as 0xE1.
        Third, the push instruction is a **operand instruction, taking a single register operand. Hence, the first
        two bits are 01, the immediate bit is 0, and the instruction identifier is 00011. Hence, the first byte is
        encoded as 0x43.
        Note that S and D are 4-bit vectors representing S and D.
        Table 1: 0-Operand Instructions
        Mnemonic Encoding Description Function
        ret 00000001 0 Return from a procedure call. P C ← memory[r15 ]
        r15 ← r15 + 2
        cld 00000010 0 Stop debug mode See Debug Mode below.
        std 00000011 S 0 Start debug mode See Debug Mode below.
        Table 1: **Operand Instructions
        Mnemonic Encoding Description Function
        neg rD 01000001 D 0 Negate register rD . rD ← −rD
        not rD 01000010 D 0 Logically negate register rD . rD ←!rD
        inc rD 01001000 D 0 Increment rD . rD ← rD + 1
        dec rD 01001001 D 0 Decrement rD . rD ← rD – 1
        push rS 01000011 S 0 Push register rS onto the pro- gram stack. r15 ← r15 – 2
        memory[r15] ← rS
        pop rD 01000100 D 0 Pop value from stack into register rD. rD ← memory[r15 ]
        r15 ← r15 + 2
        out rS 01000111 S 0 Output character in rS to std- out. output ← rS (see below)
        br L 01100001 L Branch relative to label L if condition bit is
        if F & 0x0001 == 0x001:
         PC ← PC + L – 2
        jr L 01100010 L Jump relative to label L. PC ← PC + L – 2
        Table 3: 2-Operand Instructions
        Mnemonic Encoding Description Function
        add rS , rD 10000001 S D Add register rS to register rD . rD ← rD + rS
        sub rS , rD 10000010 S D Subtract register rS from register rD. rD ← rD - rS
        mul rS , rD 10000011 S D Multiply register rD by register rS. rD ← rD * rS
        and rS , rD 10000101 S D And register rS with register rD . rD ← rD & rS
        or rS , rD 10000110 S D Or register rS with register rD . rD ← rD | rS
        xor rS , rD 10000111 S D Xor register rS with register rD . rD ← rD ^ rS
        test rS1, rS2 10001010 S D Set condition flag to true if and only if
        rS1 ∧ rS2 is not 0.
        if rS1 & rS2 != 0:
         F ← F | 0x0001
         F ← F & 0xFFFE
        cmp rS1, rS2 10001011 S D Set condition flag to true if and only If
        rS1 < rS2.
        if rS1 < rS2:
         F ← F | 0x0001
         F ← F & 0xFFFE
        equ rS1, rS2 10001100 S D Set condition flag to true if and only if
        rS1 == rS2.
        if rS1 == rS2:
         F ← F | 0x0001
         F ← F & 0xFFFE
        mov rS , rD 10001101 S D Copy register rS to register rD . rD ← rS
        load rS , rD 10001110 S D Load word into register rD from memory
        pointed to by register rS.
        rD ← memory[rS]
        stor rS , rD 10001111 S D Store word from register rS to memory at
        address in register rD.
        memory[rD] ← rS
        loadb rS , rD 10010000 S D Load byte into register rD from memory
        pointed to by register rS.
        rD ← (byte)memory[rS]
        storb rS , rD 10010001 S D Store byte from register rS to memory at
        address in register rD.
        (byte)memory[rD] ← rS
        Table 3: Extended Instructions
        Mnemonic Encoding Description Function
        jmp L 11000001 0 Absolute jump to label L. PC ← memory[PC]
        call L 11000010 0 Absolute call to label L.. r15 ← r15 – 2
        memory[r15] ← PC + 2
        PC ← memory[PC]
        loadi V, rD 11100001 D 0 Load immediate value or address V into
        register rD.
        rD ← memory[PC]
        PC ← PC + 2
        Note that in the case of extended instructions, the label L or value V are encoded as a single word (16-bit
        value) following the word containing the instruction. The 0 in the encodings above represents a 4-bit 0
        An assembler is provided for you to use (if needed). Please see the manual at the end of the assignment.
        The Xtra Translation Specification (IMPORTANT)
        The binary translation is conducted in the following manner. The translator
        1. Opens the specified file containing the X binary code.
        2. Outputs a prologue (see below), which will be the same for all translations.
        3. It then enters a loop that
        a. Reads the next instruction from the binary
        b. Decodes the instruction, and
        c. Outputs the corresponding x86 assembly instruction(s). If the instruction is an extended,
        an additional two bytes will need to be read.
        d. The loop exits when the instruction composed of two 0 bytes is read.
        4. Outputs an epilogue.
        The translator first outputs a simple prologue that is the same
        for all translations. The prologue is shown on the right.
        After the translator finishes translating, it outputs a simple epilogue that is the same for all translations. The epilogue is
        shown on the right.
        Each X instruction will need to be translated into
        the corresponding instruction or instructions in
        x86-64 assembly. See table on right for examples.
        Most instructions will have a direct corresponding
        instruction in x86 assembly so the translation will
        be easy. Some instructions, like the equ, test, and cmp, instructions
        may require multiple x86 instructions for a single X instruction.
        Note: The translator will need to perform a register mapping.
        Register Mapping
        The X architecture has 16 general and the F status register. In x86-64
        there are also 16 general purpose registers. The register mapping on
        the right must be used when translating from X to x86-64. Note that
        for this exercise register r13 will not be used by the X executables. Instead of r13 (X) being mapped to r15 (x86), the F register (X) is mapped
        to register r15 (x86). Note: for this assignment, It is ok to map 16-bit
        registers to 64-bit registers.
        Debug mode STD and CLD
        The std and cld X instructions enable and disable debug mode on
        the X architecture. However, debug mode does not exist in x86-64.
        Instead, when a std instruction is encountered, the translator should
        set an internal debug flag in the translator and, clear the debug flag
        when it encounters the cld instruction.
        When the debug flag is true, the translator should output the assembly
        code on the right before translating each X instruction.
        Output and the OUT Instruction (For Task 2)
        On the X architecture, the out rN instruction outputs to the screen the character stored in register rN.
        However, no such instruction exists in x86-64. Instead, the out instruction is translated to a call to the
        function outchar(char c), which performs this function. Recall that the first argument is passed in
        register %rdi. Consequently, the corresponding translation code will need to save the current value of
        %rdi on the stack, move the byte to be printed into %rdi, call outchar, and restore %rdi.
        Your task will be to implement the Xtra binary translator which is used to translate into x86 assembly
        programs assembled with the X assembler.
        .globl test
         push %rbp
         mov %rsp, %rbp
         pop %rbp
        X Instruction Output x86 Assembly
        mov r0, r1 mov %rax, %rdi
        loadi 42, r0 mov $42, %rax
        push r0 push %rax
        add r0, r1 add %rax, %rdi
        X Registers x86 Registers
        r0 %rax
        r1 %rbx
        r2 %rcx
        r3 %rdx
        r4 %rsi
        r5 %rdi
        r6 %r8
        r7 %r9
        r8 %r10
        r9 %r11
        r10 %r12
        r11 %r13
        r12 %r14
        F %r15
        r14 %rbp
        r15 %rsp
         call debug
        Task 1: Implement the Simple Xtra
        Your first task is to implement a simple version of the translator that works for the simple instructions.
        The source file main.c should contain the main() function. The translator should:
        1. Take one (1) argument on the command line: The argument is the object/executable file of the
        program to translate. For example, the invocation
        ./xtra hello.xo
        instructs the translator to translate the program hello.xo into x86-64 assembly.
        2. Open for reading the file specified on the command-line.
        3. Output (to stdout) the prologue.
        4. In a loop,
        a. Read in instruction.
        b. If the instruction is 0x00 0x00, break out of the loop.
        c. Translate the instruction and output (to stdout) the x86-64 assembly.
        5. Output (to stdout) the epilogue.
        The input to the program is via the command line. The program takes one argument, the name of the file
        containing the assembled X code.
        All input shall be correct. All program files shall be at most 65536 bytes (64KB). The translator must be
        able to translate all instructions except:
        Instruction Description
        ret Return from a procedure call.
        br L Branch relative to label L if condition bit is true.
        jr L Jump relative to label L.
        jmp L Absolute jump to label L.
        call L Absolute call to label L.
        load rS , rD Load word into register rD from memory pointed to by register rS.
        stor rS , rD Store word from register rS to memory at address in register rD.
        loadb rS , rD Load byte into register rD from memory pointed to by register rS.
        storb rS , rD Store byte from register rS to memory at address in register rD.
        out rS Output character in rS to stdout.
        Recommendation: While no error checking is required, it may be helpful to still do error checking, e.g.,
        make sure files are properly opened because it will help with debugging as well.
        Output should be to stdout. The output is the translated assembly code. The format should ATT style
        assembly. The exact formatting of the assembly is up to you, but the assembly code will be passed through
        the standard assembler (as) on timberlea. See next section for how to test your code. (See example)
        To test your translator, the test scripts will assembler, link, and run the translated code! J A runit.sh
        script is provided. The script takes an X assembly file as an argument:
        ./runit.sh foo.xas
        The script:
        1. Assembles the .xas file with the provided (xas) to create a .xo file.
        2. Runs xtra on the .xo file, to create a corresponding x86 .s assembly file.
        3. Assembles, compiles, and links the generated assembly file with some runner code, creating an
        executable. The runner is composed of runner.c, regsdump.s, and the translated .s file.
        Please DO NOT delete the first two files.
        4. Runs the executable.
        This script is used by the test scripts and is also useful for you to test your code.
        Most of the tests use the std instruction to turn on debugging and output the state of the registers after
        each instruction is executed. For most of the tests the output being compared are the register values.
        Original X assembly code Translated x86 code
         loadi 2, r0
         loadi 3, r1
         loadi 4, r2
         loadi 5, r3
         loadi 7, r5
         std # turn debugging on
         add r2, r3
         mul r2, r1
         cld # turn debugging off
         neg r0
         inc r5
        .literal 0
        .globl test
         push %rbp
         mov %rsp, %rbp
         mov $2, %rax
         mov $3, %rbx
         mov $4, %rcx
         mov $5, %rdx
         mov $7, %rdi
         call debug
         add %rcx, %rdx
         call debug
         imul %rcx, %rbx
         call debug
         neg %rax
         inc %rdi
         pop %rbp
        Task 2: The Full Translator
        Your second task is to extend xtra to translate the instructions exempted in Task 1. Implement translation for the following instructions.
        Instruction Description
        ret Return from a procedure call.
        br L Branch relative to label L if condition bit is true.
        jr L Jump relative to label L.
        jmp L Absolute jump to label L.
        call L Absolute call to label L.
        load rS , rD Load word into register rD from memory pointed to by register rS.
        stor rS , rD Store word from register rS to memory at address in register rD.
        loadb rS , rD Load byte into register rD from memory pointed to by register rS.
        storb rS , rD Store byte from register rS to memory at address in register rD.
        out rS Output character in rS to stdout.
        The input is the same as Task 1.
        The processing is the same as for Task 1. The challenge is that translation is a bit more challenging.
        First, for many of the additional instructions you will need to emit more than one assembly instruction.
        This is particularly true for the conditional branching and output instructions.
        Second, for the branching instructions you will need to compute the labels where to branch to. The easy
        solution is to create a label for each instruction being translated. The label should encode the address in
        the name. For example, L1234 would be the label for the X instruction at address 1234. By doing this,
        you will not need to keep a list or database of labels.
        Third, the addresses used by the load and store are full 64-bit values.
        The output is the same as Task 1.
        Original X assembly code Translated x86 code
         loadi 1, r0
         jmp j1
         loadi 3, r0
         jmp j3
         loadi 2, r0
         jmp j2
         std # turn debugging on
         loadi 4, r0
        .literal 0
        .globl test
         push %rbp
         mov %rsp, %rbp
         mov $1, %rax
         jmp .L0010
         mov $3, %rax
         jmp .L0018
         mov $2, %rax
         jmp .L0008
         call debug
         mov $4, %rax
         call debug
         pop %rbp
        Hints and Suggestions • Use the unsigned short type for all registers and indices.
        • Use two files: one the main program and one for the translator loop.
        • Start early, this is the hardest assignment of the term and there is a lot to digest in the assignment
        Assignment Submission
        Submission and testing are done using Git, Gitlab, and Gitlab CI/CD. You can submit as many times as you
        wish, up to the deadline. Every time a submission occurs, functional tests are executed, and you can view
        the results of the tests. To submit use the same procedure as Assignment 0.
        If your program does not compile, it is considered non-functional and of extremely poor quality, meaning you will receive 0 for the solution.
        The assignment will be graded based on three criteria:
        Functionality: “Does it work according to specifications?”. This is determined in an automated fashion by
        running your program on several inputs and ensuring that the outputs match the expected outputs. The
        score is determined based on the number of tests that your program passes. So, if your program passes
        t/T tests, you will receive that proportion of the marks.
        Quality of Solution: “Is it a good solution?” This considers whether the approach and algorithm in your
        solution is correct. This is determined by visual inspection of the code. It is possible to get a good grade
        on this part even if you have bugs that cause your code to fail some of the tests.
        Code Clarity: “Is it well written?” This considers whether the solution is properly formatted, well documented, and follows coding style guidelines. A single overall mark will be assigned for clarity. Please see
        the Style Guide in the Assignment section of the course in Brightspace.
        The following grading scheme will be used:
        Task 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%
        (20 marks) Equal to the number of tests passed.
        Solution Quality
        Task 1
        (15 marks)
        correctly. Code
        is robust.
        Implemented correctly. Code is not
        Some minor bugs. Major flaws in
        An attempt
        has been
        No code submitted or
        does not compile
        Solution Quality
        Task 2
        (5 marks)
        correctly. Code
        is robust.
        Implemented correctly. Code is not
        Some minor bugs. Major flaws in
        An attempt
        has been
        Code Clarity
        (10 marks)
        Indentation, formatting, naming,
        Code looks professional and follows all style
        Code looks good
        and mostly follows style guidelines.
        Code is mostly
        readable and
        mostly follows
        some of the style
        Code is hard to
        read and follows few of the
        style guidelines
        Code is not
        Assignment Testing without Submission
        Testing via submission can take some time, especially if the server is loaded. You can run the tests without
        submitting your code by using the provided runtests.sh script. Running the script with no arguments
        will run all the tests. Running the script with the test number, i.e., 00, 01, 02, 03, … 09, will run that specific
        test. Please see below for how run the script.
        Get your program ready to run
        If you are developing directly on the unix server,
        1. SSH into the remote server and be sure you are in the xtra directory.
        2. Be sure the program is compiled by running make.
        If you are using CLion
        1. Run your program on the remote server as described in the CLion tutorials.
        2. Open a remote host terminal via Tools → Open Remote Host Terminal
        If you are using VSCode
        1. Run your program on the remote server as described in VSCode tutorials.
        2. Click on the Terminal pane in the bottom half of the window or via Terminal → New Terminal
        Run the script
        3. Run the script in the terminal by using the command:
        to run all the tests, or specify the test number to run a specific test, e.g. :
        ./runtest.sh 07
        You will see the test run in the terminal window.
        The X Assembler (xas)
        An assembler (xas) is provided to allow you to write and compile programs for the X Architecture. To
        make the assembler, simply run “make xas” in the xtra directory. To run the assembler, specify the
        assembly and executable file on the command-line. For example,
        ./xas example.xas example.xo
        Assembles the X assembly file example.xas into an X executable example.xo.
        The format of the assembly files is simple.
        1. Anything to the right of a #    mark, including the #, is considered a comment and ignored.
        2. Blank lines are ignored.
        3. Each line in the assembly file that is not blank must contains a directive, a label and/or an instruction. If the line contains both a label and an instruction, the label must come first.
        4. A label is of the form
        where identifier    consists of any sequence of letters (A-Za-z), digits (0-9), or underscores ( ) as long
        the first character is not a digit. A colon (:) must terminate the label. A label represents the corresponding location in the program and may be used to jump to that location in the code.
        5. An instruction consists of a mnemonic, such as add, loadi, push, etc., followed by zero or more
        operands. The operand must be separated from the mnemonic by one or more white spaces.
        Multiple operands are separated by a comma.
        6. If an operand is a register, then it must be in the form r#    where # ranges between 0 and 15 inclusively. E.g., r13.
        7. If the instruction is an immediate, then the argument may either be a label, or an integer. Note:
        labels are case-sensitive. If a label is specified, no colon should follow the label.
        8. Directives instruct the assembler to perform a specific function or behave in a specific manner.
        All directives begin with a period and are followed by a keyword. There are three directives: .literal, .words    and .glob, each of which takes an operand.
        (a) The .literal directive encodes a null terminated string or an integer at the present
        location in the program. E.g.,
        .literal "Hello World!"
        .literal 42
        encodes a nil-terminated string followed by a 16-bit (1 word) value representing the decimal value 42. In this example, there are labels preceding each of the encodings so that it
        is easy to access these literals. That is, the label mystring represents the address (relative to the start of the program) where the string is encoded, and the label myvalue
        represents the address (relative to the start of the program) of the value. This is used in
        the hello.xas example.
        (b) The .words directive sets aside a specified number of words of memory at    the    present    
        location    in    the    program. E.g.,
        .words 6
        allocates 6 words of memory at the present point in the program. This space is not initialized to any specific value. Just as before, the label preceding the directive represents the
        address of the first word, relative to the start of the program. This is used in xrt0.xas    to
        set aside space for the program stack.
        (c) The .glob directive exports the specified symbol (label) if it is defined in the file and
        imports the specified symbol (label) if it is used but not defined in the file. E.g.,
        .glob foo
        .glob bar
        loadi bar, r0
         .literal "Hello World!"
        declares two symbols (labels) foo    and    bar.    Symbol    foo    is    declared    in    this    file,    so    it    will    
        be    exported    (can    be    accessed)    in    other    files.    The    latter    symbol,    bar,    is    used    but    not    
        defined.    When    this    file    is    linked,    the    linker    looks    for    the    symbol    (label)    definition    in    
        other    files    makes    all    references    to    the    symbol    refer    to    where    it    is    defined.    
        Note: it is recommended that you place literals and all space allocations at the end of your program, so
        that they will not interfere with program itself. If you do place literals in the middle of your program, you
        will need to ensure that your code jumps around these allocations.
        There are several example assembly files provided (ending in .xas). You can assemble them by invoking
        the assembler, for example:
        ./xas example.xas example.xo
        This invocation will cause the assembler to read in the file example.xas and generate an output
        file example.xo. Feel free to look at the code for the assembler. 
        請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codehelp 


      1. 上一篇:COMP2045代做、C++編程設計代寫
      2. 下一篇:代寫CPSC 217、代做python編程設計
      3. 無相關信息

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