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        UFUG2601 - C++ Programming
        Course Project
        Oct. 2024
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        11 Project Overview
        In computer science, a “database” is an organized collection of data that allows for easy access,
        management, and updating. It’s essentially a storage system where you can keep large amounts of
        information, such as student records, product inventories, or customer information. The most
        popular type of databases is relational, where the data is organized as tables.
        Your Task. In this project, you will implement a mini-database management system (i.e.,
        miniDB) that supports creating tables, updating records, querying tables, and more. Your system
        should be able to process commands in our simpliffed version of SQL (i.e., miniSQL) and
        output the query results.
        What is SQL? SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for managing and
        manipulating relational databases, enabling users to create, read, update, and delete data, as well
        as deffne and modify database structures. Here, you’ll work with a simpliffed version of SQL
        designed speciffcally for our miniDB.
        How a table in our miniDB looks like? Table 1 shows a table used in our mini database.
        Each row is a “record,” and each column is a “ffeld.” Your database needs to manage multiple
        Table 1: A table showing student information
        ID Name GPA Major
        1000 Jay Chou 3.0 Microelectronics
        1001 Taylor Swift 3.2 Data Science
        1002 Bob Dylan 3.5 Financial Technology
        Usage of minidb Compile your program into a single executable named minidb, which accepts
        two command-line arguments: the ffrst is the input SQL ffle, and the second is the output ffle.
        The basic usage format of the program is as follows:
        ./minidb input.sql output.txt
        2 Syntax of miniSQL
        2.1 Create Database and Use Database
        A database contains multiple tables. Before operating on speciffc table, the user has to specify
        the database they want to use.
        Your mini-database system will support basic database management with “CREATE
        DATABASE” and “USE DATABASE” commands.
        Page 2Create Database The user can create a database using the following syntax:
        CREATE DATABASE database_name;
        Your minidb should be able to create a database. Before exiting minidb, your program should
        store all the current table content in files to disks.
        Before doing anything regarding to the tables (query, update, delete, etc.), the user must specifiy
        which database they want to operate on. This step is done by “USE DATABASE” statement:
        Use Database The “USE DATABASE” command is used to switch to a specific database, so
        any subsequent commands (like creating tables, inserting data, or querying) will apply to the
        selected database.
        USE DATABASE database_name;
        2.2 Create Tables
        In this project, minidb will support a simplified CREATE TABLE command with three data types:
        FLOAT, TEXT, and INTEGER. This command allows users to define a table by specifying its name
        and columns. Each column must have a unique name and one of the three supported data types.
        CREATE TABLE table_name (
        column1_name column1_type,
        column2_name column2_type,
        column3_name column3_type,
        This example creates a table named table name with three columns: column1 name, which holds
        floating-point numbers; column2 name, which holds text values; and column3 name, which holds
        integer values.
        Examples if the user wants to create a table the same as Table 1, the user needs to input the
        following create table command:
        CREATE TABLE student (
        ID INTEGER,
        Name TEXT,
        GPA FLOAT,
        Major TEXT
        2.3 Drop Tables
        In this project, minidb will also support a simplified DROP TABLE command, which allows users to
        delete a table and all its associated data from the database. Once a table is dropped, all data in
        that table is permanently removed, and any queries referencing the deleted table will fail. This
        command is useful for freeing up database space or removing outdated or unneeded tables.
        Page 3Syntax
        DROP TABLE table_name;
        This example removes the table named table name from the database, along with all data stored
        within it.
        Examples If the user wants to delete a table named student, the user would input the
        following DROP TABLE command:
        DROP TABLE student;
        This command permanently removes the student table and all its data, ensuring it can no longer
        be accessed or queried in minidb.
        2.4 Data Insertion
        After creating a table with the CREATE TABLE command, you can insert a record into it using the
        INSERT INTO command. This command specifies the table name, followed by a list of column
        values in the same order as they were defined in the table schema.
        INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2, ...);
        Examples To insert the data shown in the student table created above, you would use:
        INSERT INTO student VALUES (1000, ’Jay Chou’, 3.0, ’Microelectronics’);
        INSERT INTO student VALUES (1001, ’Taylor Swift’, 3.2, ’Data Science’);
        INSERT INTO student VALUES (1002, ’Bob Dylan’, 3.5, ’Financial Technology’);
        Each INSERT INTO command adds one row of data to the table, with values corresponding to the
        columns defined in CREATE TABLE.
        2.5 Data Query: Basics
        Suppose you have a student table with the following columns and data:
        ID Name GPA Major
        1000 Jay Chou 3.0 Microelectronics
        1001 Taylor Swift 3.2 Data Science
        1002 Bob Dylan 3.5 Financial Technology
        SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name;
        Page 4Examples Suppose you have the student table like Table 1.
        1. Selecting Specific Columns: If you want to retrieve only the Name and GPA columns of all
        students, you would use:
        SELECT Name, GPA FROM student;
        Name GPA
        Jay Chou 3.0
        Taylor Swift 3.2
        Bob Dylan 3.5
        2. Selecting All Columns: To retrieve all columns in the table, you can use the * symbol:
        SELECT * FROM student;
        ID Name GPA Major
        1000 Jay Chou 3.0 Microelectronics
        1001 Taylor Swift 3.2 Data Science
        1002 Bob Dylan 3.5 Financial Technology
        This simple selection retrieves rows from the student table based on the specified columns,
        showing just the data you need.
        Any order of the rows is acceptable. (Records can be printed in any order. )
        2.6 Data Query: “Where” Clause
        The WHERE clause in minidb allows you to filter records based on specific conditions, using basic
        comparison operators and logical connectors. “WHERE” clause is used in SELECT,
        UPDATE and DELETE. In this simplified version, the WHERE clause supports only the
        following conditions:
        • Comparisons: column > value, column < value, column = value, and column != value
        • Logical Connectors: AND and OR to combine multiple conditions
        Syntax for WHERE WHERE clause should be like X1 [op X2], where “op” could be “AND” or
        “OR”. The square brackets ([]) mean optional.
        X1, X2 terms are expressions in the form of A compareOp B, where A or B could be either a const
        or a column name. compareOp could be “=”, “!=”, “>”, “<”.
        For example, where clause could be in the following two forms:
        Page 5SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name
        WHERE column3 != 5 AND column1 > 3.0;
        SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name
        WHERE column3 != 5;
        Examples Suppose you have the student table:
        ID Name GPA Major
        1000 Jay Chou 3.0 Microelectronics
        1001 Taylor Swift 3.2 Data Science
        1002 Bob Dylan 3.5 Financial Technology
        1. Single Condition: To retrieve names of students with a GPA greater than 3.0, you would use:
        SELECT Name FROM student WHERE GPA > 3.0;
        Taylor Swift
        Bob Dylan
        2. Multiple Conditions with AND: To find students with a GPA greater than 3.0 who are also
        majoring in Data Science, use:
        SELECT Name FROM student WHERE GPA > 3.0 AND Major = ’Data Science’;
        Taylor Swift
        3. Multiple Conditions with OR: To retrieve students with a GPA less than 3.1 or majoring in
        Financial Technology, use:
        SELECT Name FROM student WHERE GPA < 3.1 OR Major = ’Financial Technology’;
        By using WHERE with supported comparison operators and logical connectors, you can retrieve
        data based on specific conditions, making your queries both flexible and efficient.
        Page 6Name
        Jay Chou
        Bob Dylan
        2.7 Data Query: “Inner Join” Clause
        An INNER JOIN connects records from two tables based on a specified condition. When we INNER
        JOIN Table A’s X column with Table B’s Y column, each record in Table A is matched with a
        record in Table B if the value in Table A’s X column is equal to the value in Table B’s Y column.
        Only pairs of records that meet this condition are included in the result, forming a combined view
        of related data from both tables.
        In other words, the INNER JOIN condition effectively links records from Table A and Table B
        wherever there is a match between Table A’s X and Table B’s Y.
        SELECT table1.column1, table2.column1
        FROM table1
        INNER JOIN table2
        ON table1.X = table2.Y;
        The INNER JOIN clause connects records from two tables based on a matching condition between
        columns. When we use INNER JOIN on Table A’s X column and Table B’s Y column, each record
        in Table A is paired with records in Table B where values in X and Y are equal. Only records that
        satisfy this condition are included in the result, which provides a combined view of related data
        from both tables.
        When using INNER JOIN to combine data from multiple tables, it’s essential to specify which table
        each column belongs to by using the table name followed by a dot, and then the column name.
        This is called a fully qualified column name and helps avoid ambiguity, especially when both
        tables have columns with the same name.
        For example, if both student and course enrollment tables have a column named StudentID,
        using student.StudentID and course enrollment.StudentID makes it clear which table each
        column comes from.
        Examples Suppose you have two tables, student and course enrollment, as follows:
        To retrieve each student’s name along with the courses they are enrolled in, we can INNER JOIN
        the student and course enrollment tables on the StudentID column:
        SELECT student.Name, course_enrollment.Course
        FROM student
        INNER JOIN course_enrollment ON student.StudentID = course_enrollment.StudentID;
        Page 7StudentID Name
        1 Jay Chou
        2 Taylor Swift
        3 Bob Dylan
        4 Omnipotent Youth Society
        Table 2: student table
        StudentID Course
        1 Microelectronics
        2 Data Science
        2 Machine Learning
        3 Financial Technology
        4 Mathematics
        Table 3: course enrollment table
        In this example, the result includes every matched pair where StudentID values are equal in both
        tables, showing each student’s name alongside their enrolled courses.
        With INNER JOIN, each match between student and course enrollment based on StudentID
        results in a row in the final output, showing how INNER JOIN combines related data across tables.
        2.8 Data Update
        The UPDATE command in SQL is used to modify existing records in a table. In minidb, the
        UPDATE command allows you to change values in specific columns based on a condition specified
        with the WHERE clause. This helps ensure that only certain rows are updated, rather than
        modifying every row in the table.
        Syntax for UPDATE The general syntax for using UPDATE is as follows:
        UPDATE table_name
        SET column1 = new_value1, column2 = new_value2, ...
        WHERE condition;
        • table name: The name of the table where records will be updated.
        • SET: Specifies the columns to update and their new values.
        • WHERE: (Optional) Specifies a condition to determine which rows to update. Without
        WHERE, all rows in the table will be updated.
        Examples Suppose you have a student table:
        1. Updating a Specific Row: If you want to update Jay Chou’s GPA to 3.6, you can specify a
        WHERE condition to target only his record:
        Page 8Name Course
        Jay Chou Microelectronics
        Taylor Swift Data Science
        Taylor Swift Machine Learning
        Bob Dylan Financial Technology
        Omnipotent Youth Society Mathematics
        ID Name GPA
        1000 Jay Chou 3.0
        1001 Taylor Swift 3.2
        1002 Bob Dylan 3.5
        Table 4: student table
        UPDATE student
        SET GPA = 3.6
        WHERE Name = ’Jay Chou’;
        ID Name GPA
        1000 Jay Chou 3.6
        1001 Taylor Swift 3.2
        1002 Bob Dylan 3.5
        2. Updating Multiple Rows: To increase the GPA of all students with a GPA less than 3.5 by
        0.1, use the following command:
        UPDATE student
        SET GPA = GPA + 0.1
        WHERE GPA < 3.5;
        In this example, only records meeting the WHERE condition are updated, which makes the UPDATE
        command powerful for targeted changes. Without a WHERE clause, all rows in the table would be
        updated with the new values specified.
        All the terms in a condition should have the same type. For example, if name column is
        specified as TEXT, it is invalid to compare it with a FLOAT constant.
        2.9 Data Deletion
        The DELETE command in SQL is used to remove records from a table. Similar to UPDATE, the
        DELETE command can use the WHERE clause to specify conditions, allowing you to delete only
        certain rows rather than all rows in the table.
        Page 9ID Name GPA
        1000 Jay Chou 3.6
        1001 Taylor Swift 3.3
        1002 Bob Dylan 3.5
        Syntax for DELETE The general syntax for using DELETE is as follows:
        DELETE FROM table_name
        WHERE condition;
        • table name: The name of the table from which records will be deleted.
        • WHERE: (Optional) Specifies a condition to determine which rows to delete. Without WHERE,
        all rows in the table will be deleted.
        Example of DELETE with WHERE Suppose you want to delete records of students with a GPA
        less than 3.0 in a student table:
        DELETE FROM student
        WHERE GPA < 3.0;
        Only rows meeting the WHERE condition will be deleted. Without a WHERE clause, all rows in the
        student table would be removed.
        3 Format of the Output
        Each query (SELECT statement) result will be printed in a CSV format with the following rules:
        1. Output Format: Each result is printed in CSV format, where fields are separated by commas.
        2. Header Row: The first row of the output will contain the column names, also separated by
        commas. 3. Text Fields: Text fields are enclosed in single quotes (’’). There will be no text
        fields containing quotes (’) in the data, so there’s no need to escape inputs.
        4. Numeric Fields:
        • Integer fields are printed as-is.
        • Float fields are printed with exactly two decimal places, rounded if necessary.
        minidb executes the following SELECT query:
        SELECT ID, Name, GPA FROM student;
        and returns the following data:
        The output in CSV format would be:
        1000,’Jay Chou’,3.00
        1001,’Taylor Swift’,3.20
        1002,’Bob Dylan’,3.50
        Page 10ID Name GPA
        1000 Jay Chou 3.00
        1001 Taylor Swift 3.20
        1002 Bob Dylan 3.50
        3.1 Example 1
        Here’s an example input.sql and the corresponding output.csv based on the simplified
        miniSQL format.
        CREATE DATABASE db_university;
        USE DATABASE db_university;
        CREATE TABLE student (
        ID INTEGER,
        Name TEXT,
        GPA FLOAT
        INSERT INTO student VALUES (1000, ’Jay Chou’, 3.0);
        INSERT INTO student VALUES (1001, ’Taylor Swift’, 3.2);
        INSERT INTO student VALUES (1002, ’Bob Dylan’, 3.5);
        SELECT ID, Name, GPA FROM student;
        SELECT ID, Name, GPA FROM student WHERE GPA > 3.1;
        1000,’Jay Chou’,3.00
        1001,’Taylor Swift’,3.20
        1002,’Bob Dylan’,3.50
        1001,’Taylor Swift’,3.20
        1002,’Bob Dylan’,3.50
        Page 11In this output.csv:
        • Each query result is separated by a line (---) to clearly differentiate outputs from
        consecutive queries.
        • Text fields are surrounded by single quotes (’’), while integers and floats are printed
        directly, with floats formatted to two decimal places.
        3.2 Example 2
        After executing Example 1, minidb should serialize the information of db unversity in disks.
        Now, when minidb reads a SQL statement “use database”, it needs to load previous database
        Here’s an example input2.sql and the corresponding output2.csv based on the simplified
        miniSQL format.
        USE DATABASE db_university;
        SELECT ID, Name, GPA FROM student WHERE GPA > 3.1;
        1001,’Taylor Swift’,3.20
        1002,’Bob Dylan’,3.50
        4 Error Report
        minidb should be able to check the syntax of miniSQL, and report the line number where the
        error happens.
        However, in this project, you can assume all testing inputs are valid.
        Page 12Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Updates
        1) Do our miniSQL need to support evaluating any expressions in the SELECT
        statements like “SELECT name, gpa*2 FROM tbl”
        No, miniSQL does not need to support expressions in the list of columns within the SELECT
        statement. Only column names separated by commas will be included in the list after “select”.
        2) What could be in the “update” statement?
        In miniSQL, when you’re using the UPDATE statement, here’s what you can include after the
        SET keyword:
        • Constants
        • Expressions that only involve the variable being updated. e.g., UPDATE employee SET
        salary = salary * 1.1; Parentheses could be included in the expressions, e.g., UPDATE
        accounts SET balance = (balance - 100) * 1.02; The data type of the constants should be
        the same as the data type of the column.
        3) Will full-width quotes appear in the inputs? Only “English quotes” will appear in the
        inputs. All input characters are in the ASCII encodings (so, they could be stored in chars). No
        text fields contain quotes (’) in the inputs, so there’s no need to escape inputs.
        4) What should be printed out if no record could be found with the condition in the
        “where” clause?
        Just print out the column names required in the SELECT statement. This indicates that no
        record was found.
        5) What could be in the where clause?
        WHERE clause should be like X1 [op X2], where “op” could be “AND” or “OR”. The square
        brackets ([]) mean optional.
        X1, X2 terms are expressions in the form of A compareOp B, where A or B could be either a const
        or a column name. compareOp could be “=”, “!=”, “>”, “<”.
        For example, all the expressions below are valid.
        GPA > 3.0 AND Name = ’Jay Chou’
        GPA > 3.0
        Name = ’Jay Chou’
        6) How many databases and how many tables should be supported?
        Your miniSQL should support 0 to 255 databases. Each database should be able to contain 0 to
        255 tables.
        Page 137) Updates for Error Reporting
        You may assume that all input statements are valid.
        Page 14

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