COMP09110 Python for Network Engineers
This task is designed to test the ability to put into practice the knowledge gained during your
module. Your task will be to create a simple video game server that supports a multiplayer video
game play and demonstrate you can set it up on multiple machines, using your local Wi-Fi
This task will be performed in teams that are published on Moodle. Any deviations from the
teams allocated will result in the students receiving a mark of zero.
The Task
You should aim to create a simple 2D game in Python (e.g. using TKinter or any other GUI library
that you have to learn in your own time) that connects to a game server via a local network to
allow multiplayer mode. The server must also be written by you and in Python. The server and
the clients must communicate using the Python socket library we covered in class. You must
choose TCP or UDP, depending on how much data you want to be sending over the network. The
game in question should be at least as complex as the game demonstrated by the lecturer
during the session on the 21 November.
If the task above seems too difficult, you may choose to implement a HTTP game server in
python for a simple game (e.g. puzzle, quizzes, board/card games, etc). This server should use
the Python http library to communicate with a GUI that you may choose to write in a language of
your choice (including HTML&CSS&JS). This option will result in a lower ffnal mark.
In either case, any components of the game that include natural language, must be in English.
You should check that your project idea is in line with the expected project complexity. Conffrm
with your lecturer, during one of your sessions. The lecturer will take note of which teams
conffrmed their ideas.
You should zip your source code. In addition, you should provide the detailed instructions for
how to set everything up so that the teaching team can effectively mark your code (PDF). You
should also submit, as a separate PDF ffle (one page max) detailing what each student
contributed and an approximate percentage split of work each team member has done. Please
note that if somebody did some work on a feature that ended up removed from the ffnal
product, this should also be counted as a contribution. The deadline for this to be submitted is:
6 December 2024, 10:30 Wuxi Time
In addition to the above ffles, you will also be required to demonstrate, in class, that your setup
works. If you wish to receive the full marks for setup, you must demonstrate the game works,
using separate computers, connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Your chance to demonstrate
this will be during the regularly scheduled session on
6 December 2024, 10:40—12:15 Wuxi Time
(If necessary, we may have to extend it into the lunch break for all the teams to demonstrate
their products setup). This demonstration is the demonstration of gameplay only. THERE IS NO
NEED TO GIVE A PRESENTATION. Should you wish to complete a demonstration at an earlier
session for this module, you can.
Mark Scheme
The 50 marks for the task are allocated according to the below mark scheme. Please note that
these are subject to a 5 mark incorrect format deduction should you submit your coursework in
a format that does not follow these guidelines.
Additionally, the standard 5 mark late penalty applies for all submissions that are late, but not
by more than 7 days. Submissions that are late by more than seven days will not be accepted.
We operate a zero tolerance policy when it comes to plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
Anybody found in breach of academic standards will receive a mark of zero and be referred to
the student affairs office who may take further disciplinary action, up to and including
Component Marks
Use of Technology:
• 10: Sockets over different machines on the same wiff network
• 5: HTTP (or sockets with implementation issues)
• 0: Not implemented
Project Complexity:
• 10: Outstanding, well above what is expected
• 8: A complex game & game server
• 6: Complexity in line with expectations/Very complex HTTP app
• 4: Any other HTTP game server
• 0: Not implemented
Efficiency of data communication:
• 10: The data is communicated in a way that minimises redundancy but
is also robust to data loss
• 5: There are some issues
• 0: Not implemented
Documentation (instructions for setup) & Demo:
• 10: The documentation provided clearly and concisely describes how
to setup the project and the in-class demonstration was completed
• 5: There are some issues in the clarity or the documentation includes
too much/too little information or the project wasn’t demonstrated
• 0: No instructions for setup are provided
Individual Contribution:
• 10: Outstanding
• 8: Well Above Expectations
• 6: As expected
• 4: Borderline
• Those who do not contribute are awarded a mark of zero total
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