Assignment 2
Semester 2, 2024
Due date: 25 October 2024, 15:00 GMT+10
1 Introduction
In this assignment, you will implement a game in which a player must escape from a dungeon of
slugs. Unlike assignment 1, in this assignment you will be using object-oriented programming and
following the Apple Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern shown in lectures. In addition to
creating code for modelling the game, you will be implementing a graphical user interface (GUI).
An example of a ffnal completed game is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example screenshot from a completed implementation. Note that your display may look
slightly different depending on your operating system.
12 Getting Started
Download from Blackboard — this archive contains the necessary ffles to start this assignment.
Once extracted, the archive will provide the following ffles: This is the only ffle you will submit and is where you write your code. Do not make changes
to any other ffles. Do not modify or submit this ffle, it contains pre-deffned classes and constants to assist
you in some parts of your assignment. In addition to these, you are encouraged to create your
own constants and helper functions in where possible.
levels/ This folder contains a small collection of ffles used to initialize games of SlugDungeon. In
addition to these, you are encouraged to create your own ffles to help test your implementation
where possible.
3 Gameplay
This section provides a brief overview of gameplay for Assignment 2. Where interactions are not
explicitly mentioned in this section, please see Section 4.
3.1 Overview and Terminology
SlugDungeon takes place on a 2D grid called a board, where each < row, col > position on the board
is represented by a tile. In the dungeon, there are also entities, which move around the board and
potentially attack other entities.
Each game consists of one player entity, and a number of slug entities. Entities have a health and
poison stat, and may optionally have an equipped weapon. An entity dies when their health is
reduced to 0. At the end of each turn, if an entity is poisoned (has a poison stat greater than 0) the
entity takes damage equal to its poison amount before its poison stat is reduced by 1. Each turn,
the player makes one move (either moving one square up, down, left, or right or remaining where
they are). All entities attack every turn, but slugs can only move every second turn.
Weapons have an effect and a range (depending on their type). Weapon’s effects can alter the health
and poison stats of the entities at positions within their range.
3.2 Player Interaction
The game is played as a series of turns. The user may instruct the player to move or stay where
they are via keypresses (see Table 1 for the behaviours associated with each key). If the key pressed
is not associated with a valid movement (e.g. it is not one of ’a’, ’s’, ’w’, ’d’, or ’space’, or it would
move the player to a blocking tile or to another entity’s position) it is ignored and not counted as
a turn. Otherwise, if the keypress does result in a valid move (or intentionally leaving the player in
place), the following steps should occur:
1. The player moves (or remains where it is) according to Table 1.
2. If the player’s new position contains a weapon, the player picks up the weapon and discards
any weapon it may have already been holding.
3. The player attacks from its new position.
4. All slugs that die as a result of the player’s attack are removed from the game. Each dead slug
drops its weapon onto the tile it occupied when it died, replacing any weapon that already
existed on that tile.
25. The player’s poison is applied and then reduced.
6. Each slug’s poison is applied and then reduced.
7. If the slugs are able to move on this turn, all slugs should make their desired move.
8. All slugs attack from their (potentially new) position.
9. If the player has won or lost the game, a messagebox is displayed informing the user of the
outcome and asking whether the user would like to play again. If the user chooses to play
again, the game ffle should reload and the user should be able to play again. If they select
not to play again, the program should terminate gracefully. Otherwise, the program should
continue waiting for more keypresses to begin a new turn.
Key Pressed Intended behaviour
a Attempt to move player left by 1 square.
s Attempt to move player down by 1 square.
d Attempt to move player right by 1 square.
w Attempt to move player up by 1 square.
space Have player remain where they are (allow them to attack again
from their current position).
Anything else Ignore.
Table 1: Key press behaviours
3.3 Movement
Entities can only move one square at a time (directly up, down, left, or right). Slugs are only allowed
to move once for every second turn (where a turn is one player movement). An entity can only move
to a target position if they are allowed to move this turn, the target position does not contain a
blocking tile or another entity, and the target position is one square away from the entity’s original
3.4 Attacking
Entities attempt to make an attack every turn after they have moved. When the player attacks, it
applies its weapon’s effect to all slugs within its weapon’s range. When a slug attacks, it applies its
weapon’s effect to the player if the player is within the slug’s weapon’s range. If an entity is not
holding a weapon its attack should have no effect.
3.5 Game End
The game ends when one of the following occurs:
• The user wins the game because all slugs are dead and the player is on a goal tile.
• The user loses the game because the player dies.
34 Implementation
NOTE: You are not permitted to add any additional import statements to Doing
so will result in a deduction of up to 100% of your mark. You must not modify or remove the
import statements already provided to you in Removing or modifying these existing import
statements may result in a deduction of up to 100% of your mark.
Required Classes, Methods, and Functions
You are required to follow the Apple Model-View-Controller design pattern when implementing this
assignment. In order to achieve this, you are required to implement the classes, methods, and functions
described in this section.
The class diagram in Figure 2 provides an overview of all of the classes you must implement in
your assignment, and the basic relationships between them. The details of these classes and their
methods are described in depth in Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. Within Figure 2:
• Orange classes are those provided to you in the support file, or imported from TkInter.
• Green classes are abstract classes. However, you are not required to enforce the abstract nature
of the green classes in their implementation. The purpose of this distinction is to indicate to
you that you should only ever instantiate the blue classes in your program (though you should
instantiate the green classes to test them before beginning work on their subclasses).
• Blue classes are concrete classes.
• Solid arrows indicate inheritance (i.e. the “is-a” relationship).
• Dotted arrows indicate composition (i.e. the “has-a” relationship). An arrow marked with **1
denotes that each instance of the class at the base of the arrow contains exactly one instance
of the class at the head of the arrow. An arrow marked with **N denotes that each instance of
the class at the base of the arrow may contain many instances of the class at the head of the
The rest of this section describes the required implementation in detail. You should complete the
model section, and ensure it operates correctly (via your own testing and the Gradescope tests)
before moving on to the view and controller sections. You will not be able to earn marks for the
controller section until you have passed all Gradescope tests for the model section.
NOTE: It is possible to receive a passing grade on this assessment by completing only section 4.1,
provided the solution works well (according to the Gradescope tests) and is appropriately styled.
See section 5.2 for more detail on style requirements.
4.1 Model
The following are the classes and methods you are required to implement as part of the model.
You should develop the classes in the order in which they are described in this section and test
each class (locally and on Gradescope) before moving on to the next class. Functionality marks are
awarded for each class (and each method) that works correctly. You will likely do very poorly if you
submit an attempt at every class, where no classes work according to the description. Some classes
require significantly more time to implement than others. The marks allocated to each class are not
necessarily an indication of their difficulty or the time required to complete them. You are allowed
(and encouraged) to write additional helper methods for any class to help break up long methods,
but these helper methods MUST be private (i.e. they must be named with a leading underscore).
4Figure 2: Basic class relationship diagram for the classes in assignment 2.
4.1.1 Weapon()
Weapon is an abstract class from which all instantiated types of weapon inherit. This class provides
default weapon behaviour, which can be inherited or overridden by specific types of weapons. All
weapons should have a symbol, name, effect, and range.
• When a weapon is used to attack, it has an effect on its target, which may alter the targets
health or poison stat. Weapon classes are not responsible for applying their effects to entities,
but must provide details about their intended effects. Within this class, a weapon’s effect
is represented by a dictionary mapping strings to integers, where the string represents the
type of effect and the integer represents the strength of the effect. The valid effect types are
"damage" (which reduces the target’s health), "healing" (which increases the target’s health),
and "poison" (which increases the targets poison stat).
• A weapon’s range is an integer representing how far the effects of the weapon reach in all 4
directions. A range of 1 would mean that a weapon’s effects would reach entities located one
position up, down, left, and right of the weapon.
Abstract weapons have no effects and a range of 0. The init method does not take any arguments
beyond self. Weapon must implement the following methods:
• get name(self) -> str
Returns the name of this weapon.
• get symbol(self) -> str
Returns the symbol of this weapon.
• get effect(self) -> dict[str, int]
Returns a dictionary representing the weapon’s effects.
• get targets(self, position: Position) -> list[Position]
5Returns a list of all positions within range for this weapon, given that the weapon is currently
at position. Note that this method does not need to check whether the target positions exist
within a dungeon.
• str (self) -> str
Returns the name of this weapon.
• repr (self) -> str
Returns a string which could be copied and pasted into a REPL to construct a new instance
identical to self.
>>> weapon = Weapon()
>>> weapon.get_name()
>>> weapon.get_symbol()
>>> weapon.get_effect()
>>> weapon.get_targets((1, 1))
>>> str(weapon)
>>> weapon
4.1.2 PoisonDart(Weapon)
PoisonDart inherits from Weapon. A poison dart has a range of 2 and applies 2 poison to its targets.
>>> poison_dart = PoisonDart()
>>> poison_dart.get_name()
>>> poison_dart.get_symbol()
>>> poison_dart.get_effect()
{'poison': 2}
>>> poison_dart.get_targets((1, 1))
[(1, 2), (1, 0), (2, 1), (0, 1), (1, 3), (1, -1), (3, 1), (-1, 1)]
>>> poison_dart.get_targets((8, 8))
[(8, 9), (8, 7), (9, 8), (7, 8), (8, 10), (8, 6), (10, 8), (6, 8)]
>>> str(poison_dart)
>>> poison_dart
4.1.3 PoisonSword(Weapon)
PoisonSword inherits from Weapon. A poison sword has a range of 1 and both damages its targets
by 2 and increases their poison stat by 1.
6>>> poison_sword = PoisonSword()
>>> poison_sword.get_name()
>>> poison_sword.get_symbol()
>>> poison_sword.get_effect()
{'damage': 2, 'poison': 1}
>>> poison_sword.get_targets((1, 1))
[(1, 2), (1, 0), (2, 1), (0, 1)]
>>> poison_sword.get_targets((0, 0))
[(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]
>>> str(poison_sword)
>>> poison_sword
4.1.4 HealingRock(Weapon)
HealingRock inherits from Weapon. A healing rock has a range of 2 and increases its targets health
by 2.
>>> healing_rock = HealingRock()
>>> healing_rock.get_name()
>>> healing_rock.get_symbol()
>>> healing_rock.get_effect()
{'healing': 2}
>>> healing_rock.get_targets((1, 1))
[(1, 2), (1, 0), (2, 1), (0, 1), (1, 3), (1, -1), (3, 1), (-1, 1)]
>>> str(healing_rock)
>>> healing_rock
4.1.5 Tile()
Tile is a class representing individual tiles (positions) in the dungeon. A tile may or may not be
blocking and may or may not have a weapon sitting on it. Entities cannot move onto blocking tiles,
but weapon effects can pass through blocking tiles. Each tile has a symbol which represents what
type of tile it is. Tile must implement the following methods:
• init (self, symbol: str, is blocking: bool) -> None
Constructs a new tile instance with the given symbol and is_blocking status. Newly instantiated
tiles do not have a weapon on them.
• is blocking(self) -> bool
Returns True if this tile is blocking and False otherwise.
• get weapon(self) -> Optional[Weapon]
Returns the weapon that’s on this tile, or None if there is no weapon on this tile.
7• set weapon(self, weapon: Weapon) -> None
Sets the weapon on this tile to weapon, replacing any weapon that may already be there.
• remove weapon(self) -> None
Removes the tiles’s current weapon.
• str (self) -> str
Returns the symbol associated with this tile.
• repr (self) -> str
Returns a string which could be copied and pasted into a REPL to construct an instance of
Tile with the same symbol and is_blocking status as self.
>>> tile = Tile("#", True)
>>> tile.is_blocking()
>>> tile.get_weapon()
>>> healing_rock = HealingRock()
>>> tile.set_weapon(healing_rock)
>>> tile.get_weapon()
>>> tile.get_weapon().get_effect()
{'healing': 2}
>>> tile.remove_weapon()
>>> tile.get_weapon()
>>> str(tile)
>>> tile
Tile('#', True)
>>> tile = Tile("hello", False)
>>> tile
Tile('hello', False)
>>> tile.is_blocking()
4.1.6 create tile(symbol: str) -> Tile
create tile is a function which constructs and returns an appropriate instance of Tile based on
the symbol string. Table 2 describes how the tile should be created based on the value of symbol.
symbol Tile details
"#" A tile representing a wall, which is blocking and has the symbol "#".
" " A tile representing the floor, which is non-blocking and has the symbol " ".
"G" A tile representing the a goal, which is non-blocking and has the symbol "G".
"D", "S", or "H" A floor tile (non-blocking with the symbol " "). The weapon on the tile should
be an instance of the type of Weapon corresponding to the given symbol.
Any other symbol A floor tile (non-blocking with the symbol " ").
Table 2: Symbol to Tile conversion.
8>>> wall = create_tile("#")
>>> wall
Tile('#', True)
>>> wall.is_blocking()
>>> wall.get_weapon()
>>> create_tile(" ")
Tile(' ', False)
>>> create_tile("hello")
Tile(' ', False)
>>> weapon_tile = create_tile("D")
>>> weapon_tile
Tile(' ', False)
>>> weapon_tile.get_weapon()
4.1.7 Entity()
Entity is an abstract class from which all instantiated types of entity inherit. This class provides
default entity behaviour which can be inherited, overridden, or extended by specific types of entities.
All entities should have a health and poison stat, as well as a maximum health. Entities may or may
not hold a weapon.
Entity must implement the following methods:
• init (self, max health: int) -> None
Constructs a new entity with the given max health. The entity starts with its health stat
equal to max_health, its poison stat at 0, and no weapon.
• get symbol(self) -> str
Returns the symbol associated with this entity. The default for an abstract entity is "E".
• get name(self) -> str
Returns the name associated with this entity. The default for an abstract entity is "Entity".
• get health(self) -> int
Returns the entity’s current health stat.
• get poison(self) -> int
Returns the entity’s current poison stat.
• get weapon(self) -> Optional[Weapon]
Returns the weapon currently held by this entity, or None if the entity is not holding a weapon.
• equip(self, weapon: Weapon) -> None
Sets the entity’s weapon to weapon, replacing any weapon the entity is already holding.
• get weapon targets(self, position: Position) -> list[Position]
Returns the positions the entity can attack with its weapon from the given position. If the
entity doesn’t have a weapon this method should return an empty list.
9• get weapon effect(self) -> dict[str, int]
Returns the effect of the entity’s weapon. If the entity doesn’t have a weapon this method
should return an empty dictionary.
• apply effects(self, effects: dict[str, int]) -> None
Applies each of the effects described in the effects dictionary to the entity. This involves
increasing the entity’s health by any "healing" amount, reducing the entity’s health by any
"damage" amount, and increasing the entity’s poison stat by any "poison" amount. Note that
this method should not handle reducing the entity’s health by the poison stat. The entity’s
health should be capped between 0 and its max_health (inclusive).
• apply poison(self) -> None
Reduces the entity’s health by its poison amount (capping the health at 0), then reduces the
entity’s poison stat by 1 if it is above 0. If the player’s poison stat is 0, this method should do
• is alive(self) -> bool
Returns True if the entity is still alive (its health is greater than 0) and False otherwise.
• str (self) -> str
Returns the name of this entity.
• repr (self) -> str
Returns a string which could be copied and pasted into a REPL to construct a new instance
which would look identical to the original state of self.
>>> entity = Entity(10)
>>> entity.get_symbol()
>>> entity.get_name()
>>> entity.get_health()
>>> entity.get_poison()
>>> entity.get_weapon()
>>> entity.get_weapon_targets((1, 1))
>>> entity.get_weapon_effect()
>>> entity.equip(PoisonSword())
>>> entity.get_weapon()
>>> entity.get_weapon_targets((0, 0))
[(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]
>>> entity.get_weapon_effect()
{'damage': 2, 'poison': 1}
>>> entity.apply_effects({'poison': 4, 'damage': 3})
10>>> entity.get_health()
>>> entity.get_poison()
>>> entity.apply_poison()
>>> entity.get_health()
>>> entity.get_poison()
>>> entity.apply_effects({'healing': 20})
>>> entity.get_health()
>>> str(entity)
>>> entity
4.1.8 Player(Entity)
Player inherits from Entity. Player should provide almost identical behaviour to the abstract
Entity class, but with a name of "Player" and a symbol of "P".
>>> player = Player(20)
>>> str(player)
>>> player
>>> player.equip(PoisonDart())
>>> player.get_weapon_effect()
{'poison': 2}
>>> player.apply_effects({'damage': 25})
>>> player.get_health()
>>> player
4.1.9 Slug(Entity)
Slug is an abstract class which inherits from Entity and from which all instantiated types of slug
inherit. Slugs can only move (change position) every second turn, starting on the first turn of the
game. That is, slugs move on the first turn, the third turn, the fifth turn, and so on. Even though
slugs only move every second turn, they attack every turn. Slugs provide functionality to decide
how they should move. In addition to regular Entity behaviour, the Slug class must implement the
following methods:
• choose move(self, candidates: list[Position], current position: Position,
player position: Position) -> Position
Chooses and returns the position the slug should move to (from the positions in candidates or
the current_position), assuming the slug can move. In the abstract Slug class this method
should raise a NotImplementedError with the message "Slug subclasses must implement
11a choose_move method.". Subclasses of Slug must override this method with a valid implementation.
Note that this method must not mutate its arguments.
• can move(self) -> bool
Returns True if the slug can move on this turn and False otherwise.
• end turn(self) -> None
Registers that the slug has completed another turn (toggles whether the slug can move).
>>> slug = Slug(5)
>>> slug.equip(HealingRock())
>>> slug.get_weapon_effect()
{'healing': 2}
>>> slug.can_move()
>>> slug.end_turn()
>>> slug.can_move()
>>> slug.can_move()
>>> slug.end_turn()
>>> slug.can_move()
>>> slug.choose_move([(0, 0), (1, 1)], (1, 0), (2, 4))
NotImplementedError: Slug subclasses must implement a choose_move method.
>>> str(slug)
>>> slug
4.1.10 NiceSlug(Slug)
NiceSlug inherits from Slug, and represents a nice but lazy slug which stays where it is whenever
it can move. All NiceSlug instances should hold a HealingRock weapon and have a max_health
of 10. NiceSlug should not take any arguments to __init__ (beyond self). NiceSlug, as a Slug
subclass, must override the choose_move function with appropriate behaviour.
>>> nice_slug = NiceSlug()
>>> nice_slug
>>> str(nice_slug)
>>> nice_slug.get_health()
>>> nice_slug.get_weapon()
>>> nice_slug.get_weapon_effect()
{'healing': 2}
12>>> nice_slug.choose_move([(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 1)], (1, 1), (2, 4))
(1, 1)
4.1.11 AngrySlug(Slug)
AngrySlug inherits from Slug, and represents an angry slug that tries to move towards the player
whenever it can move. All AngrySlug instances should hold a PoisonSword weapon and have a
max_health of 5. AngrySlug should not take any arguments to __init__ (beyond self). AngrySlug,
as a Slug subclass, must override the choose_move function with appropriate behaviour.
AngrySlug instances always choose the position (out of the positions in candidates or the
current_position) which is closest (by Euclidean distance) to the player_position. If multiple
positions tie as closest to the player, the position with the lowest value (according to the < operator
on tuples) should be chosen.
>>> angry_slug = AngrySlug()
>>> angry_slug
>>> str(angry_slug)
>>> angry_slug.get_health()
>>> angry_slug.get_weapon()
>>> angry_slug.get_weapon_effect()
{'damage': 2, 'poison': 1}
>>> angry_slug.choose_move([(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 1)], (1, 1), (2, 4))
(1, 2)
4.1.12 ScaredSlug(Slug)
ScaredSlug inherits from Slug, and represents a fearful slug that tries to move away from the
player whenever it can move. All ScaredSlug instances should hold a PoisonDart weapon and
have a max_health of 3. ScaredSlug should not take any arguments to __init__ (beyond self).
ScaredSlug, as a Slug subclass, must override the choose_move function with appropriate behaviour.
instances always choose the position (out of the positions in candidates or the
current_position) which is furthest (by Euclidean distance) from the player_position. If multiple
positions tie as furthest from player, the position with the highest value (according to the >
operator on tuples) should be chosen.
>>> scared_slug = ScaredSlug()
>>> scared_slug
>>> str(scared_slug)
>>> scared_slug.get_health()
>>> scared_slug.get_weapon()
>>> scared_slug.get_weapon_effect()
{'poison': 2}
>>> scared_slug.choose_move([(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 1)], (1, 1), (2, 4))
(1, 0)
4.1.13 SlugDungeonModel()
SlugDungeonModel models the logical state of a game of SlugDungeon. SlugDungeonModel must
implement the following methods:
• __init__(self, tiles: list[list[Tile]], slugs: dict[Position, Slug],
player: Player, player_position: Position) -> None
Initializes a new SlugDungeonModel from the provided information.
– tiles is a list of lists of Tile instances where each internal list represents a row (from
topmost to bottommost) of tiles (from leftmost to rightmost).
– slugs is a dictionary mapping slug positions to the Slug instances at those positions.
You should never change the order of this dictionary from the initial order. Operations
that apply to all slugs should be applied in the order in which the slugs appear in this
– player is the Player instance and player_position is the player’s starting position.
• get_tiles(self) -> list[list[Tile]]
Returns the tiles for this game in the same format provided to __init__.
• get_slugs(self) -> dict[Position, Slug]
Returns a dictionary mapping slug positions to the Slug instances at those positions.
• get_player(self) -> Player
Returns the player instance.
• get_player_position(self) -> Position
Returns the player’s current position.
• get_tile(self, position: Position) -> Tile
Returns the tile at the given position.
• get_dimensions(self) -> tuple[int, int]
Returns the dimensions of the board as (#rows, #columns).
• get_valid_slug_positions(self, slug: Slug) -> list[Position]
Returns a list of valid positions that slug can move to from its current position in the next
move. If the slug cannot move on this turn (i.e. it was able to move last turn) this method
should return an empty list. Otherwise, a slug can move to its current position or one position
up, down, left, or right of its current position if those positions exist on the board and do not
contain a blocking tile or another entity. A pre-condition to this method is that slug must be
one of the slugs in the game, and must still be alive.
• perform_attack(self, entity: Entity, position: Position) -> None
14Allows the given entity to make an attack from the given position. If entity isn’t holding
a weapon this method should do nothing. Otherwise, the entity’s weapon’s effects should be
applied to each target entity whose position is within the weapon’s target positions. Note that
the player only attacks slugs, and slugs only attack the player.
• end_turn(self) -> None
Handles the steps that should occur after the player has moved. This involves:
– Applying the player’s poison (including decremementing their poison stat).
– Applying each slug’s poison (including decrementing their poison stat). If a slug is no
longer alive after their poison is applied they should be removed from the game, and should
no longer appear in the dictionary when calling get_slugs. When a slug is removed from
the game, the tile at their final position should have its weapon set to the slug’s weapon.
– If the remaining slugs are able to move this turn, they should choose a position out of their
valid positions (or their current position) and move there. Note that, while this method
will be called directly after a player makes a move, the slugs are too slow to process that
move before making their decision. As such, they should make their choice of move based
on the player’s previous position, not their current position. If this is the first move of
the game, the player’s previous position is considered to be their current position.
– All (remaining) slugs should perform an attack from their position, and then register that
they have completed another turn.
Note that you may find it beneficial to work on this method in parallel with handle_player_move.
• handle_player_move(self, position_delta: Position) -> None
Moves the player by position_delta (by adding position_delta to the player’s position
element-wise) if the move is valid. A move is valid if it results in a position that is within
bounds for the board which does not contain a blocking tile or another entity. If the move is
valid, the player’s position should update before the following steps occur:
– If the tile at the new position contains a weapon, the player should equip the weapon and
the weapon should be removed from the tile.
– The player should perform an attack from its new position.
– The end_turn method should be called to run all other steps required for this turn.
• has_won(self) -> bool
Returns True if the player has won the game (killed all slugs and reached a goal tile), and False
• has_lost(self) -> bool
Returns True if the player has lost the game (is no longer alive), and False otherwise.
>>> tiles = [
[create_tile("#"), create_tile("#"), create_tile("#"), create_tile("#")],
[create_tile("#"), create_tile(" "), create_tile(" "), create_tile("#")],
[create_tile("#"), create_tile(" "), create_tile(" "), create_tile("#")],
[create_tile("#"), create_tile("S"), create_tile("G"), create_tile("#")],
[create_tile("#"), create_tile("#"), create_tile("#"), create_tile("#")]
15>>> slugs = {(1, 1): AngrySlug()}
>>> player = Player(20)
>>> model = SlugDungeonModel(tiles, slugs, player, (2, 1))
>>> model.get_tiles()
[[Tile('#', True), Tile('#', True), Tile('#', True), Tile('#', True)],
[Tile('#', True), Tile(' ', False), Tile(' ', False), Tile('#', True)],
[Tile('#', True), Tile(' ', False), Tile(' ', False), Tile('#', True)],
[Tile('#', True), Tile(' ', False), Tile('G', False), Tile('#', True)],
[Tile('#', True), Tile('#', True), Tile('#', True), Tile('#', True)]]
>>> model.get_slugs()
{(1, 1): AngrySlug()}
>>> model.get_player()
>>> model.get_player_position()
(2, 1)
>>> model.get_tile((0, 0))
Tile('#', True)
>>> model.get_tile((2, 1))
Tile(' ', False)
>>> model.get_dimensions()
(5, 4)
>>> angry_slug = model.get_slugs().get((1, 1))
>>> angry_slug.get_health()
>>> angry_slug.get_weapon_effect()
{'damage': 2, 'poison': 1}
>>> player.get_health()
>>> angry_slug.get_poison()
>>> player.get_poison()
>>> player.get_weapon_effect()
>>> model.get_valid_slug_positions(angry_slug)
[(1, 1), (1, 2)]
>>> model.perform_attack(angry_slug, (1, 1))
>>> player.get_health()
>>> player.get_poison()
>>> model.perform_attack(player, model.get_player_position())
>>> angry_slug.get_health()
>>> angry_slug.get_poison()
>>> model.handle_player_move((1, 0))
>>> player.get_health()
>>> player.get_poison()
>>> player.get_weapon() # Player picked up a weapon when it moved
>>> player.get_weapon_effect()
{'damage': 2, 'poison': 1}
>>> player.get_weapon_targets(model.get_player_position())
[(3, 2), (3, 0), (4, 1), (2, 1)] # The slugs original position was not in the targets
>>> angry_slug.get_health() # So its health and poison remain unchanged in this attack
>>> angry_slug.get_poison()
>>> model.get_slugs() # Even though the slug moved to a target position after the attack
{(2, 1): AngrySlug()}
>>> model.get_player_position()
(3, 1)
>>> model.has_won()
>>> model.has_lost()
4.1.14 load level(filename: str) -> SlugDungeonModel
Implement a function that reads the file at the given filename and initializes and returns the
corresponding SlugDungeonModel instance. When creating the slugs dictionary to pass to the
SlugDungeonModel initializer, slugs appearing in earlier rows (lines of the file) should appear first.
Within one row, slugs appearing in earlier columns (earlier in the line) should appear first.
The first line of the file provides an integer representing the player’s max_health, and the rest of the
lines describe the rest of the game state. See the levels/ folder included in for examples of
the file format. Note that these are not the only levels that will be used to test your code.
4.2 View
The following are the classes and methods you are required to implement to complete the view
component of this assignment. As opposed to section 4.1, where you would work through the
required classes and methods in order, GUI development tends to require that you work on various
interacting classes in parallel. Rather than working on each class in the order listed, you may find
it beneficial to work on one feature at a time and test it thoroughly before moving on. It is likely
that you will also need to implement components from the controller class (SlugDungeon) in order
to develop each feature. Each feature may require updates / extensions to the SlugDungeon and
view classes. You should implement play_game first, as Gradescope calls play game in order to test
your code, so you cannot earn marks for the View or Controller sections until you have implemented
this function (see section 4.3 for details).
4.2.1 DungeonMap(AbstractGrid)
DungeonMap inherits from the AbstractGrid class provided in DungeonMap is a view
component that displays the dungeon (tiles, entities, and tile weapons). Tiles are represented by
coloured rectangles, and entities are displayed by coloured ovals drawn on top of these tiles, annotated
with the entity’s name. Tile weapons are represented by annotating the weapon’s symbol on top of
the tile. Figure 3 shows an example of a completed DungeonMap. DungeonMap’s __init__ method
should take the same arguments as the __init__ method for AbstractGrid. DungeonMap should
implement the following method:
• redraw(self, tiles: list[list[Tile]], player_position: Position,
slugs: dict[Position, Slug]) -> None:
17Clears the dungeon map, then redraws it according to the provided information. Note that you
must draw on the DungeonMap instance itself (not directly onto master or any other widget).
When slugs cannot move on the next turn, they should be drawn in green (to show the user
that they are not about to move). When slugs can move on the next turn, they should be
drawn in light pink (using the tkinter colour named "light pink").
Figure 3: Example of a completed DungeonMap partway through a game.
4.2.2 DungeonInfo(AbstractGrid)
DungeonInfo inherits from the AbstractGrid class provided in DungeonInfo is a view
component that displays information about a set of entities. The first row of any DungeonInfo
instance should display headings for Name, Position, Weapon, Health, and Poison (respectively).
Subsequent rows display the corresponding information about entities. Figure 4 shows an example
of a completed DungeonInfo. DungeonInfo’s __init__ method should take the same arguments as
the __init__ method for AbstractGrid. DungeonInfo should implement the following method:
• redraw(self, entities: dict[Position, Entity]) -> None
Clears and redraws the info with the given entities. Note that you must draw on the DungeonInfo
instance itself (not directly onto master or any other widget).
Figure 4: A completed DungeonInfo displaying stats for the player partway through a game.
4.2.3 ButtonPanel(tk.Frame)
ButtonPanel inherits from tk.Frame and contains two buttons; one for loading a new game, and
one for quiting the game. Figure 5 shows how this widget should look. ButtonPanel does not need
to be redrawn once it has been created, and should only need to implement an initializer method
according to the following definition:
18• __init__(self, root: tk.Tk, on_load: Callable, on_quit: Callable) -> None
Constructs a new ButtonPanel instance, where the leftmost button has the text "Load Game"
and uses on_load as its command, and the rightmost button has the text "Quit" and uses
on_quit as its command.
Figure 5: An example of the ButtonPanel display.
4.3 Controller
The controller is a single class, SlugDungeon. As with the view section, you may find it beneficial
to work on one feature at a time, instead of working through the required classes and functions in
order. You should work on these features in tandem with features from the View section.
4.3.1 SlugDungeon()
SlugDungeon is the controller class for the overall game. The controller is responsible for creating and
maintaining instances of the model and view classes, handling events, and facilitating communication
between the model and view classes. SlugDungeon should implement the following methods:
• init (self, root: tk.Tk, filename: str) -> None
Instantiates the model (based on the data in the file with the given name) and view classes, and
redraws the display to show the initial game state. This method should also handle binding
any relevant events to handlers. You may assume that no IO errors will occur when loading
from game file. The view instances you must make include:
– A DungeonMap instance, which should be 500 pixels wide and 500 pixels tall.
– A DungeonInfo instance with 7 rows to display the slug information. This should be 400
pixels wide and 500 pixels tall. You can assume that the game will not contain more than
6 slugs.
– A DungeonInfo instance to display the player information. This should be **0 pixels
wide and 100 pixels tall.
– A ButtonPanel instance, which should fill all the horizontal space available, and have a
vertical internal padding of 10 pixels above and below.
• redraw(self) -> None
Redraws the view based on the current state of the model.
• handle key press(self, event: tk.Event) -> None
Handles a single keypress event from the user. If the key pressed is not a valid movement (e.g.
’a’, ’s’, ’w’, ’d’, or ’space’) this method should do nothing. Otherwise, this method should
attempt to handle a player move and then redraw the view. If the game has been won or lost
after the move is made, the user should be informed via an appropriate messagebox, which
should also prompt for whether they would like to play again (see messagebox.askyesno). If
the user opts to play again, the game should return to its original state and the player should
be able to play again. Otherwise, the program should terminate gracefully. Note that in order
to get the view classes to update before the messagebox appears, you may need to use the
update_idletasks method on the tk.Tk instance.
19• load level(self) -> None
Prompts the user to select a file to load (see filedialog.askopenfilename), and then replaces
the game state with the game from the chosen file. The view should update to display this
new game state. Your code will not be tested with invalid files.
4.4 play game(root: tk.Tk, file path: str) -> None
The play game function should be fairly short and do exactly two things:
1. Construct the controller instance using the root tk.Tk parameter and the given file path.
2. Ensure the root window stays opening listening for events (using mainloop).
Note that the tests will call this function to test your code, rather than main.
4.5 main() -> None
The purpose of the main function is to allow you to test your own code. Like the play game function,
the main function should be fairly short and do exactly two things:
1. Construct the root tk.Tk instance.
2. Call the play game function passing in the newly created root tk.Tk instance, and the path
to any map file you like (e.g. ‘levels/level1.txt’).
5 Assessment and Marking Criteria
This assignment assesses course learning objectives:
1. apply program constructs such as variables, selection, iteration and sub-routines,
2. apply basic object-oriented concepts such as classes, instances and methods,
3. read and analyse code written by others,
4. analyse a problem and design an algorithmic solution to the problem,
5. read and analyse a design and be able to translate the design into a working program, and
6. apply techniques for testing and debugging, and
7. design and implement simple GUIs.
There are a total of 100 marks for this assessment item.
5.1 Functionality
Your program’s functionality will be marked out of a total of 50 marks. The model is worth 25
marks, and the view and controller together are worth 25 marks.
Your assignment will be put through a series of tests and your functionality mark will be proportional
to the number of tests you pass. You will be given a subset of the functionality tests before the due
date for the assignment. You may receive partial marks within each section for partially working
functions, or for implementing only a few functions.
20You need to perform your own testing of your program to make sure that it meets all specifications
given in the assignment. Only relying on the provided tests is likely to result in your program failing
in some cases and you losing some functionality marks. Note: Functionality tests are automated, so
string outputs need to match exactly what is expected.
When evaluating your view and controller, the automated tests will play the game and attempt
to identify components of the game, how these components function during gameplay will then be
tested. Well before submission, run the functionality tests to ensure components of your application
can be identified. If the autograder is unable to identify components, you will not receive marks for
these components, even if your assignment is functional. The tests provided prior to submission
will help you ensure that all components can be identified by the autograder.
Your program must run in Gradescope, which uses Python 3.12. Partial solutions will be marked
but if there are errors in your code that cause the interpreter to fail to execute your program, you
will get zero for functionality marks. If there is a part of your code that causes the interpreter to
fail, comment out the code so that the remainder can run. Your program must run using the Python
3.12 interpreter. If it runs in another environment (e.g. Python 3.8 or PyCharm) but not in the
Python 3.12 interpreter, you will get zero for the functionality mark.
5.2 Code Style
The style of your assignment will be assessed by a tutor. Style will be marked according to the style
rubric provided with the assignment. The style mark will be out of 50, note that style accounts for
half the marks availible on this assignment.
The key consideration in marking your code style is whether the code is easy to understand. There
are several aspects of code style that contribute to how easy it is to understand code. In this
assignment, your code style will be assessed against the following criteria.
• Readability
– Program Structure: Layout of code makes it easy to read and follow its logic. This
includes using whitespace to highlight blocks of logic.
– Descriptive Identifier Names: Variable, constant, and function names clearly describe
what they represent in the program’s logic. Do not use Hungarian Notation for identifiers.
In short, this means do not include the identifier’s type in its name, rather make the name
meaningful (e.g. employee identifier).
– Named Constants: Any non-trivial fixed value (literal constant) in the code is represented
by a descriptive named constant (identifier).
• Algorithmic Logic
– Single Instance of Logic: Blocks of code should not be duplicated in your program. Any
code that needs to be used multiple times should be implemented as a function.
– Variable Scope: Variables should be declared locally in the function in which they are
needed. Global variables should not be used.
– Control Structures: Logic is structured simply and clearly through good use of control
structures (e.g. loops and conditional statements).
• Object-Oriented Program Structure
– Classes & Instances: Objects are used as entities to which messages are sent, demonstrating
understanding of the differences between classes and instances.
21– Encapsulation: Classes are designed as independent modules with state and behaviour.
Methods only directly access the state of the object on which they were invoked. Methods
never update the state of another object.
– Abstraction: Public interfaces of classes are simple and reusable. Enabling modular and
reusable components which abstract GUI details.
– Inheritance & Polymorphism: Subclasses are designed as specialised versions of their
superclasses. Subclasses extend the behaviour of their superclass without re-implementing
behaviour, or breaking the superclass behaviour or design. Subclasses redefine behaviour
of appropriate methods to extend the superclasses’ type. Subclasses do not break their
superclass’ interface.
– Model View Controller: Your program adheres to the Model-View-Controller design pattern.
The GUI’s view and control logic is clearly separated from the model. Model
information stored in the controller and passed to the view when required.
• Documentation:
– Comment Clarity: Comments provide meaningful descriptions of the code. They should
not repeat what is already obvious by reading the code (e.g. # Setting variable to
0). Comments should not be verbose or excessive, as this can make it difficult to follow
the code.
– Informative Docstrings: Every function should have a docstring that summarises its purpose.
This includes describing parameters and return values (including type information)
so that others can understand how to use the function correctly.
– Description of Logic: All significant blocks of code should have a comment to explain how
the logic works. For a small function, this would usually be the docstring. For long or
complex functions, there may be different blocks of code in the function. Each of these
should have an in-line comment describing the logic.
5.3 Assignment Submission
You must submit your assignment electronically via Gradescope ( You
must use your UQ email address which is based on your student number
(e.g. as your Gradescope submission account.
When you login to Gradescope you may be presented with a list of courses. Select CSSE7030. You
will see a list of assignments. Choose Assignment 2. You will be prompted to choose a file to
upload. The prompt may say that you can upload any files, including zip files. You must submit
your assignment as a single Python file called (use this name – all lower case), and nothing
else. Your submission will be automatically run to determine the functionality mark. If you submit
a file with a different name, the tests will fail and you will get zero for functionality. Do not
submit any sort of archive file (e.g. zip, rar, 7z, etc.).
Upload an initial version of your assignment at least one week before the due date. Do this even if
it is just the initial code provided with the assignment. If you are unable to access Gradescope, post
on Edstem or attend a help center or practical session immediately. Excuses, such as you were not
able to login or were unable to upload a file will not be accepted as reasons for granting an extension.
When you upload your assignment it will run a subset of the functionality autograder tests on your
submission. It will show you the results of these tests. It is your responsibility to ensure that your
uploaded assignment file runs and that it passes the tests you expect it to pass.
22Late submissions of the assignment will not be marked. Do not wait until the last minute to submit
your assignment, as the time to upload it may make it late. Multiple submissions are allowed and
encouraged, so ensure that you have submitted an almost complete version of the assignment well
before the submission deadline of 15:00. Submitting after the deadline incurs late penalties. Ensure
that you submit the correct version of your assignment.
In the event of exceptional personal or medical circumstances that prevent you from handing in the
assignment on time, you may submit a request for an extension. See the course profile for details of
how to apply for an extension.
Requests for extensions must be made before the submission deadline. The application and supporting
documentation (e.g. medical certificate) must be submitted via my.UQ. You must retain the
original documentation for a minimum period of six months to provide as verification, should you
be requested to do so.
5.4 Plagiarism
This assignment must be your own individual work. By submitting the assignment, you are claiming
it is entirely your own work. You may discuss general ideas about the solution approach with other
students. Describing details of how you implement a function or sharing part of your code with
another student is considered to be collusion and will be counted as plagiarism. You may not
copy fragments of code that you find on the Internet to use in your assignment.
Please read the section in the course profile about plagiarism. You are encouraged to complete
both parts A and B of the academic integrity modules before starting this assignment. Submitted
assignments will be electronically checked for potential cases of plagiarism.
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