

        時間:2024-09-09  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

        IK2215 Programming 
        Assignment Introduction
        Voravit Tanyingyong
        2024-09-05 1Programming assignment overview • Design and implement a reliable protocol for sending/receiving datagrams
        • Guaranteed UDP (GUDP)
        • Enabling reliable transport over UDP
        • Based on the Go-Back-N (GBN) protocol
        • Automatic repeat request (ARQ)
        • Use acknowledgements and timeouts 
        for reliable transmission
        • Sliding window flow control 
        • Multiple packets in flight
        • Asynchronous communication
        • Unlike TCP, GUDP is not connection-oriented
        (no connection establishment)
        2024-09-05 2
        IP Network
        ApplicationReliable data transfer and Go-Back-N • Computer Networking: a Top-Down Approach 
        • Chapter 3.4 – 3.4.3
        • Slides from the authors
        • Slides 4 – 8 and 12 – 14
        2024-09-05 3Principles of reliable data transfer • One of the most important challenges in networking
        • Characteristics of unreliable channel will determine complexity of reliable data transfer protocol (rdt)
        2024-09-05 4Reliable data transfer: interfaces
        2024-09-05 5
        rdt_send(): called from above, 
        (e.g., by app.). Passed data to 
        deliver to receiver upper layer
        udt_send(): called by rdt,
        to transfer packet over 
        unreliable channel to receiver
        rdt_rcv(): called when packet 
        arrives on rcv-side of channel
        deliver_data(): called by 
        rdt to deliver data to upperPipelined protocols
        • Pipelining: sender allows multiple, “in-flight”, yet-to-be-acknowledged pkts
        • Range of sequence numbers must be increased
        • Buffering at sender and/or receiver
        • Two generic forms of pipelined protocols: Go-Back-N, selective repeat
        2024-09-05 6Pipelining: increased utilization
        2024-09-05 7
        first packet bit transmitted, t = 0
        sender receiver
        last bit transmitted, t = L / R
        first packet bit arrives
        last packet bit arrives, send ACK
        ACK arrives, send next 
        packet, t = RTT + L / R
        last bit of 2nd packet arrives, send ACK
        last bit of 3rd packet arrives, send ACK
        3-packet pipelining increases
        utilization by a factor of 3!

        = .0024 
        30.008 = 0.00081 3L / R 
        RTT + L / R 

        L: a packet size (8000 bits for 1000 bytes)
        R: transmission rate (109 bps for 1 Gbps)
        RTT: round-trip-time (~ 30 ms for speed-of-light )
        Usender: fraction of time the sender is busy sending bits into the channel
        L/R = 8 us (0.008 ms)Pipelined protocols: overview
        Go-Back-N (GBN)
        • Sender can have up to N unack’ed packets in 
        • Receiver only sends cumulative ack
        • Doesn’t ack packet if there’s a gap
        • Sender has timer for oldest unacked packet
        • When timer expires, retransmit all unacked
        Selective Repeat
        • Sender can have up to N unack’ed packets in 
        • Receiver sends individual ack for each packet
        • Sender maintains timer for each unacked packet
        • When timer expires, retransmit only that unacked
        2024-09-05 8GBN sliding window protocol
        • Understand the details of a basic sliding window protocol
        • An ACK is an ACK (and not a NACK)
        • The receiver sends an ACK only if it receives the next packet in sequence*
        • You cannot use an ACK to tell the sender that a packet has been lost (i.e., no NACK)
        • No duplicate ACK detection
        • The sender increases the window in accordance with the ACK
        • Retransmissions are triggered by timeouts (and nothing else)
        • Receiving an ACK with unexpected sequence number does not trigger a retransmission
        2024-09-05 9
        * There can be a problem in this case. We will this dicuss it later on.Sliding window flow control
        -05 10
        Sender Receiver
        Window (size 3)
        0 1 2 3
        0 1 2 3
        0 1 2 3
        0 1 2 3
        0 1 2 3
        0 1 2 3
        0 1 2 3
        0 1 2 3
        3Problem when receiver only ACKs the next sequence
        • If the receiver sends an ACK only if it receives the next 
        packet in sequence, a deadlock occurs when all ACKs 
        (= number of window size) were lost
        • Receiver must send ACK with the expected sequence 
        number when it receives a packet with a different 
        sequence number than the expected sequence number
        • Sender upon receiving an ACK can assume all packets with 
        (ACK sequence number - 1) were received successfully
        2024-09-05 11
        Sender Receiver
        Send deadlock!
        Window (size 3)Go-Back-N sender • k-bit seq # in pkt header (range of sequence numbers is [0, 2k - 1])
        • “window” of up to N, consecutive unack’ed pkts allowed
        • ACK(n): ACKs all pkts up to, including seq # n - “cumulative ACK”
        • On receiving ACK(n): move window forward to begin at n+1
        • Timer for oldest in-flight pkt
        • Timeout(n): retransmit packet n and all higher seq # pkts in window
        • TCP implementation sends the next expected sequence in the ACK, i.e., ACK(n) ack’ed all pkts up to n-1
        • GUDP implementation will also send the expected sequence in the ACK
        2024-09-05 12GBN sender extended FSM*
        -05 13
        Wait start_timer

        if (nextseqnum < base+N) {
        [nextseqnum] = make_pkt
        if (base == nextseqnum
        nextseqnum++ }
        base = getacknum
        If (base == nextseqnum
        (rcvpkt) && 
        && corrupt(rcvpkt) Λ Λ
        * See
         the course
         3.4.3, figure
         3.20GBN receiver extended FSM*
        • ACK-only: always send ACK for correctly-received pkt with highest in-order seq #
        • May generate duplicate ACKs
        • Need only remember expectedseqnum
        • out-of-order pkt: 
        • Discard (don’t buffer): no receiver buffering!
        • Re-ACK pkt with highest in-order seq #
        2024-09-05 14
        && notcurrupt(rcvpkt)
        && hasseqnum(rcvpkt,expectedseqnum) 
        sndpkt = make_pkt(expectedseqnum,ACK,chksum)
        sndpkt = make_pkt(0,ACK,chksum)
        * See the course book chapter 3.4.3, figure 3.21GUDP implementation in java
        • GUDP runs in user space, in the same process as the application
        We provide:
        • GUDPPacket.java: A class for GUDP protocol declarations with associated methods to access the 
        GUDP packet header and payload
        • GUDPSocketAPI.java: Well-defined API that you must use for your implementation
        • GUDPEndPoint.java: A class for keeping track of remote endpoints
        • GUDPSocket.java: A class for GUDP library
        • SenderThread.java: A class that monitors send buffers and sends packets when they are in the buffer.
        • ReceiverThread.java: A class that receives packets from remote endpoints and puts them in the buffers.
        2024-09-05 15
        UDP Application UDP GUDP Application
        • ARQ
        • Sliding window flow control
        You are not allowed to modify these files!GUDP header
        • Version: version of the GUDP protocol
        • Use version 1!
        • Type: packet type 
        • DATA, BSN, ACK, and FIN
        • How to use sequence numbers:
        • DATA packets: increases by one for each packet sent
        • BSN packets: random
        • ACK packets: sequence number of next expected DATA packet
        • FIN packets: sequence number of last DATA packet plus one
        2024-09-05 16
        0 7 8 15 16 ** 
        | Version | Type |
        | Sequence number |
        +--------+--------+--------+--------+GUDPSocketAPI.java – API you must use
        • Your code must conform to this API
        • Class/method declarations defined for the assignment
        • You will write the GUDPSocket class that implements this API
        • You may add variables, methods, and inner classes in GUDPSocket.java
        2024-09-05 17
        import java.net.DatagramPacket;
        import java.io.IOException;
        public interface GUDPSocketAPI {
        public void send(DatagramPacket packet) throws IOException;
        public void receive(DatagramPacket packet) throws IOException;
        public void finish() throws IOException;
        public void close() throws IOException;
        }GUDPSocket.java – skeleton code for GUDP library
        • The skeleton above is incomplete
        • The actual file contains more variables and descriptions of what must be done in each method
        2024-09-05 18
        import java.net.DatagramPacket;
        import java.net.DatagramSocket;
        import java.io.IOException;
        public class GUDPSocket implements GUDPSocketAPI {
        DatagramSocket datagramSocket;
        public GUDPSocket(DatagramSocket socket) {
        datagramSocket = socket;
        public void send(DatagramPacket packet) throws IOException {}
        public void receive(DatagramPacket packet) throws IOException {}
        public void finish() throws IOException {}
        public void close() throws IOException {}
        • Send a packet
        • The application put data in the DatagramPacket format
        • The destination address/port included in the DatagramPacket
        • Non-blocking – returns immediately
        • Put application data in GUDP send buffer for future delivery
        • The DatagramPacket must be encapsulate in GUDP format before putting in the send buffer
        2024-09-05 19
        public void send(DatagramPacket packet) throws IOException;receive()
        • Receive a packet
        • The application fetch the data from GUDP receive buffer, otherwise wait for the data to arrive
        • GUDP receives incoming packets from remote endpoints independently from the application
        • GUDP receive buffer stores packets in GUDP format, which must be decapsulated before sending it to the 
        • The application handles packets from different senders (which can be differentiated based on the 
        information in the packet)
        2024-09-05 20
        public void receive(DatagramPacket packet) throws IOException;finish()
        • Finish sending
        • The application calls this method to inform GUDP that it’s done sending
        • GUDP completes the actual sending and return when it is done, otherwise report error/timeout by 
        throwing the IOException
        • Retransmission may occur due to packet lost or arriving out-of-order
        • Clean up data structure that you use to track destination end points
        2024-09-05 21
        public void finish() throws IOException;close()
        • Close the GUDP socket and gracefully terminate sender and receiver threads
        • The application calls this method to terminate the GUDP socket
        • GUDP cleans up, closes the socket, stop sender and receiver threads, and return.
        2024-09-05 22
        public void close() throws IOException;GUDP sender side
        • Data transfer may happen after the application passed all packets to GUDP
        • GUDP can send multiple packets (<= window size) before it receives any ACK
        2024-09-05 23
        Application GUDP Network
        GUDP ACK
        GUDP BSN
        GUDP DATA
        GUDP DATA
        GUDP ACK
        finish() return
        GUDP ACK
        GUDP FIN
        GUDP ACK
        Application terminates after send completion
        wait for GUDP to complete sendingGUDP receiver side
        • Receive returns only after GUDP has DATA
        • Receiver may keep socket open to receive more DATA
        2024-09-05 24
        Application GUDP Network
        GUDP DATA
        GUDP ACK
        GUDP ACK
        GUDP BSN
        GUDP DATA
        GUDP ACK
        receive(packet) return
        receive(packet) return
        Fetch a packet from receive buffer
        Otherwise, wait for an incoming packet
        Application remains running to receive new connectionsProtocol control block
        • An application can open multiple GUDP sockets
        • Each GUDP socket can be used for communication 
        with multiple peers
        • Two levels
        • Multiple GUDP sockets
        • Multiple peers per socket
        • Need to
        • Maintain state for per-socket “peers”
        • Have a way to look up peer state
        • Maintain queues with outbound/inbound packets
        2024-09-05 25
        Socket Socket
        GUDP Implementation: Send and receive processes
        2024-09-05 26
        - Handle destination endpoints
        - Wrap app data in GUDP
        - Put it in send queue
        - Take GUDP from send queue
        - Wrap it in UDP and send
        - Handle timeout/retransmission
        send() Send 
        - Receive and process incoming packets
        BSN: Create receive endpoint if not exist
        DATA: Put GUDP DATA in the receive queue
        ACK: Update send queue
        FIN: Mark endpoint for removal
        - Send ACKs for the received packets
        Pick up GUDP from receive queue
        Unwrap GUDP to get app data
        RECEIVEMain tasks
        Part 1: GUDPSocket.java
        • Implement core functionalities, including send(), receive(), finish(), and close() methods
        • Assume SenderThread.java and ReceiverThread.java are already implemented as described in the 
        comments in the files
        Part 2: SenderThread.java
        • Implement the send thread that monitors send queues and sends packets based on the GBN protocol 
        when there are packets in the queues
        • Assume GUDPSocket.java and ReceiverThread.java are implemented as described in the comments in 
        the files
        • GUDPSocket.java from the teacher, not from your part 1 submission!
        • ReceiverThread.java handles ACK for the GBN sender, and it also calls FSMSender after it removes all ACKed
        packet from the send buffer
        2024-09-05 27Teacher implementation: SenderThread class
        if senderList is empty, make it wait
        while (runFlag)
        synchronize senderList
        for each endpoint in sendList
        run FSMSender(endPoint)
        if endpoint is finished, check if its send queue is empty, remove it from sendList otherwise proceed to next endpoint 
        if sendList is empty, notify other threads. Otherwise if all endpoints' send queue are empty, make senderList wait
        if (!runFlag), notifies other threads
        while (nextseqnum < base+N) && (nextseqnum < last)
        get next GUDP packet from the send queue, pack and send it
        if (base == nextseqnum) start_timer
        2024-09-05 28Teacher implementation: FSMSender method
        2024-09-05 29Teacher implementation: ReceiverThread class
        When packet arrives, unpack it to GUDP format
        if incoming packet is an ACK
        synchronize senderList
        remove all ACK'ed packets from senderList, update related parameters
        move to RCV state and call FSMSender
        notify senderList
        if incoming packet is a BSN
        synchronize receiverList
        if new end point, add a new GUDPEndPoint, update all parameters, add it to receiverList, and send ACK
        else if end point was finished
        reset end point parameters and use the new expectedseqnum based on BSN (seq+1), and send ACK
        else send ACK with the expectedseqnum
        if incoming packet is a DATA
        synchronize receiverList
        if seq==expectedseqnum, add GUDP packet to end point receive buffer, update all parameters, and send ACK
        else send ACK with the expectedseqnum
        if incoming packet is a FIN
        synchronize receiverList
        if seq==expectedseqnum, update all parameters, set end point as finished, and send ACK
        else send ACK with the expectedseqnum
        2024-09-05 30Grading overview
        The application should be able to:
        • Send one or multiple files to one or more destinations
        • Receive one or multiple files from one or more sources
        • Handle unexpected situations gracefully
        • Work with other implementations
        • To pass, your submission must ensure that:
        • The application can at least send and receive one file on one destination correctly
        • GUDP must be used in data transmission (show on the wire correctly)
        • Sliding window flow control is working correctly (multiple packets in-flight)
        • ARQ mechanism is working correctly (handle packet loss correctly)
        • Your scores meet the grading criteria (see details on the next two slides)
        • Part 1: Deadline: Mon 23 Sep 17:00 sharp • Make-up deadline: Tue 1 Oct 17:00 sharp
        • Part 2: Deadline: Mon 30 Sep 17:00 sharp • Make-up deadline: Tue 8 Oct 17:00 sharp
        2024-09-05 31Part 1: Grading criteria
        Score at least 3.5 points from the bold items and 5 out of 7 in total
        1. Send multiple packets in-flight + check packet content (1)
        2. Send and receive files with your code without loss (1)
        3. Send one file to other receiver without loss (0.5)
        4. Send one file to other receiver with loss (0.5)
        5. Receive one file from other sender without loss (0.5)
        6. Receive one file from other sender with loss (0.5)
        7. Send one file to multiple receivers without loss (0.5)
        8. Send one file to multiple receivers with loss (0.5)
        9. Send multiple files to other receiver without loss (0.5)
        10. Send multiple files to other receiver with loss (0.5)
        11. Receive multiple files from other sender without loss (0.5)
        12. Receive multiple files from other sender with loss (0.5)
        2024-09-05 **
        >=3.5 points
        >=5 pointsPart 2: Grading criteria
        Score at least 2.5 points from the bold items and 3.5 out of 5 in total
        1. Send multiple packets in-flight + check packet content (1)
        2. Send and receive files with your code without loss (1)
        3. Send one file to other receiver without loss (0.5)
        4. Send one file to other receiver with loss (0.5)
        5. Receive one file from other sender without loss (0.5)
        6. Receive one file from other sender with loss (0.5)
        7. Send one file to multiple receivers without loss (0.5)
        8. Send one file to multiple receivers with loss (0.5)
        9. Send multiple files to other receiver without loss (0.5)
        10. Send multiple files to other receiver with loss (0.5)
        11. Receive multiple files from other sender without loss (0.5)
        12. Receive multiple files from other sender with loss (0.5)
        2024-09-05 33
        >=2.5 points
        >=3.5 pointsPlagiarism*
        • Plagiarism in practical work and computing code
        • “It is important that students ‘do their own work’ when they write computer code, when document an 
        experiment, create a design or answer a mathematical problem. If they do not do these activities 
        themselves, yet claim the results as their own, this is plagiarism.”
        • Students who, with unauthorized aids or otherwise attempt to mislead the exam or when a student's 
        performance is otherwise to be assessed, may lead to disciplinary action.
        2024-09-05 34
        * More information on KTH webpage about Cheating and plagiarismTesting
        • We provide sample applications that you can use to run with your GUDP code
        • VSFtp.java: A class for a simple file transfer protocol
        • VSSend.java: An application for sending files over VSFtp
        • VSRecv.java: An application for receiving files over VSFtp
        • You are responsible for identifying relevant test cases and performing tests
        • Need to complete GUDPSocket.java, SenderThread.java, and ReceiverThread.java
        • Think through the protocol carefully and know how it should work exactly
        • Think through the dynamic behaviour of the GUDP library
        • What happens, and when?
        • Define the protocol states and transitions
        • <current state, event, action, new state>
        • If you have question:
        • Discussion forum: Q&A for lab activities
        • Q&A sessions for verbal discussion or additional support
        2024-09-05 35Test service on http://ik2215.ssvl.kth.se
        • Only accessible within KTH network
        • From outside KTH network, you must connect via KTH VPN-service
        • Part 1: http://ik2215.ssvl.kth.se/prg1
        • Part 2: http://ik2215.ssvl.kth.se/prg2
        • You must provide:
        • Your KTH account i.e., KTH email without the “@KTH.SE” part
        • Your submission file 
        • Part 1: GUDPSocket.java
        • Part 2: SenderThread.java
        • The test runs at 00:00 everyday
        • Slow: 6-10 minutes per submission
        • Results send to the KTH account you provided
        2024-09-05 362024-09-05 37
        ### TEST6: receive one file from other sender with loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can receive one file when first BSN is lost
        OK: Your code can receive one file when first DATA is lost
        OK: Your code can receive one file when first FIN is lost
        OK: Your code can receive one file when first ACK is lost
        OK: Your code can receive one file with random loss
        TEST6: OK 0.5p ### TEST7: send one file to multiple receivers without loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send one file to multiple receivers
        TEST7: OK 0.5p ### TEST8: send one file to multiple receivers with loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send one file to multiple receivers
        TEST8: OK 0.5p ### TEST9: send multiple files to other receiver without loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send multiple files to other receiver
        TEST9: OK 0.5p ### TEST10: send multiple files to other receiver with loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send multiple files to other receiver
        TEST10: OK 0.5p ### TEST11: receive multiple files from other sender without loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can receive one file from other sender
        TEST11: OK 0.5p ### TEST12: receive multiple files from other sender with loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can receive one file from other sender
        TEST12: OK 0.5p
        IMPORTANT: You pass only if scores of TEST**6 >=3.5 points and TEST**12 >=5.0 points.
        You get the scores only when you pass. Otherwise, you get 0 points
        SCORE: 7.0
        OK: Code compiles without error.
        ### TEST1: Send multiple packets in-flight + check packet content (1.0p)
        OK: GUDP version must be 1
        OK: First packet is GUDP BSN (type 2)
        OK: Sequence number is random and not zero or one
        OK: BSN packet contains only GUDP header
        OK: GUDP version must be 1
        OK: Second packet is GUDP DATA (type 1)
        OK: Sequence number should be random and not zero
        OK: Second packet has an increment sequence number
        OK: data packet seems to contain GUDP header + payload
        TEST1: OK 1.0p ### TEST2: send and receive files with your code without loss (1.0p)
        OK: Your code can send and receive one file
        OK: Your code can send and receive multiple files
        TEST2: OK 1.0p ### TEST3: send one file to other receiver without loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send one file to other receiver
        TEST3: OK 0.5p ### TEST4: send one file to other receiver with loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send one file when first BSN is lost
        OK: Your code can send one file when first DATA is lost
        OK: Your code can send one file when first FIN is lost
        OK: Your code can send one file when first ACK is lost
        OK: Your code can send one file with random loss
        TEST4: OK 0.5p ### TEST5: receive one file from other sender without loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can receive one file from other sender
        TEST5: OK 0.5p
        Example test output for Part 12024-09-05 38
        ### TEST7: send one file to multiple receivers without loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send one file to multiple receivers
        TEST7: OK 0.5p ### TEST8: send one file to multiple receivers with loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send one file to multiple receivers
        TEST8: OK 0.5p ### TEST9: send multiple files to other receiver without loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send multiple files to other receiver
        TEST9: OK 0.5p ### TEST10: send multiple files to other receiver with loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send multiple files to other receiver
        TEST10: OK 0.5p
        TEST11: SKIPPED 0.0p
        TEST12: SKIPPED 0.0p
        IMPORTANT: You pass only if scores of TEST**6 >=2.5 points and TEST**12 >=3.5 points.
        You get the scores only when you pass. Otherwise, you get 0 points
        SCORE: 5.0
        OK: Code compiles without error.
        ### TEST1: Send multiple packets in-flight + check packet content (1.0p)
        OK: GUDP version must be 1
        OK: First packet is GUDP BSN (type 2)
        OK: Sequence number is random and not zero or one
        OK: BSN packet contains only GUDP header
        OK: GUDP version must be 1
        OK: Second packet is GUDP DATA (type 1)
        OK: Sequence number should be random and not zero
        OK: Second packet has an increment sequence number
        OK: data packet seems to contain GUDP header + payload
        TEST1: OK 1.0p ### TEST2: send and receive files with your code without loss (1.0p)
        OK: Your code can send and receive one file
        OK: Your code can send and receive multiple files
        TEST2: OK 1.0p ### TEST3: send one file to other receiver without loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send one file to other receiver
        TEST3: OK 0.5p ### TEST4: send one file to other receiver with loss (0.5p)
        OK: Your code can send one file when first BSN is lost
        OK: Your code can send one file when first DATA is lost
        OK: Your code can send one file when first FIN is lost
        OK: Your code can send one file when first ACK is lost
        OK: Your code can send one file with random loss
        TEST4: OK 0.5p
        TEST5: SKIPPED 0.0p
        TEST6: SKIPPED 0.0p
        Example test output for Part 2Useful resources
        • Course book: 8th and 7th edition
        • Read Chapter 3.4 through Chapter 3.4.3 Go-Back-N (GBN)
        • TCP Operational Overview and the TCP Finite State Machine (FSM)
        • Producer-consumer in Java: Baeldung, geeksforgeeks
        • Java queue implementations: Oracle, Baeldung, geeksforgeeks, 
        • Java documentation for different classes:
        • DatagramSocket, DatagramPacket, 
        • LinkedList, ArrayDeque
        • Java wait() and notify() methods
        2024-09-05 39What you need to do • Read through relevant materials thoroughly
        • Guaranteed UDP (GUDP) page on Canvas
        • This programming introduction slides
        • Read through the given source code template for the assignment
        • Familiarize with java programming
        • Plan early and work incrementally
        • Submit your code to the test service daily!
        2024-09-05 40

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        主站蜘蛛池模板: 精品无码一区二区三区在线| 欧洲精品一区二区三区在线观看| 精品动漫一区二区无遮挡| 国产主播一区二区三区| 色偷偷久久一区二区三区| 一区二区三区杨幂在线观看 | 亚洲福利视频一区二区| 日韩人妻精品一区二区三区视频 | 亚洲日本一区二区三区在线不卡| 中文字幕一区二区三区在线观看| 国产午夜精品一区二区三区小说 | 97精品国产福利一区二区三区| 少妇人妻精品一区二区| 欧美av色香蕉一区二区蜜桃小说 | 无人码一区二区三区视频| 色精品一区二区三区| 韩国精品一区视频在线播放| 冲田杏梨AV一区二区三区| 老熟妇高潮一区二区三区| 亚洲av无码一区二区三区人妖| 交换国产精品视频一区| 成人中文字幕一区二区三区| 中文字幕人妻AV一区二区| 国产福利一区二区三区在线观看| 亚洲一区二区久久| 亚洲一区精彩视频| 国产精品久久久久久一区二区三区 | 亚洲国模精品一区| 精品久久久久一区二区三区| 高清一区二区在线观看| 一区二区三区在线免费| 亚洲午夜日韩高清一区| 国产精品无码一区二区三级 | 少妇激情av一区二区| 亚洲视频一区在线| 亚洲AV无码一区二区三区电影 | 激情亚洲一区国产精品| 一区二区不卡在线| 波多野结衣一区二区免费视频| 影院无码人妻精品一区二区| 岛国无码av不卡一区二区|