

        時間:2024-05-28  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

        School of Computing and Information Technology 
        University of Wollongong 
        Session: Autumn 2024 
        CSIT213 Autumn Session 2024 
        Assignment 3 
        Published on 05 May 2024 Due: Saturday 01 June, 11:30 pm 
        Total Marks: 15 marks 
        This assignment is related to the UML classes diagrams, Java classes definitions and implementations, 
        polymorphism, collectors, file input/output, and JavaFX. 
        Please read very carefully the information listed below. 
        General Java coding requirements: 
         Create your programs with good programming style and form using proper blank spaces, indentation, and
        braces to make your code easy to read and understand.
         Create identifiers with sensible names.
         Add proper comments to describe your code segments where they are necessary for readers to understand
        what your code intends to achieve.
         Logical structures and statements are properly used for specific purposes.
         Read the assignment specification carefully, and make sure that you follow the direction in this
        assignment. In every assignment source file that you will submit on this subject, you must put the
        following information in the header of your program:
         My name: 
        My student number: 
        My course code: CSIT213 
        My email address: 
        Assignment number: 3 
        A submission procedure is explained at the end of the specification. 
        It is recommended to solve the problems before attending the laboratory classes in order to efficiently use 
        supervised laboratory time. 
        A submission marked by Moodle as Late is treated as a late submission no matter how many seconds it is 
        A policy regarding late submissions is included in the subject outline. 
        A submission of compressed files (zipped, gzipped, rared, tared, 7-zipped, lhzed, … etc) is not allowed. The 
        compressed files will not be evaluated. 
        An implementation that does not compile due to one or more syntactical or processing errors scores no marks. 
        It is expected that all tasks included in Assignment 3 will be solved individually without any cooperation 
        from the other students. If you have any doubts, questions, etc. please consult your lecturer or tutor during 
        lab classes or office hours. Plagiarism will result in a FAIL grade being recorded for the assessment task.  
        In this assignment, you are required to design and implement a Department Employee and Project (DEP) 
        System in Java. This system helps a company to manage employees and projects. 
        The DEP system helps a company to manage departments, employees, projects and developers work on 
        projects. The system load data of departments, employees, projects, and works-on from the text files when 
        the program starts. Then the application shows a Graphic User Interface (GUI) so that a user can choose 
        what to do. 
        The UML class diagram of DEP is given below. You can add new classes, methods and attributes in the UML 
        class diagram but CANNOT modify or delete any existing classes, attributes, and methods. Your java 
        implementation must be consistent with the UML class diagram. 
        First, we define an interface class DataIO in a file DataIO.java that only consists of three abstract 
        methods: dataInput(Scanner), dataOutput(Formatter) and toString(). 
         Define a superclass Employee and two sub-classes Admin and Developer in a file Employee.java. The 
        class Employee implements the interface DataIO. Two sub-classes override the methods defined in the 
        interface DataIO. 
        Define a class Department in a file Department.java that implements the methods of the interface 
        Define a class Project in a file Project.java that implements the method of the interface DataIO. 
        Define a class WorksOn in a file WorksOn.java that implements the methods of the interface DataIO. 
        The DEP class is defined in a file DEP.java that contains ArrayList containers containing objects of 
        Department, Employee, Project and WorksOn. 
        The DEP application initially loads data of departments, employees, projects, and works-on from the text 
        files departments.txt, employees.txt, projects.txt and workson.txt and stores them in 
        the containers by calling the methods loadDepartments(), loadEmployees(), loadProjects() and 
        loadWorksOn(), then the application shows the GUI, handles the events from the user. 
        The format of a file departments.txt contains data like 
        1, SALES, 110, 1234.00, 02/01/2012 
        2, ACCOUNTING, 120, 5566789.50, 30/10/2010 
        3, GAMES, 150, 100000.00, 01/03/2008 
        Each row is a record of a department. It contains a department number, name, manager number, budgets and 
        manager start date. Each field is separated by a comma (,) and a space ( ). 
        The format of a file employees.txt contains data like 
        A, 600, Willy, 01/01/1988, 41 Station Street Wollongong NSW 2500, M, 250.5, 0, 9, Cook Read 
        D, 700, Zhi, 12/09/1999, 112 Smith Street Windang NSW 2525, M, 80.2, 600, 9, C++ Java Python 
        D, 800, Mary, 03/10/2000, 26 Gibsons Road Figtree NSW 2525, F, 50.0, 700, 9, Java Python SQL 
        Each row is a record of an employee. The first character is the type of employee. The letter D means it is a 
        Developer record. The letter A means it is an Admin record. Each field is separated by a comma (,) and a 
        space ( ). 
         An admin record contains an employee number, name, date of birth, address, gender, salary, supervisor 
        number, department number, and skills. 
        A developer record contains an employee number, name, date of birth, address, gender, salary, supervisor 
        number, department number, and programming languages. 
        The format of a file projects.txt contains data like 
        1001, Computation, Microsoft, 8, 25000 
        1002, Study methods, Education committee, 3, 15000 
        Each row is a record of a project. A project record contains a project number, title, sponsor, department 
        number and budget. Each field is separated by a comma (,) and a space ( ). 
        The format of a file workson.txt contains data like 
        800, 1001, 10 
        510, 1001, 15 
        A works-on record consists of an employee (developer) number, a project number, and the hours. 
        Hint: You can open a text file, and then call the method 
        useDelimiter(", |\r\n|\n") 
        of a Scanner object before getting input data from a text file. 
        The detailed requests 
         You shall update the UML class diagram by adding new classes, methods, and attributes. Please make 
        sure your implementation is consistent with your UML class diagram. 
         The DEP class shall contain JavaFX components, such as Label, TextField, Button, ListView, etc. 
        With the GUI, a user can interact with the applications. 
         After initialization, the applicant shows lists of department numbers, employee numbers, project 
        numbers, works on information, and the pie chart of department budgets. 
         If a user clicks an item in a list, the details of the item are displayed in the text fields below that list. 
         If a user clicks a button Add, the application validates the developer and the project that selected 
        from the lists. If the developer hasn’t worked on the project, then pop up a dialog to get the hours, 
        and add the new works-on in the container workson and the list of workson in the GUI. 
        Display the validate messages in a text field of message. 
        If a user clicks a button Delete, the application pops up a confirmation dialog and deletes the 
        selected works-on record if it is confirmed. **3; If a user clicks a button Save, the application saves the works-on information from the container 
        workson to a text file workson.txt and display a message about how many records have been 
        **3; The system shall be able to handle the exceptions during the interaction between the user and the 
        system. The exceptions may include invalid information when loading departments, employees, 
        projects and workson. 
        See the Processing examples below for more details. 
        Testing files 
        Download files departments.txt, employees.txt, projects.txt and workson.txt 
        from the Moodle site. 
        Compilation and testing 
        Compile your program by using the javac command. 
        javac --module-path "the-path-of-javafx-lib" --add-modules 
        javafx.controls DEP.java 
        Process your program by using the java command. 
        java --module-path "the-path-of-javafx-lib" --add-modules 
        javafx.controls DEP 
        The path of JavaFX lib is the path where you have installed the JavaFX library (.jar files). For example, 
        If a JavaFX library path is C:\MyApps\javafx-sdk-20.0.1\lib, then replace "the-path-ofjavafx-lib"
        with "C:\MyApps\javafx-sdk-20.0.1\lib". 
        Test your program for all the events. See the examples of the processing results below for more details. 
        Note: Some important data, such as selected items, messages are emphasized in red rectangles of the screen 
         Processing examples 
        When the application starts, it loads data and stores them into the containers, then shows lists of 
        departments, employees, projects, works-on and the pie chart of department budgets like the GUI below. 
        If a user clicks an item of a list, the application displays the details of the item below the list.  
        If a user clicks a button Add, the application validates the employee, project and works on information. 
        If a developer, project and works-on are valid, the application pops a dialog to get hours, and add the new 
        works-on to the list and the container workson. 
        If a user clicks a button Delete, the application pops a dialog to confirm the deletion, then delete the 
        selected works-on data from both container workson and the list of works-on. 
         If a user clicks a button Save, the application saves the works-on records into a file workson.txt and 
        display message such as 7 workson records are saved. 
        (1) UML class diagram (1 mark): Use the UMLet application tool to draw the class diagram. The class 
        diagram shall 
         contains at least the classes mentioned above. 
         contains the class name, fields, and methods definitions for each class. 
         use correct and sufficient UML notations. 
         specify the associations between classes. 
         specify the multiplicities for both sides of the associations. 
        Remember to use the CSIT213 palette! 
        Use the option File‐>Export as… to export a class diagram into a file in BMP format. Do not delete an 
        exported file. You will use it as one of the solutions for your task. 
        Insert the BMP files into a Word file assignment3Report.docx. 
        (2) Implementation (12 marks): Implement the application according to the UML class diagrams and the 
        processing examples described above. The program shall 
         be consistent with the UML class diagrams. 
         follow the conventions for naming all classes, variables, and methods. 
         provide sufficient comments. 
         use proper blank spaces, indentation, and braces to make your code easy to read and understand. 
         follow the specified implementation requests. 
         be able to show the GUI and handle all events that required. 
        (3) Compilation and test (2 marks): Compilation and test your Java program by using the command line 
         Please carefully compile your program. Make sure your program can pass the compilation by using 
        the javac command. 
         Test your program by using the java command. 
        Test your program for all the activities. See the examples of the processing results above for more 
         Please do not define the package in your program (a special alert for students who use IDE to 
        complete the assignment). 
        Copy and paste the compilation and testing results into the Word file assignment3Report.docx. 
        When ready convert the Word file assignment3Report.docx into a pdf file 

        Note that you have only one submission. So, make absolutely sure that you submit the correct files with the 
        correct contents and correct types. No other submission is possible! 
        Submit the files DEP.java, DataIO.java, Department.java, Employee.java, 
        Project.java, WorksOn.java, and assignment3Report.pdf through Moodle in the 
        following way: 
        (1) Access Moodle at http://moodle.uowplatform.edu.au/ 
        (2) To login use a Login link located in the right upper corner of the Web page or in the middle of the 
        bottom of the Web page 
        (3) When logged select a site CSIT213 (S223) Java Programming 
        (4) Scroll down to a section Assignments and submission 
        (5) Click on a link Assignment 3 submission 
        (6) Click on the button Add Submission 
        (7) Upload a file DEP.java into an area You can drag and drop files here to add 
        them. You can also use a link Add… 
        (8) Repeat step (7) for the files DataIO.java, Department.java, Employee.java, 
        Project.java, WorksOn.java and assignment3Report.pdf. 
        (9) Click on the checkbox with a text attached: By checking this box, I confirm that 
        this submission is my own work, … in order to confirm the authorship of your submission 
        (10) Click on a button Save changes 
        End of specification 
        請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


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