
        CS 04450代寫、代做Java編程設計

        時間:2024-05-20  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

        CS 04450代寫、代做Java編程設計
        Coursework: SCUPI+, A Java Application for Film Query
        CS 04450 Data Structure, Department of Computer Science, SCUPI
        Spring 2024
        This coursework sheet explains the work in details. Please read the instructions carefully and
        follow them step-by-step. For submission instructions, please read the Sec. 4. If you have any
        queries regarding the understanding of the coursework sheet, please contact the TAs or the
        course leader. Due on: 23:59 PM, Wednesday, June 5th.
        1 Introduction
        A developer of a new Java application has asked for your help in storing a large amount of fflm data
        efffciently. The application, called SCUPI+, is used to present data and fun facts about fflms, the
        cast and crew who worked on them, and some ratings the developer has gathered in there free time.
        However, because the developer hasn’t taken the module, they don’t want to design how the data is
        Therefore, this coursework and the task that the developer has left to you, is to design one or more
        data structures that can efffciently store and search through the data. The data consists of 3 separate
        • Movie Metadata: the data about the fflms, including there ID number, title, length, overview
        • Credits: the data about who stared in and produced the fflms.
        • Ratings: the data about what different users thought about the fflms (rated out of 5 stars), and
        when the user rated the fflm.
        To help out, the developer of SCUPI+ has provided classes for each of these. Each class has been
        populated with functions with JavaDoc preambles that need to be fflled in by you. As well as this,
        the developer has also tried to implement the MyArrayList data structure into a 4th dataset (called
        Keywords), to show you where to store your data structures and how they can be incorporated into
        the pre-made classes. Finally, the developer has left instructions for you, which include how to build,
        run and test you code; and the ffle structure of the application (see Sec. 3).
        Therefore, your task is to implement the functions within the Movies, Credits and Ratings classes
        through the use of your own data structures.
        2 Guidance
        First, don’t panic! Have a read through the documentation provided in Sec. 3. This explains how to
        build and run the application. This can be done without writing anything, so make sure you can do
        that ffrst.
        Then you can have a look at the comments and functions found in the Movies, Credits and
        Ratings classes. The location of these is described in Sec. 3.5.2. Each of the functions you need to
        implement has a comment above it, describing what it should do. It also lists each of the parameters
        1for the function (lines starting with @param), and what the function should return (lines starting with
        When you are ready to start coding, We would recommend starting off with the Rating class
        ffrst. This is because it is smallest of the 3 required, and is also one of the simplest. When you have
        completed a function, you can test it using the test suit described in Sec. 3.5.3. More details about
        where the code for the tests are can be found in Sec. 3.4.
        3 SCUPI+
        SCUPI+ is a small Java application that pulls in data from a collection of Comma Separated Value
        (CSV) ffles. It is designed to have a lightweight user interface (UI), so that users can inspect and
        query the data. The application also has a testing suit connected to it, to ensure all the functions
        work as expected. The functions called in the SCUPI+ UI are the same as those called in the testing,
        so if the tests work, the UI will also work.
        3.1 Required Software
        For the SCUPI+ to compile and run, Java 21 is required, make sure you download this speciffc version
        of Java. Whilst a newer version of Java can be utilised, other parts of the application will also have to
        be updated and this has not been tested. Although you can always have a try with your own version,
        it is highly recommended you download and use Java 21.
        3.2 Building SCUPI+
        To compile the code, simply run the command shown in the table below in the working directory (the
        one with src folder in it).
        Linux/DCS System MacOS Windows
        ./gradlew build ./gradlew build ./gradlew.bat build
        3.3 Running the SCUPI+ Application
        To run the application, simply run the command shown in the table below in the working directory
        (the one with src folder in it).
        Linux/DCS System MacOS Windows
        ./gradlew run ./gradlew run ./gradlew.bat run
        This command will also compile the code, in case any ffles have been changed. When this is done,
        a window will appear with the UI for the application. The terminal will not be able to be used at this
        time. Instead it will print anything required from the program. To stop the application, simply close
        the window or press CTRL+C at the same time in the terminal.
        23.4 Running the SCUPI+ Test Suit
        To run the tests, simply run the command shown in the table below in the working directory (the one
        with src folder in it).
        Linux/DCS System MacOS Windows
        ./gradlew test ./gradlew test ./gradlew.bat test
        This command will also compile the code, in case any ffles have been changed. When ran, this will
        produce the output from each test function. It will also produce a webpage of the results, which can
        be found in build/reports/tests/test/index.html
        3.5 SCUPI+ File Structure
        Every effort has been made to keep the ffle structure simple and clean, whilst maintaining good coding
        practices. In the following subsections, a brief description of each of the key directories is given, along
        with its contents and what you need to worry about in them.
        3.5.1 data/
        This directory stores all the data ffles that are pulled into the application. There are 4 .csv ffles in
        this directory, 1 for each of the datasets described in Sec. 1. Each line in these ffles is a different entry,
        with values being separated by commas (hence the name Comma Separated Values). You do not need
        to add, edit or remove anything from this directory for your coursework. More details on how these
        ffles are structured can be found in Sec. 3.6.
        3.5.2 src/main/
        This directory stores all the Java code for the application. As such, there are a number of directories
        and ffles in this directory, each of which are required for the application and/or the UI to function.
        To make things simpler, there are 3 key directories that will be useful for you:
        • java/interfaces/: stores the interface classes for the data sets. You do not need to add, edit
        or remove anything from this directory, but it may be useful to read through.
        • java/stores/: stores the classes for the data sets. This is where the Keywords, Movies, Credits
        and Ratings from Sec. 1 are located, the latter 3 of which are the classes you need to complete.
        Therefore, you should only need to edit the following ffles:
        – Movies.java: stores and queries all the data about the fflms. The code in this ffle relies
        on the Company and Genre classes.
        – Credits.java: stores and queries all the data about who stared in and worked on the
        fflms. The code in this ffle relies on the CastCredit, CrewCredit and Person classes.
        – Ratings.java: stores and queries all the data about the ratings given to fflms.
        • java/structures/: stores the classes for your data structures. As an example, a array list
        MyArrayList has been provided there. Any classes you add in here can be accessed by the classes
        in the stores directory (assuming the classes you add are public). You may add any ffles you wish
        to this directory, but MyArrayList.java and IList.java should not be altered or removed, as
        these are relied on for Keywords.
        33.5.3 src/test/
        This directory stores all the code that related solely to the JUnit tests. As such, there is a Java ffle
        for each of the stores you need to implement. You do not need to add, edit or remove anything from
        this directory for your coursework.
        3.6 Data used for SCUPI+
        All of the data used by the SCUPI+ application can be found in the data directory. Each ffle in
        this directory contains a large collection of values, separated by commas (hence the CSV ffle type).
        Therefore, each of these can be opened by your favourite spreadsheet program. Most of these values
        are integers or ffoating point values, but some are strings. In the cases of strings, double quotation
        marks (”) are used at the beginning and end of the value. Where multiple elements could exist in that
        value, a JSON object has been used. You do not need to parse these ffles, SCUPI+ will do that for
        you in the LoadData class. The data generated by the LoadData class is passed to the corresponding
        data store class (Movies, Credits, Ratings and Keywords) using the add function.
        To make development easier, we have provided only 1000 fflms present in the data. This means
        that there are 1000 entries in the credits data set, and 1000 entries in the keywords data set. However,
        some fflms may not have any cast and/or crew (that information may not have been released yet, or
        it is unknown), some fflms don’t have keywords and some fflms may not have ratings. In these cases,
        an empty list of the required classes will be provided the add function.
        3.6.1 Key Stats
        Films 1000
        Film Entries 1000
        Unique Cast 11483
        Unique Crew 9256
        Ratings 17625
         Film Entires 1000
        Unique Keywords 2159
        3.6.2 Movies Metadata
        The following is a list all of the data stored about a fflm using the column names from the CSV ffle, in
        the same order they are in the CSV ffle. Blue ffelds are ones that are added through the add function
        in the Movies class.
        • adult: a boolean representing whether the fflm is an adult fflm.
        • belongs to collection: a JSON object that stores all the details about the collection a fflm
        is part of. This is added to the fflm using the addToCollection function in the Movies class.
        If the fflm is part of a collection, the collection will contain a collection ID, a collection name, a
        poster URL related to the collection and a backdrop URL related to the collection.
        • budget: a long integer that stores the budget of the fflm in US Dollars. If the budget is not
        known, then the budget is set to 0. Therefore, this will always be greater than or equal to 0.
        • genres: a JSON list that contain all the genres the fflms is part of. Each genre is represented
        as a key-value pair, where the key is represented as an ID number, and the value is represented
        as a string. SCUPI+ passes this as an array of Genre objects.
        4• homepage: a string representing a URL of the homepage of the fflm. If the fflm has no homepage,
        then this string is left empty.
        • tmdb id: an integer representing the ID of the fflm. This is used to link this fflm to other pieces
        of data in other data sets.
        • imdb id: a string representing the unique part of the IMDb URL for a given fflm. This is added
        using the setIMDB function in the Movies class.
        • original language: a 2-character string representing the ISO 639 language that the fflm was
        originally produced in.
        • original title: a string representing the original title of the fflm. This may be the same as
        the title ffeld, but is not always the case.
        • overview: a string representing the an overview of the fflm.
        • popularity: a ffoating point value that represents the relative popularity of the fflm. This value
        is always greater than or equal to 0. This data is added by the setPopularity function in the
        Movies class.
        • poster path: a string representing the unique part of a URL for the fflm poster. Not all fflms
        have a poster available. In these cases, an empty string is given.
        • production companies: a JSON list that stores the production countries for a fflm. Each entry
        in the JSON list has a key value pair, where the key is the ID of the company, and the value is
        the name of the company. SCUPI+ parses each list element into a Company object. This object
        is the added using the addProductionCompany in the Movies class.
        • production countries: a JSON list that stores the production countries for a fflm. Each entry
        in the JSON list has a key value pair, where the key is the ISO 3166 2-character string, and the
        value is the country name. SCUPI+ parses only handles the key, and uses a function to match
        this to the country name. This string is added using the addProductionCountry in the Movies
        • release date: a long integer representing the number of seconds from 1
        st January 1970 when
        the fflm was released. SCUPI+ passes this into a Java Calendar object.
        • revenue: a long integer representing the amount of money made by the fflm in US Dollars. If
        the revenue of the fflm is not known, then the revenue is set to 0. Therefore, this will always be
        greater than or equal to 0.
        • runtime: a ffoating point value representing the number of minutes the fflm takes to play. If the
        runtime is not know, then the runtime is set to 0. Therefore, this will always be greater than or
        equal to 0.
        • spoken languages: a JSON list that stores all the languages that the fflm is available in. This
        is stored as a list of key-value pairs, where the key is the 2 -character ISO 639 code, and the
        value is the language name. SCUPI+ parses these as an array of keys stored as strings.
        • status: a string representing the current state of the fflm.
        • tagline: a string representing the poster tagline of the fflm. A fflm is not guaranteed to have
        a tagline. In these cases, an empty string is presented.
        • title: a string representing the English title of the fflm.
        • video: a boolean representing whether the fflm is a ”direct-to-video” fflm.
        5• vote average: a floating point value representing an average score as given by a those on IMDb
        at the time the data was collected. As such, it is not used in the Review dataset. The score will
        always be between 0 and 10. This data is added using the setVote function in the Movies class.
        • vote count: an integer representing the number of votes on IMDb at the time the data was
        collected, to calculate the score for vote average. As such, it is not used in the Review dataset.
        This will always be greater than or equal to 0. This data is added using the setVote function
        in the Movies class.
        3.6.3 Credits
        The following is a list all of the data stored about the cast and crew of a film using the column names
        from the CSV file, in the same order they are in the CSV file. All these fields are used by SCUPI+:
        • cast: a JSON list that contains all the cast for a particular film. In the JSON list, each cast
        member has details that relate to there role in the film and themselves. SCUPI+ passes this
        into an array of Cast objects, with as many fields populated as possible.
        • crew: a JSON list that contains all the crew for a particular film. In the JSON list, each crew
        member has details that relate to there role in the film and themselves. SCUPI+ passes this
        into an array of Crew objects, with as many fields populated as possible.
        • tmdb id: an integer representing the film ID. The values for this directly correlates to the id
        field in the movies data set.
        3.6.4 Ratings
        The following is a list all of the data stored about the ratings for a film using the column names from
        the CSV file, in the same order they are in the CSV file. Blue fields are ones that are actually used
        by SCUPI+:
        • userId: an integer representing the user ID. The value of this is greater than 0.
        • movieLensId: an integer representing the MovieLens ID. This is not used in this application, so
        can be disregarded.
        • tmdbId: an integer representing the film ID. The values for this directly correlates to the id field
        in the movies data set.
        • rating: a floating point value representing the rating between 0 and 5 inclusive.
        • timestamp: a long integer representing the number of seconds from 1st January 1970 when the
        rating was made. SCUPI+ passes this into a Java Calendar object.
        3.6.5 Keywords
        The following is a list all of the data stored about the keywords for a film using the column names
        from the CSV file, in the same order they are in the CSV file. All these fields are used by SCUPI+:
        • tmdb id: an integer representing the film ID. The values for this directly correlates to the id
        field in the movies data set.
        6• keywords: a JSON list that contains all the keywords relating to a given film. Each keyword is
        represented as a key-value pair, where the key is represented as an ID number, and the value is
        represented as a string. SCUPI+ passes this into an array of Keyword objects.
        4 Submission
        You should submit one .zip file, containing the following files:
        • (50 marks) Three data store files for marking the unit tests:
        – src/main/java/stores/Movies.java
        – src/main/java/stores/Credits.java
        – src/main/java/stores/Ratings.java
        Also, submit any data structure files that has been created by you (DO NOT submit the
        MyArrayList we provided). Please note that when using these data structures, please place
        them under the directory src/main/java/structures, as what we will do when running your
        • (50 marks) A PDF report (≤ 1500 words) discussing the data structure(s) you have implemented
        for the 3 data stores. More specifically:
        – (20 marks) Justify your choice of the data structure(s) among so many other data structures.

         (20 marks) Discuss how you use the data structure(s) to build the required operations in
        the 3 data stores.
        – (10 marks) An extra 10 marks are for the organisation and presentation of your report.
        In the end, please don’t forget to compress all these files into a .zip file, and name the .zip file as:
        ”[CW]-[Session Number]-[Student ID]-[Your name]”

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