

        時間:2024-05-11  來源:合肥網(wǎng)hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

        CPT204-2**4 Coursework 3 Task Sheet
        Coursework 3 (CW3) is the final coursework component of the course this semester.
        It contributes to 40% of your final marks.
        You will form a team of two with your friend and apply object-oriented principles and
        advanced data structures you have learned throughout the semester to create
        intelligent game-playing characters. You will be tasked with writing a report and
        creating a video presentation to demonstrate your problem-solving and testing skills,
        as well as your understanding of object-oriented concepts.
        You are required to submit the following files: Java codes in a ZIP file, a Word and PDF
        report, an MP4 video, and a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation used in the video.
        Week 10, Friday, CW3 is released
        May 3, 2024, 13:00 CST (This task sheet, skeleton codes, sample test cases)
        Week 13, Sunday, CW3 Java source code files, video files (MP4, PPT),
        May 26, 2024, 23:59 CST and report files (Word, PDF) are due
        Late Submission Period 5% lateness penalty per-day
        Max 5 days (Monday-Friday)
        Reading Week, Friday, End of Late Submission Period
        May 31, 2024, 23:59 CST No submissions are accepted thereafter
        The remainder of the task sheet will outline the game rules, provide detailed
        specifications of the tasks, and specify the deliverables you are required to submit.
        Additionally, there is a marking rubric provided to guide you in achieving the best
        possible outcome.
        Coursework 3 – Intelligent Rogue Chars
        Intelligent game-playing characters have been used in the game industry to harness
        the power of graph algorithms to navigate complex virtual environments, strategically
        analyzing interconnected nodes and edges to optimize their movements and decisionmaking processes. By leveraging graph traversal techniques such as breadth-first
        search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS), these characters can efficiently explore vast
        game worlds, identify optimal paths, and anticipate opponent movements.
        In this coursework, you will use graph algorithms you have learned in Lecture 10 to
        develop an effective approach to track and intercept a moving opponent in a
        (simplified version of the) 2D Game called Rogue. You will also create a viable plan to
        evade interception from said opponent.
        The game Rogue was created by Michael Toy and Glen Wichman, who, while
        experimenting with Ken Arnold's C library named curses in the late 1970s, designed a
        graphical adventure game shown below.
        In 1984, CMU graduate students developed Rog-o-matic, an automated Rogue player,
        which became the highest-rated player. Rog-o-matic's algorithm prioritized avoiding
        monster encounters to facilitate health regeneration, posing an intriguing graph
        search challenge, which inspired this coursework.
        Rules of the Game
        The game of Rogue is played on an N-by-N grid that represents the dungeon. The two
        players are a rogue and a monster. The rogue is represented with the character @.
        The monster is represented by an uppercase letter A through Z.
        The monster and rogue take turns making moves, with the monster going first. If the
        monster intercepts the rogue (i.e., occupies the same site), then the monster kills the
        rogue, and the game ends. In each turn, a player either remains stationary or moves
        to an adjacent site.
        There are three types of sites:
        1. Rooms represented by .
        2. Corridors represented by +
        3. Walls represented by (a space)
        The movement rules are:
        **3; If a player is in a room site, then they can move to an adjacent room site in one
        of the 8 compass directions (N, E, S, W, NW, NE, SW, SE) or a corridor site in
        one of the 4 directions (N, E, S, W).
        **3; If a player is in a corridor site, then they can move to an adjacent room or
        corridor site in one of the 4 directions (N, E, S, W).
        **3; The walls are impenetrable.
        Consider the following two dungeons.
         + + + + + . . . . . . . . A .
         + + . . . . . . . . . .
         . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . .
         . . . . . @ . . + . . . . . . . . . .
         . . I . . . . . + . . . . @ . . . . .
         . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . .
         . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . .
         + + . . . . . . . . . .
         + + . . . . . . . . . .
         + + + + + . . . . . . . . . .
        In the first dungeon above, the rogue can avoid the monster I indefinitely by moving
        N and running around the corridor.
        In the second dungeon, the monster A can use the diagonal moves to trap the rogue
        in a corner.
        Monster's Strategy
        The monster is tenacious and its sole mission is to chase and intercept the rogue. A
        natural strategy for the monster is to always take one step toward the rogue. In terms
        of the underlying graph, this means that the monster should compute a shortest path
        between itself and the rogue, and take one step along such a path. This strategy is not
        necessarily optimal, since there may be ties, and taking a step along one shortest path
        may be better than taking a step along another shortest path.
        Consider the following two dungeons.
        In the first dungeon above, monster B's only optimal strategy is to take a step in the
        NE direction. Moving N or E would enable the rogue to make a mad dash for the
        opposite corridor entrance.
        In the second dungeon, the monster C can guarantee to intercept the rogue by first
        moving E.
        Your first task is to implement an effective strategy for the monster. To implement
        the monster's strategy, you may want to consider using BFS.
        Rogue's Strategy
        The rogue's goal is to avoid the monster for as long as possible. A naive strategy is to
        move to an adjacent site that is as far as possible from the monster's current location.
        That strategy is not necessarily optimal.
        Consider the following two dungeons.
        It is easy to see that that strategy may lead to a quick and unnecessary death, as in
        the second dungeon above where the rogue can avoid the monster J by moving SE.
        Another potentially deadly strategy would be to go to the nearest corridor. To avoid
        the monster F in the first dungeon, the rogue must move towards a northern corridor
        A more effective strategy is to identify a sequence of adjacent corridor and room sites
        which the rogue can run around in circles forever, thereby avoiding the monster
        indefinitely. This involves identifying and following certain cycles in the underlying
        graph. Of course, such cycles may not always exist, in which case your goal is to survive
        for as long as possible. To implement the rogue's strategy, you may want to use both
        BFS and DFS.
        Implementation and Specification
        In this section, you will discover the expected details regarding the implementation
        and specifications of the Rogue game, which you are required to adhere to.
        Dungeon File Input Format
        The input dungeon consists of an integer N, followed by N rows of 2N characters
        each. For example:
        A room is a contiguous rectangular block of room sites. Rooms may not connect
        directly with each other. That is, any path from one room to another will use at least
        one corridor site.
        There will be exactly one monster and one rogue, and each will start in some room
        You will be given 18 dungeon files to test your code with.
        You may create your own dungeon files (explain the novelty in your report/video!).
        In the rubric subsection below, you are required to show the correctness and the
        performance of your rogue and monster on at least 5 non-trivial dungeons in total.
        Game of Rogue Specification
        We will provide some files that are already completed as the game infrastructure.
        There are two files to complete: Monster.java and Rogue.java, for which some
        skeleton code is provided.
        The given files are only for a quick start: you should modify the files so your program
        exhibits more object-oriented programming principles!
        The following is the interface of Monster.java :
        public Monster(Game g) // create a new monster playing game g
        public Site move() // return adjacent site to which it moves
        And the analogous program Rogue.java:
        public Rogue(Game g) // create a new rogue playing a game g
        public Site move() // return adjacent site to which it moves
        The move() method should implement the move of the monster/rogue as specified
        by the strategy that you have created.
        Game.java reads in the dungeon from standard input and does the game playing and
        refereeing. It has three primary interface functions that will be needed by
        Rogue.java and Monster.java.
        public Site getMonsterSite() // return site occupied by monster
        public Site getRogueSite() // return site occupied by rogue
        public Dungeon getDungeon() // return the dungeon
        Dungeon.java represents an N-by-N dungeon.
        public boolean isLegalMove(Site v, Site w) // is moving from site v
         to w legal?
        public boolean isCorridor(Site v) // is site v a corridor site?
        public boolean isRoom(Site v) // is site v a room site?
        public int size() // return N = dim of dungeon
        In.java is a library from Algorithms optional textbook to read in data from various
        sources. You will have to create your own input library for your CW3 program.
        Site.java is a data type that represents a location site in the N-by-N dungeon.
        public Site(int i, int j) // create new Site for location (i, j)
        public int i() // get i coordinate
        public int j() // get j coordinate
        public int manhattan(Site w) // return Manhattan distance
         from invoking site to w
        public boolean equals(Site w) // is invoking site equal to w?
        If you have two sites located at coordinates (i1, j1) and (i2, j2), then the Manhattan
        distance between the two sites is |i1 - i2| + |j1 - j2|. This represents the length you
        have to travel, assuming you can only move horizontally and vertically.
        You should modify the files or create other Java files, so your final program exhibits
        more object-oriented programming principles. Finally, you must only use libraries
        that are covered in CPT204 (including in Liang textbook). Violating this by using
        libraries that are not covered in CPT204 will result in an automatic total mark of 0.
        In this section, you will find the details regarding the files that you are required to
        submit, and the report and video specifications.
        Submission Requirements
        You are required to submit:
        1) The Rogue.java and Monster.java source code Java files, as well as any other
        auxiliary Java files and the dungeon filesthat you selected/created in your project,
        altogether combined in a ZIP file.
        2) Your report, in both Word and PDF format (2 separate files).
        3) The PPT of your video presentation.
        4) The video recording of your presentation in a MP4 file.
        The submission deadline is Sunday, May 26, 2024, at 23:59 CST.
        You may submit late, with a maximum grace period of 5 days, during which a 5%
        lateness penalty will be applied for each late day. Therefore, after Friday, May 31,
        2024, at 23:59 CST, no submissions will be accepted.
        Report Requirements
        Write a report satisfying the following criteria:
        1. The purpose of your report is to explain your code, algorithms, algorithm
        analysis, and OOP elements in well-detailed manner.
        2. Your report must consist of exactly 6 Chapters:
        Chapter 1 – Object-oriented Principles
         (you may add subchapters here)
        Chapter 2 – Monster Algorithm
        Chapter 3 – Rogue Algorithm
        Chapter 4 – Monster Algorithm Analysis
        Chapter 5 – Rogue Algorithm Analysis
        Chapter 6 – My Java Code
        For more details on the contents of each section, you should refer to the
        Rubric on page 11.
        3. You must include all your code in Chapter 6 as a text, copy paste each source
        file content into the report.
        You must not use screenshots in Chapter 6.
        Using screenshot in Chapter 6 will result in an automatic total marks of 0.
        (you may use screenshot in other chapters)
        4. Write your report using Word with the following setting:
        Font Calibri, Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Normal Margins.
        The page limit is a maximum of 20 pages, not including Chapter 6.
        5. Consider using images and diagrams to improve the readability of your
        report. Please refer to the rubric in the following subsection.
        6. Save your Word document as a PDF.
        Submit to Learning Mall Assignment Box both the Word document file and
        the PDF file.
        Video Requirements
        Create a PPT presentation and video explanation using the PPT satisfying the following
        1. The purpose of your video presentation is to explain your code, algorithms,
        and OOP design in a succinct manner.
        2. You can use any template for your PPT, not limited to the XJLTU standard
        3. The length of the video must be less than or equal to 8 minutes.
        Violating the video length requirements will result in a total marks of 0 for
        your coursework mark.
        4. Your video must display your face and include your audio for the purpose of
        authenticity verification.
        Do not use English audio translation software to narrate your video.
        Violating the requirement to show your face and use your voice will result in
        a total marks of 0 for your coursework.
        5. The clarity of the presentation will be graded. Please refer to the rubric in the
        next subsection.
        6. Submit to Learning Mall Assignment Box both:
        a. The video file in MP4 format,
        b. The PPT file you used to create a video.
        Equal Contribution Requirements
        In adherence to academic integrity and fairness, it is imperative that both team
        members contribute equally to the completion of the coursework:
        1. Each member should actively participate in the development process,
        ensuring a balanced distribution of workload and responsibilities.
        For example, one team member may mostly undertake the coding of the
        rogue character while the other focuses on the monster character, and they
        may divide tasks such as testing, documentation, report writing, and
        presentation preparation equitably.
        2. Both team members must show their faces in the video, one at a time.
        3. Should there be any concerns regarding unequal contributions, team
        members are encouraged to notify the module leader promptly to facilitate
        appropriate assessment and marking decisions, to ensure transparency and
        Criteria Description Marks
        Evaluation of the effective use of object-oriented
        principles (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism,
        abstraction) in the overall Java program solution.
        Code Clarity and
        Assessment of code clarity, organization, and readability.
        Includes appropriate variable naming, comments,
        documentation, and code structure.
        Monster and Rogue
        Evaluation of the correctness and optimality/suboptimality of your Monster and Rogue algorithms. Write
        in report, and show demo and argue in video on at least 5
        non-trivial dungeon files in total for both Monster and
        Rogue characters. Justify your strategies, explaining their
        strengths and also weaknesses.
        Monster Algorithm
        Examination of how graphs algorithms are implemented
        in your Monster Algorithm, and their efficiency analysis.
        Rogue Algorithm
        Examination of how graphs algorithms are implemented
        in your Rogue Algorithm, and their efficiency analysis.
        Report Clarity,
        Structure and
        Assessment of the report's clarity, structure, organization,
        visual elements, and overall quality of writing. Includes
        language use and presentation of data structure usages.
        Video & PPT Clarity,
        Delivery and
        Assessment of the video presentation's delivery, clarity
        and engagement. Includes speaking clarity, engagement
        with the audience, and visual elements in demonstrating
        the execution of the software.
        Total Marks 100
        Show that you satisfy all the rubric components in both your report and video!
        Please note again that using libraries not covered in CPT204; using screenshots or not
        including all your codes in Chapter 6 of the report; or submitting a video of length longer
        than 8 minutes or without your face/voice will result in an automatic total marks of 0.
        This coursework is adopted from an assignment from the Algorithms (an optional
        Textbook of this course) with thanks to Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, and Andrew
        Academic Integrity
        1. Plagiarism, e.g. copying materials from other sources without proper
        acknowledgement, copying, or collusion are serious academic offences.
        Plagiarism, copying, collusion, using or consulting unauthorized materials
        (including code sharing forum, and generative AI tools including, but not limited
        to, ChatGPT) will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the
        University Code of Practice on Academic Integrity.
        2. In some cases, individual students may be invited to explain parts of their code
        in person, and if they fail to demonstrate an understanding of the code, no
        credit will be given for that part.
        3. In more severe cases, the suspected violation will be directly reported to the
        Exam Officer for further investigation and, if confirmed, will be permanently
        recorded in the offender student's official academic transcript.
        Please read: https://academicpolicy.xjtlu.edu.cn/article.php?id=98
        Question Forum
        If you have questions regarding Coursework 3, please post your questions in CW3
        Forum: https://core.xjtlu.edu.cn/mod/forum/view.php?id=13**39
        This is the end of CPT204-2**4 CW3 Task Sheet.
        請加QQ:99515681  郵箱:99515681@qq.com   WX:codinghelp


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