
        COMP284 代做、Java 語言編程代寫

        時間:2024-04-21  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

         Assignment 2: JavaScript
        Assignment 2: JavaScript

        100 Points Possible
        2024/1/22 to 2024/6/30
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        COMP284 Scripting Languages (202**4) --
        Assignment 2: JavaScript
        Your task for this assignment consists of two parts:
        1. Develop a JavaScript program that provides the functi onality stated in the Requirements
        secti on (htt ps://canvas.liverpool.ac.uk/courses/**095/assignments/265339) below.
        2. Make the JavaScript program that you have created accessible and usable via the URL
        https://student.csc.liv.ac.uk/~<your user name>/game.html
        taking care of the requirements set out in Submission and Setup secti on
        (htt ps://canvas.liverpool.ac.uk/courses/**095/assignments/265339) below.
        The JavaScript program implements a simple game that consists of three stages, setup, play and end.
        During the play stage the game proceeds in rounds. The game is played on a grid with 10 x 10 cells.
        It involves a spaceship that is controlled by the user, a couple of roboti c spaceships that are
        controlled by the computer (that is, your program), asteroids, and (initi ally inacti ve) mines. The user
        and your program are the two players of the game. All spaceships can move around on the grid and
        the roboti c spaceships hunt the user's spaceship; the user's spaceship tries to avoid getti ng caught
        while trying to acti vate all the mines on the grid, possibly destroying some or all the roboti c
        spaceships in the process.
        The game always starts in the setup stage. During that stage the user is shown the grid and can
        place four different types of objects on the cells of the grid:
        by clicking on a cell and typing the lett er "a", an asteroid is placed on a cell;
        by clicking on a cell and typing the lett er "m", a mine is placed on a cell;
        by clicking on a cell and typing the lett er "r", a roboti c spaceship is placed on a cell;
        by clicking on a cell and typing the lett er "u", the user's spaceship is placed on a cell.
        There is no limit on the number of asteroids, mines, and roboti c spaceships, but there is obviously
        only one user's spaceship. No grid cell can initi ally contain more than one object. If the user types a
        character that is not among "a", "m", "r" and "u", an error message should be shown.
         Assignment 2: JavaScript
        In additi on to the grid, there must be a butt on that allows the user to end the setup stage of the
        game. If the user tries to end the setup stage of the game without placing the user's spaceship, then
        an error message should be shown and the user remains in the setup stage. Otherwise the game
        conti nues with the play stage.
        At the start and during the play stage, the user is again shown the grid, initi ally with all the objects
        that have been placed on the grid during the setup stage, plus additi onal status informati on: The
        number of the round currently played, the number of inacti ve mines on the grid, and the number of
        roboti c spaceships on the grid. In additi on, there must be butt on that allows the user to end
        the play stage at any ti me.
        While in the play stage, the game proceeds in rounds, each round starts with the user's turn
        followed by the computer's turn. At the start of a round, the number of the round currently played is
        increased by one (the first round has the number 1), and the status informati on shown to the user is
        During his/her turn, the user can att empt to move his/her spaceship horizontally or verti cally on the
        grid by typing one of four lett ers:
        "a" att empts to move the user's spaceship one grid cell to the left ,
        "d" att empts to move the user's spaceship one grid cell to the right,
        "w" att empts to move the user's spaceship one grid cell up,
        "s" att empts to move the user's spaceship one grid cell down.
        If the user types any other character, then an error message should be shown, the user's turn does
        not end, and the user has the possibility to type another character. If the att empted move would
        result in the user's spaceship ending up outside the grid or on a cell occupied by an asteroid, then
        the att empt to move fails, the user's spaceship does not move, an error message should be shown,
        the user's turn does not end, and the user has the possibility to type another character. Otherwise,
        the att empted move is successful and the user's spaceship changes cells:
        If the cell to which the spaceship has moved was previously empty, then nothing special happens
        and the user's turn is over.
        If the user's spaceship ends up on a grid cell that contains an inacti ve mine, then the mine
        is acti vated, the number of inacti ve mines shown in the status informati on is reduced by one. The
        mine remains acti vated (and in place) for the remainder of the game. If a roboti c spaceship is on a
        cell surrounding an acti vated mine, it is immediately destroyed and the number of roboti c
        spaceships shown in the status informati on is changed accordingly. The user's turn is then over.
        If the user's spaceship ends up on a grid cell that contains an acti vated mine, then nothing
        special happens. The user's spaceship and the mine simply coexist on the cell. The user's turn is
        If the user's spaceship ends up on a grid cell that contains a roboti c spaceship, then the user's
        spaceship is destroyed, and the game proceeds to the end stage.
        During the computer's turn your program att empts to move each of the roboti c spaceships in an
        order that allows each to move if at all possible. Unlike the user's spaceship, the roboti c spaceships
         Assignment 2: JavaScript
        are not only able to move horizontally and verti cally but also diagonally. Just like the user's
        spaceship, each roboti c spaceship only moves at most one cell in a turn.
        If the user's spaceship is on a grid cell immediately surrounding a roboti c spaceship, then that
        roboti c spaceship must move to the cell occupied by the user's spaceship. If the user's spaceship
        is on a cell surrounding an acti vated mine, then both the roboti c spaceship and the user's
        spaceship are destroyed. Otherwise only the user's spaceship is destroyed. The status
        informati on is updated accordingly and the game proceeds to the end stage.
        If the user's spaceship is not on a grid cell immediately surrounding a roboti c spaceship, but one
        or more of those grid cells contains an inacti ve mine, then the roboti c spaceship must move to
        one of those mines, the mine is removed from the grid, the number of inacti ve mines shown in
        the status informati on is reduced by one.
        If none of the surrounding grid cells contains the user's spaceship nor an inacti ve mine, then a
        roboti c spaceship can move to an arbitrary surrounding cell provided that this move does not
        take it to a grid cell that is outside the grid or occupied by an asteroid or by another roboti c
        If a roboti c spaceship were to move onto a cell surrounding an acti vated mine, then the roboti c
        spaceship is destroyed and the number of roboti c spaceships shown in the status informati on is
        reduced by one.
        A roboti c spaceship is not allowed to stand sti ll if it can move. However, if a roboti c spaceship
        cannot move at all, then the computer should simply proceed to the next roboti c spaceship.
        Once an att empt has been made to move each of the roboti c spaceships, the computer's turn and
        the current round ends, and the status informati on is updated.
        The play stage ends if one of the following conditi ons becomes true:
        the user ends the play stage (by pressing the butt on provided for that);
        the user's spaceship is destroyed;
        at the end of a turn there are no roboti c spaceships left on the grid;
        at the end of a turn there are no inacti ve mines left on the grid;
        neither the user's spaceship nor any of the roboti c spaceships is able to move.
        Once the play stage has ended, the game is in the end stage. In the end stage the program
        determines the outcome of the game. The outcome is a win for the user if there are no roboti c
        spaceships left on the grid but the user's spaceship has survived; the outcome is a win for the
        computer if the user's spaceship has been destroyed and at least one roboti c spaceship has
        survived; otherwise, the outcome is a draw. The program should display a message indicati ng the
        outcome of the game and then stop. During the end stage the program should not react to any user
        input or acti ons.
        Additi onal Requirements and Comments:
        The bulk of your JavaScript code should be in a JavaScript library called game.js . Before
        submitti ng your soluti on, you should create a copy of game.js named game.pretty.js in a
        directory other than your public_html directory, say, your home directory. Then make the file
        game.js indecipherable for humans using the command
         Assignment 2: JavaScript
        uglifyjs-3 $HOME/game.pretty.js --mangle --compress > $HOME/public_html/game.js
        Make sure that aft er performing this operati on your game sti ll works. Also make sure that
        game.pretty.js can only be read by yourself and is not in your public_html directory.
        It is possible that during the setup stage the user does not place any mines on the grid. On
        entering the play stage your program should recognise that, immediately proceed to
        the end stage, and declare the outcome of the game.
        It is also possible that during the setup stage the user does not place any roboti c spaceships on
        the grid. On entering the play stage your program should recognise that, immediately proceed to
        the end stage, and declare the outcome of the game.
        It should be possible for the user to see whether a mine is inacti ve or has been acti vated.
        Whether the cells surrounding an acti vated mine are visually disti nct is up to you.
        You should carefully analyse in which situati ons the user's spaceship and the roboti c spaceships
        might not be able to move in order to correctly end the play stage in such situati ons.
        Ideally your program would move the roboti c spaceships in such a way that they increase their
        chances of destroying the user's spaceship. This could be done by each roboti c spaceship trying
        to decrease the distance to the user's spaceship with each move. But you could also implement a
        strategy by which the roboti c killer spaceships try to `encircle' the user's spaceship in order to
        increase their chances. They could also `guard' one specific inacti ve mine, knowing that the user
        must eventually try to acti vate it.
        Also, be aware that the requirement that a roboti c spaceship must move if it can, means that it
        might have to move onto a cell surrounding an acti vated mine and be destroyed. But if
        alternati ve moves exist, then they should be preferred.
        JavaScript engines differ from browser to browser. You should make sure that your system works
        in all commonly used browsers (e.g., Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox) and on all
        commonly used platf orms (e.g., Linux derivati ves and Microsoft Windows).
        Your JavaScript program should only depend on your own code. The use of JavaScript
        libraries/frameworks, like jQuery, is not be used.
        Your code should follow the COMP284 Coding Standard
        (htt ps://canvas.liverpool.ac.uk/courses/**095/files/10520245?wrap=1) . This includes pointi ng out
        which parts of your code have been developed with the help of on-line sources or textbooks and
        references for these sources. You must also provide references for any language constructs or
        functi ons that you have used that were not covered in the lectures.
        A program that deals sati sfactorily with these additi onal requirements and comments, in additi on to
        providing the basic functi onality required, will receive higher marks.
        Submission and Setup
        Make game.html, game.js, and other files (but not game.prett y.js) accessible via the departmental
        web server so that the game can be played via the URL given at the beginning of the assignment.
        This playable version of the game must remain available, working, and unchanged from the ti me of
        submission to the end of July 2024.
         Assignment 2: JavaScript
        Permissions of the files in your filestore must be such that no other user can view their contents in
        the filestore. The permissions on your public_html directory must be such that any user can obtain a
        listi ng of its content.
        From the files on the departmental server, create a single zip-file named COMP284-2.zip containing
        all relevant files (game.html, game.js, game.prett y.js, any CSS file, and local images, but no
        directories) and submit it via the departmental submission system
        at htt ps://sam.csc.liv.ac.uk/COMP/Submissions.pl?module=comp284
        (htt ps://sam.csc.liv.ac.uk/COMP/Submissions.pl?module=comp284) (COMP284-2: JavaScript).
        The files submitt ed must be identi cal to those set up on the departmental web server. Furthermore,
        no alterati ons are allowed to the latt er aft er files have been submitt ed. If a submitt ed file and the
        corresponding file on the departmental web server have different ti mestamps, then the later
        mestamp will be used to determine lateness. This applies even if the earlier file is used for marking.
        The deadline for this assignment is
        Thursday, 25 April 2024, 17:00
        Earlier submission is possible, but any submission aft er the deadline att racts the standard lateness
        penalti es. Please remember that a strict interpretati on of `lateness' is applied by the Department,
        that is, a submission a minute aft er the deadline is considered to be a day late. Also remember that
        late resubmissions are not allowed.
        This assignment will address the following learning outcomes of the module:
        Develop computer-based or client-side web-based applicati ons using an appropriate scripti ng
        This assignment will contribute 50% to the overall mark of COMP284. Failure on this assignment
        may be compensated by higher marks on other assignments for this module.
        Marks will be awarded according to the following scheme, assessing the extend to which the
        applicati on you have developed by the deadline meets the requirements, has been set up correctly,
        and submitt ed correctly:
        Submission, Setup, Error-freeness: 10
        Quality of the interface design: 10
        Correctness and quality of the implementati on of the setup stage: 12
        Correctness and quality of the implementati on of the play stage: 46
        Correctness and quality of detecti ng the end of the game and of the end stage: 10
        Code layout, Comments, References, Quality of code: 12
         Assignment 2: JavaScript
        In more detail, the requirements above translate into about ** criteria that your system must sati sfy.
        Marks are given according to the extent to which the system is observed to behave in the expected
        way and produces correct results, and, to a lesser extent, how well the code is writt en. Code that has
        no observable effect will typically receive no marks.
        As stated above, the University policy on late submissions applies to this assignment, as do the
        University policy on coursework submission (available
        at htt ps://www.liverpool.ac.uk/media/livacuk/tqsd/code-of-practi ce-on?assessment/appendix_Q_cop_assess.pdf (htt ps://www.liverpool.ac.uk/media/livacuk/tqsd/code-of?practi ce-on-assessment/appendix_Q_cop_assess.pdf) ) and the University policy on academic integrity
        (available at htt p://www.liv.ac.uk/student-administrati on/student-administrati on-centre/policies?procedures/academic-integrity/ (htt p://www.liv.ac.uk/student-administrati on/student-administrati on?centre/policies-procedures/academic-integrity/) ). You should follow the COMP284 Lab Rules
        (htt ps://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~ullrich/COMP284/notes/COMP284LabRules.pdf) to ensure that you do not
        breach the latt er policy.
        You can expect individual feedback for this assignment about three weeks aft er the deadline.
        Generic feedback will be provided five days aft er the deadline. No work can be submitt ed more than
        5 days aft er the deadline.

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