CSCI 4176/CSCI 5708 Mobile Compu6ng: ASSIGNMENT NO. 4 Date Given: Friday, Nov 1, 2023
Date Due: Sunday, Nov 14, 2023, 11.59 PM Submission: On Brightspace
• For research type ques/ons or for ques/ons that require you to do online searches, please ensure that all references are properly cited in your answers. Use IEEE reference styles.
• (h<ps://
• Keep in mind that just because you cite references, you must not “cut-and-paste” from these
or other sources. The write-up must be properly paraphrased and referenced.
• This assignment is intended to be completed individually. Please remember that collabora/on
with others on this assignment may be viewed as a breach of our academic integrity policy.
• Submission will be on Brightspace. Convert your documents into pdf. Submit ONE pdf file containing the answers to all ques/ons. If you have answers in mul/ple documents, compress them into a zip file and upload ONE zip file. Please make sure that your full name and banner
ID appears on the document(s).
Title: Province and City Explorer Android Applica6on
Objec6ves: In this assignment, you will create an Android applica/on that allows users to explore a province and its ci/es. The applica/on should start with a login screen and then lead to a main page with naviga/on op/ons for exploring the province and its ci/es.
Part 1: Project Implementa6on
1 point (Login)
2 points (Naviga=on Panel)
1 point (Background Image)
2 points (ViewPager)
2 points (TabView+Image)
1. LoginAc6vity: This is the entry point of the applica/on. Implement a simple login screen that grants access to the MainAc/vity (hardcoded username and password).
2. MainAc6vity: ATer a successful login, users should be taken to the MainAc/vity. This ac/vity should incorporate a Naviga/onToolbar with two items: "Province Info" and "Ci/es". Addi/onally, the MainAc/vity should display an image of the selected country in the background.
3. ProvinceInfoAc6vity: When a user selects "Province Info" from the Naviga/onToolbar, they should be taken to the ProvinceInfoAc/vity. This ac/vity should u/lize a ViewPager to display different views (or fragments) of informa/on about the province.
4. Ci6esAc6vity: When a user selects "Ci/es" from the Naviga/onToolbar, they should be taken to the Ci/esAc/vity. In this ac/vity, implement a TabView with three tabs, each represen/ng one of the three ci/es in the province. Each tab should display a picture of the corresponding city.
2 points Bonus
Op6onal: Adding more op/ons to the naviga/on panel or improving the design may earn you up to 2 bonus points.
2 points
Part 2: Report Wri6ng
ATer implemen/ng the project, students will be required to write a comprehensive report covering:
Project Descrip6on: An overview of the project, its objec/ves, and func/onali/es.
Technical Details + Code Commen6ng: A discussion of the technologies used, project structure, and important code snippets. Explain what each line/block of code does, ensuring that the descrip/ons are detailed and clear. (Please take Screenshots of your ac6vi6es and explain about them)
Challenges & Learning Points: Reflect on the challenges faced during the project and how they were overcome, as well as the key points learned.
Results and Screenshots: Include screenshots of the working applica/on, explaining each one.
Conclusion: Share final thoughts on the project and poten/al future enhancements.
The report should be well-structured and free from spelling and grammar errors, demonstra6ng proficient technical wri6ng skills. The commented codes should be included as the final sec6on of your assignment within the PDF file. Addi6onally, you must aaach your applica6on file in a zipped format alongside your 請加QQ:99515681 郵箱 WX:codehelp