Programming in the Large (CSSE2002)
Assignment 1 — Semester 1, 2024
School of EECS
The University of Queensland
One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think
you know it, you have no certainty, until you try.
— Sophocles
Do not distribute.
Revision 1.1.0
This assignment provides practical experience developing a Java project based on a
supplied specification. The specification is provided in the form of JavaDocs, which describe the
classes and interfaces that your assignment must implement. Additionally, you must write JUnit
tests for a subset of these classes.1
You will be evaluated on your ability to;
❼ implement a program that complies with the specification,
❼ write JUnit tests that can identify bugs in class implementations,
❼ and develop code that conforms to the style conventions of the course.
Spreadsheet applications are powerful tools that combine data and formulae to perform
calculations. In this assignment, you will be implementing SheeP (Sheet Processor), a spread
sheet application. SheeP is similar to Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, it consists of a grid of
cells each of which contains either data or a formula. The formulae can reference other cells in the
grid to use their values. Formulae are evaluated to produce a value for the cell. A cell is updated
whenever the data or formulae in any cell it references changes.
Common Mistakes
Please carefully read Appendix A. It outlines common and critical mistakes
which you must avoid to prevent a loss of marks. If at any point you are even slightly unsure,
please check as soon as possible with course staff.
1Although you are encouraged to write tests for all your classes.
➞ The University of Queensland 2024 1 0011110001Plagiarism
All work on this assignment is to be your own individual work. Code supplied by
course staff (from this semester) is acceptable, but must be clearly acknowledged. Code generated
by third-party tools is also acceptable, but must also be clearly acknowledged, see Generative
Artificial Intelligence below. You must be familiar with the school policy on plagiarism:
If you have questions about what is acceptable, please ask course staff.
Generative Artificial Intelligence
You are strongly encouraged to not use generative artificial
intelligence (AI) tools to develop your assignment. This is a learning exercise and you will harm
your learning if you use AI tools inappropriately. Remember, you will be required to write code,
by hand, in the final exam. If you do use AI tools, you must clearly acknowledge this in your
submission. See Appendix C for details on how to acknowledge the use of generative AI tools.
Even if acknowledged, you will need to be able to explain any code you submit.
In order to maintain assessment integrity and in accordance with section 5.4 of the
course profile, you may be asked by the course coordinator via email to attend an interview to
evaluate genuine authorship your assignment. Please refer to the course profile for further details.
The specification document is provided in the form of JavaDocs.
◦ Implement the classes and interfaces exactly as described in the JavaDocs.
◦ Read the JavaDocs carefully and understand the specification before programming.
◦ Do not change the public specification in any way, including changing the names of or adding
additional public classes, interfaces, methods, or fields.
◦ You are encouraged to add additional private members, classes, or interfaces as you see fit.
To view the Javadoc specification, visit the below URL in your web browser:
Getting Started
To begin, download the provided code from Blackboard. This zip archive includes code for the
GUI components. Extract the archive in a directory and open it with IntelliJ.
1. Fully implement each of the classes and interfaces described in the Javadoc specification.
2. Write JUnit 4 tests for all the public behaviour of the following classes:
❼ CellLocation
(in a class called CellLocationTest)
❼ Reference
(in a class called ReferenceTest)
➞ The University of Queensland 2024 2 0011110001Figure 1: Class diagram of the specification for assignment 1.Project Overview
sheep.core This package provides the interface between the model of a spreadsheet and the user
Implementations of the SheetView interface tell the interface how it should render a spread
sheet and communicate this information via the ViewElement object.
Implementations of the SheetUpdate interface handle user updates to the spreadsheet and
provide the result of the update via a UpdateResponse object.
sheep.sheets This package contains implementations of the SheetView and SheetUpdate inter
faces and other supporting classes. Primarily it implements three different types of spread
sheets: FixedSheet, DisplaySheet, and Sheet.
sheep.expression Within a spreadsheet, the value at a particular cell is represented by an expres
sion. This package stores the Expression abstract class that all expressions must extend.
Expressions are constructed via expression factories which implement the ExpressionFactory
interface, e.g. CoreFactory.
This package also stores relevant exceptions.
sheep.expression.basic This package stores core expression implementations, namely, the empty
cell, Nothing, a constant number value, Constant, and a reference to another cell, Reference.
sheep.expression.arithmetic Arithmetic expressions are contained in this package. All arith
metic expressions are subclasses of the base abstract class Arithmetic.
sheep.parsing A parser accepts string input and constructs an appropriate expression. For ex
ample, given the string “4”, a parser would build an instance of the Constant expression
that represents 4.
All parsers must implement the Parser interface. If a parser cannot parse a string, a
ParseException is thrown. Provided classes that pre-populate spreadsheets with test data, such as the Fibonacci
sequence using the Fibonacci class.
sheep.ui Provided implementation of the user interface.
The assignment is decomposed into stages to encourage incremental development. You should
complete each stage before moving on to the next . The provided Main class allows you to run
each stage individually by uncommenting the appropriate lines in the main method. Figure 1
highlights the classes that you will implement in each stage: green for stage 0, blue for stage 1,
yellow for stage 2, and purple for provided code. At each stage, ensure that you thoroughly test
your implementation.
Stage 0
Create a simple implementation of a spreadsheet, FixedSheet. The FixedSheet
class should be within the sheep.sheets package and implement the sheep.core.SheetView
and sheep.core.SheepUpdate interfaces. After implementing the FixedSheet class and un
commenting the appropriate lines in the main method, the program should run as below.
➞ The University of Queensland 2024 4 0011110001Stage 1
Implement just the basic types of expressions within the spreadsheet: constant
values, references to other cells, and empty cells. Create an expression factory to create these
expressions and a parser to parse expressions from strings. Finally create DisplaySheet to
show the results of these expressions. When the appropriate lines in the main method are
commented out, the program should run as below.
Stage 2
Complete the implementation of expressions to include arithmetic operations. Your
parser and expression factory should be able to parse and create these expressions. Create
the full Sheet implementation, this sheet should appropriately update cells when other cells
change. When the appropriate lines in the main method are commented out, the program
should run as below.
➞ The University of Queensland 2024 5 0011110001Stage 3
If you have not already done so, ensure you write the required JUnit test classes.
The assignment will be marked out of 100. The marks will be divided into three categories:
functionality (F), JUnit tests (T), and style (S).
The program is functional with respect to the
JUnit tests can distinguish between correct and
incorrect implementations.
Code style conforms to course style guides.
The overall assignment mark is defined as
A1 = (65 × F) + (10 × S) + (25 × T)
Each class has a number of unit tests associated with it. Your mark for function
ality is based on the percentage of unit tests you pass. Assume that you are provided with 10 unit
tests for a class, if you pass 8 of these tests, then you earn 80% of the marks for that class. Classes
may be weighted differently depending on their complexity. Your mark for the functionality, F, is
then the weighted average of the marks for each class,
F =
P n
i=1 wi · p
P n
i=1 wi
where n is the number of classes, wi is the weight of class i, pi is the number of tests that pass on
class i, and ti is the total number of tests for class i.
JUnit Tests
The JUnit tests that you provide in CellLocationTest and ReferenceTest will
be used to test both correct and incorrect (faulty) implementations of the CellLocation and
Reference classes. Marks will be awarded for distinguishing between correct and incorrect imple
mentations.2 A test class which passes every implementation (or fails every implementation) will
likely get a low mark.
Your tests will be run against a number of faulty implementations of the classes you are testing.
Your mark for each faulty solution is binary based on whether at least one of your unit tests fails
on the faulty solution, compared against the correct solution. For example, if you write 14 unit
tests for a class, and 12 of those tests pass on the correct solution and 11 pass on a faulty solution,
then your mark for that faulty solution is 1 (a pass). In general, if bi of your unit tests pass on a
correct implementation of class i and ti pass on a faulty implementation, then your mark for that
faulty solution is
fi = ( 1 if
bi > ti
0 otherwise
T = P n
where n is the number of faulty solutions.
See Appendix B for more details.
2And getting them the right way around.
➞ The University of Queensland 2024 6 0011110001Code Style
The Code Style category is marked starting with a mark of 10. Every occurrence of a
style violation in your solution, as detected by Checkstyle using the course-provided configuration3 ,
results in a 1 mark deduction, down to a minimum of 0. For example, if your code has 2 checkstyle
violations, then your mark for code quality is 8. Note that multiple style violations of the same
type will each result in a 1 mark deduction.
S =
max(0, 10 − v)
where v is the number of style violations in your submission.
Note: There is a plug-in available for IntelliJ which will highlight style violations in your code.
Instructions for installing this plug-in are available in the Java Programming Style Guide on
Blackboard (Learning Resources → Guides). If you correctly use the plug-in and follow the style
requirements, it should be relatively straightforward to get high marks for this section.
Electronic Marking
Marking will be carried out automatically in a Linux environment. The environment will not be
running Windows, and neither IntelliJ nor Eclipse (or any other IDE) will be involved. OpenJDK 21
with the JUnit 4 library will be used to compile and execute your code and tests. When uploading
your assignment to Gradescope, ensure that Gradescope says that your submission was compiled
Your code must compile.
If your submission does not compile, you will receive zero marks.
Submission is via Gradescope. Submit your code to Gradescope early and often. Gradescope will
give you some feedback on your code, but it is not a substitute for testing your code yourself.
You must submit your code before the deadline. Code that is submitted after the deadline will
not be marked (1 nanosecond late is still late). See Assessment Policy.
You may submit your assignment to Gradescope as many times as you wish before the due date.
Your last submission made before the due date will be marked.
What to Submit
Your submission should have the following internal structure:
folders (packages) and .java files for classes described in the Javadoc.
folders (packages) and .java files for the JUnit test classes.
A complete submission would look like:
3The latest version of the course Checkstyle configuration can be found at
checkstyle.xml. See the Style Guide for instructions.
➞ The University of Queensland 202** 0011110001src/sheep/expression/
Ensure that your classes and interfaces correctly declare the package they are within. For example, should declare package sheep.expression.basic;.
Do not submit any other files (e.g. no .class files).
Note that CellLocationTest and ReferenceTest will be compiled individually against a sample
solution without the rest of your test files.
Provided tests
A small number of the unit tests (about 10-20%) used for assessing Functional
ity (F) are provided in Gradescope, which can be used to test your submission against. In addition,
a small number of the JUnit faulty solutions used for assessing JUnit tests (T) are also provided
in Gradescope.
The purpose of this is to provide you with an opportunity to receive feedback on whether the basic
functionality of your classes and tests is correct or not. Passing all the provided unit tests does
not guarantee that you will pass all the tests used for functionality marking.
Assessment Policy
Late Submission
Any submission made after the grace period (of one hour) will not be marked.
Your last submission before the deadline will be marked.
➞ The University of Queensland 2024 8 0011110001A CRITICAL MISTAKES
Do not wait until the last minute to submit the final version of your assignment. A submission
that starts before 13:00 but finishes after 13:00 will not be marked.
If an unavoidable disruption occurs (e.g. illness, family crisis, etc.) you should
consider applying for an extension. Please refer to the following page for further information:
All requests for extensions must be made via my.UQ. Do not email your course coordinator or
the demonstrators to request an extension.
If an administrative error has been made in the marking of your assignment (e.g.
marks were incorrectly added up), please contact the course coordinator ( to
request this be fixed.
For all other cases, please refer to the following page for further information:
Change Log
Revision: 1.1.0
Task Sheet
❼ Correct diagram on page 3 to show the correct constructors for Sheet and SheetBuilder.
❼ Correct reference to Expression as an interface to an abstract class.
❼ Clarify that reference loops are unspecified behaviour.
❼ Remove extraneous closing bracket in usage examples within Arithmetic subclasses.
❼ Correct Exception to Expression in description of createOperator.
❼ Remove extraneous parameter to Nothing constructor in usage example of Nothing.toString()
❼ Make the difference between render() and toString() clearer.
Critical Mistakes
This is being heavily emphasised here because these are critical mistakes which must be avoided.
Code may run fine locally on your own computer in IntelliJ, but it is required that it also builds
and runs correctly when it is marked with the electronic marking tool in Gradescope. Your solution
needs to conform to the specification for this to occur.
❼ Files must be in the correct directories (exactly) as specified by the Javadoc. If files are in
incorrect directories (even slightly wrong), you may lose marks for functionality in these files
because the implementation does not conform to the specification.
❼ Files must have the exact correct package declaration at the top of the file. If files have
incorrect package declarations (even slightly wrong), you may lose marks for functionality in
these files because the implementation does not conform to the specification.
➞ The University of Queensland 2024 9 0011110001B JUNIT TEST MARKING
❼ You must implement the public and protected members exactly as described in the supplied
documentation (no extra public/protected members or classes). Creating public or protected
data members in a class when it is not specified will result in loss of marks, because the
implementation does not conform to the specification.
◦ You are encouraged to create private members as you see fit to implement the required
functionality or improve the design of your solution.
❼ Never import the org.junit.jupiter.api package. This is from JUnit 5. This will cause
the JUnit tests to fail, resulting in no marks for the JUnit component.
❼ Do not use any version of Java newer than 21 when writing your solution. If you accidentally
use Java features which are only present in a version newer than 21, then your submission
may fail to compile.
JUnit Test Marking
The JUnit tests you write for a class (e.g. are evaluated by checking
whether they can distinguish between a:
correct implementation of the respective class
e.g., made by the teaching staff, and
incorrect implementations of the respective class
“deliberately made (sabotaged) by the teaching staff ”.
First, we run your unit tests (e.g. against the correct implementation of
the respective classes (e.g.
We look at how many unit tests you have, and how many have passed. Let us imagine that you
have 7 unit tests in and 4 unit tests in, and they
all pass (i.e. none result in in JUnit4).
We will then run your unit tests in both classes (,
against an incorrect implementation of the respective class (e.g. For exam
ple, the foo() method in the file is incorrect.
We then look at how many of your unit tests pass. should still pass 4 unit tests.
However, we would expect that would pass fewer than 7 unit tests.
If this is the case, we know that your unit tests can identify that there is a problem with this
specific (incorrect) implementation of
This would get you one identified faulty implementation towards your JUnit mark.
The total marks you receive for JUnit is the number of identified faulty implementations, out of
the total number of faulty implementations which the teaching staff create.
For example, if the teaching staff create 10 faulty implementations, and your unit tests identify 6
of them, you would receive 6 out of the 10 possible marks for JUnit, or 15 marks when scaled to 25%.
There are some limitations on your tests:
1. If your tests take more than 20 seconds to run, or
2. If your tests consume more memory than is reasonable or are otherwise malicious,
➞ The University of Queensland 2024 10 0011110001C GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
then your tests will be stopped and a mark of zero given. These limits are very generous (e.g. your
tests should not take anywhere near 20 seconds to run).
Generative Artificial Intelligence
While the use of generative AI for this assignment is discouraged, if you do wish to use it, ensure
that it is declared properly.
For this, you must create a new folder, called “ai”, within this folder, create a file called “README.txt”.
This file must explain and document how you have used AI tools. For example, if you have used
ChatGPT, you must state this and provide a log of questions asked and answered using the tool.
The “README.txt” file must provide details on where the log of questions and answers are within
your “ai” folder.
If you plan to use continuous AI tools such as Copilot, you must ensure that the tool is logging it’s
suggestions so that the log can be uploaded. For example, in IntelliJ, you should enable the log by
following this guide:
viewing-logs-for-github-copilot-in-your-environment and submit the resulting log file.
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