SEHH2042 23/24 Semester Two – Individual Assignment 1 Page 1
SEHH2042 Computer Programming
Individual Assignment 1
Submission deadline: 23:59, 13 Mar 2024 (Wednesday)
Expected Learning Outcomes
Develop computer programs in one or more high level language programming environment.
Design and develop structured and documented computer programs.
Integrate the computer programming techniques to solve practical problems.
This is an individual assignment. There are 2 parts:
Criteria % of marks
ShowInfo 10
Questions 1 to 3 **
You are given a C++ program template file called A1Template.cpp. You are required to insert
C++ codes into the template file according to the given instructions. The final file (your
submission) will be a complete C++ program, which can be compiled and executed
successfully and is able to satisfy all the requirements in this specification.
For each question, you only need to do either odd or even version based on the stated rule
about your student ID number (0 is considered as even). You do not need to write any
program codes to check the student ID number to determine the version you should do.
To answer the questions, you need to insert codes into the functions of the template file.
E.g., to answer question 1, write your code in the scope of Q1( ). When the program is
executed, enter the question number to run the code of a particular question.
In each question, the program should first accept input(s) from user WITHOUT printing
any prompt messages (Hint: cin statements will be used, and there is NO output messages
like “Input n: ” before the cin statements).
You may assume that user always provides valid input. NO error input checking is needed
unless it is required by the question.
Follow EXACTLY the requirement as stated in the questions. Check the correctness of
your code by executing it before your submission. Test your program carefully by using
input test cases as stated in the sample display, as well as other necessary test cases you can
think of. Correct output with same output format as the sample display is expected.
Marks are awarded based on the number of test cases that your program can successfully
pass without mistakes.
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You may include more header files and write user-defined functions to solve the questions.
E.g., you may write a user-defined function for solving question 1, and call it in the given
function Q1( ). (refer to “Using template file” on the last page)
Apart from inserting codes as mentioned above, you are NOT allowed to modify any given
codes or the main function in the template file.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that your submitted file CAN be opened and has NO syntax
error. It should be the source code, using .cpp as the file extension. Your submission should
NOT be other file types such as .zip or .sln.
ShowInfo (10%)
Insert your code in the showInfo function so that your personal particulars are displayed in the
following format when the program executes:
Sample display:
Student ID: 23xxxxxxA
Class : B01A
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Question 1 (30%)
Write a program to calculate the total fee of booking a meeting room. The fee calculation must
take into account the duration of the meeting, the number of attendees, and apply differential
pricing for peak hours and holidays. The program should accept the following user inputs in
exact order given below:
1. Number of persons attending the meeting
2. Start time of the booking (an hour value in 24-hour format)
3. End time of the booking (an hour value in 24-hour format)
4. Whether the booking date is a holiday (a character ‘y’ or ‘n’)
5. Whether the booking is made by a student (a character ‘y’ or ‘n’)
The program then calculates and prints the final booking fee according to the charging table
and the charging rules provided below.
Charging Table (in dollars)
Room Type Fee per hour
(Odd Version)
Fee per hour
(Even Version)
Small Room, for 1 to 6 attendees 50 58
Medium Room, for 7 to 12 attendees 98 102
Large Room, for 13 attendees or above 188 198
In this question, determine you should use either the odd or even version of this question by
referring to the 4th digit of your student ID number. For example, 235**631A uses even
Charging Rules
Input for the number of persons is always positive.
The start time and end time of the booking are always between 0 and 23, and the end time
is always larger than the start time (i.e., the minimum booking duration is one hour).
If the booking date is a holiday, a 50% surcharge on the fee per hour is added.
If the booking is made by a student, a 10% discount on the final fee will be applied.
If the booking time falls between peak hours, for the booking hours during the peak hours,
a 20% surcharge on the fee per hour is added.
Peak hours for ODD version: 0800 – 1700. Peak hours for EVEN version: 0**0 – 1800.
If the booking duration is equal to or exceeds 4 hours, a 20% discount on the final fee will
be applied.
The final fee is calculated and displayed after all user inputs are received. Its value should be
displayed formatted to two decimal places.
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Odd Version
Sample display
Sample display
Sample display
Sample display
Sample display
Even Version
Sample display
Sample display
Sample display
Sample display
Sample display
IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to follow all text and order as shown in the sample display.
There should be NO prompt messages and NO additional blank lines in the output. DO NOT
add extra text in the output which will be considered as incorrect in marking.
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Question 2 (30%)
Write a C++ program that calculates and displays the future value of a retail green bond
investment at the end of an investment period. The program should ask the user for two pieces
of information in an order given below (you can assume both inputs are always positive):
1. The initial investment amount (a double value)
2. The number of months the bond is kept (an integer value)
The program computes the future value of the bond investment, based on compound interest
and a bonus for long-term investments. A 5% bonus is added to the final value of bonds held
longer than 36 months. The program should compute the future value, added with bonus if any,
of the bond investment at the end of the investment period, and print it out in the format
rounded to the nearest dollar.
Use the following formula to calculate the future value (FV) of the investment:
FV ൌ PV ∗ ሺ1rሻ୬
FV = Future value of the investment after n compounding periods
PV = Initial investment amount
r = Annual interest rate divided by the number of compounding periods per year
n = Total number of compounding periods
In this question, use the 5th digit of your student ID number to determine odd or even
5th digit of Student ID Annual Interest Rate Interest released
Odd 3.5% Every 4 months
Even 4.5% Every 6 months
Sample display (for odd)
Sample display (for odd)
Sample display (for even)
Sample display (for even)
IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to follow all text and order as shown in the sample display.
There should be NO prompt messages and NO additional blank lines in the output. DO NOT
add extra text in the output which will be considered as incorrect in marking.
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Question 3 (30%)
Write a program that displays the patterns as shown below, according to the input size, which
determines the number of rows and columns in the pattern. You can assume the input integer
is always positive.
In this question, use the 6th digit of your student ID number to determine odd or even version.
Odd Version (odd 6th digit in student ID)
Sample display
Even Version (even 6th digit in student ID)
Sample display
More examples (Note the difference in the pattern required for an odd or even input)
Input Output (Odd Version) Output (Even Version)
IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to follow the spacing as shown in the sample display. There
is ONE blank space between adjacent asterisk (*) symbol along one line. There should be NO
prompt messages for the input size and NO additional blank lines in the output. DO NOT add
extra text in the output which will be considered as incorrect in marking.
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You are required to insert your C++ code into the given template file, and submit the final
source file to Blackboard before the deadline. Use your student name and ID as the filename:
StudentID_Name.cpp. Remove all spaces, hyphens and other non-letter characters in the
filename. The correct filename should look like: 12345678A_ChanTaiMan.cpp.
Your program (i.e. the template file with your answers) will be executed by script with different
test cases in Microsoft Visual Studio using the Release setting. The tester will execute the
program and enter the question number in “Program Selection Menu” to test a particular
question. The program will be restarted for testing each question individually.
You need to follow EXACTLY the above input and output requirements. Any deviation from
the requirement is considered as incorrect and no mark is given for that test case.
Late submission: 100% deduction. No late submission is allowed. Submit your work to
Blackboard some time ahead of the deadline. Late submissions due to slow internet speed will
not be accepted.
Syntax error: 5% - 20% deduction depends on the seriousness of the syntax error. You will
get 0 mark if your program contains too many syntax errors. Check your final source file using
Microsoft Visual Studio (not those online compliers) carefully before submission.
Runtime error: No mark for the particular test case that triggers the runtime error (e.g. infinite
loop, divide by zero, etc.).
Logic error (bug): No mark for the particular test case that deviates from the requirement.
Note that a logic error may lead to failure in ALL test cases of a question, e.g. displaying
unnecessary messages, incorrect parameter values, incorrect number format, or incorrectly
decide the odd/even version, etc.
Ensure the originality of your work. Plagiarism in any form is highly prohibited.
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Using template file
If you implement the questions in separated source files, you need to copy the program codes
into the template file for assignment submission. Make sure to test the final source file (i.e.
template file with your answers) in Microsoft Visual Studio before submission.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void display(int n) {
cout << "This is appendix\n";
cout << "Display a number: " << setw(5) << n;
int main() {
int number = 1234;
return 0;
// Insert more header files when necessary
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void showInfo()
// Insert your codes to display your personal particulars here
// Insert your function, class (if any) for Q1() here
void display(int n) {
cout << "This is appendix\n";
cout << "Display a number: " << setw(5) << n;
void Q1()
// Insert your codes for Question 1 here
int number = 1234;
// ... the rest of the template file ...
1. The header files included in your program should also be included in the template file.
2. The user-defined function / class for a question should be copied before the question.
3. The program main body, except “return 0”, should be copied to the function body of the
corresponding question.
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