時間:2024-01-27 來源:合肥網hfw.cc 作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯
, . Introduction to CSS (15 minutes) Task: Link a CSS file (Style.css) and modify the appearance of your HTML elements (NO IN-LINE OR EMBEDDED CSS). Focus on properties: color, font-size, background-color. Personalise Your Page (45 minutes) Task: Add more content (maybe a few sentences) and style it. Be creative! Ideas: Add a list (items, names, or images) Document Your Work (15 minutes) Task: Write a brief explanation of what you did and why (MAX 400 WORDS). SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS When submitting this lab ensure the following: 1. Your submissions are all in one folder called “L2_1170” 2. You you have each of the following: a. index.html b. Style.css c. Your explanation write up (include citations of images and all external content in ACM format) 3. The write up is in .PDF format 4. Your final submission on BrightSpace MUST be in .zip format any other format will not be accepted and will be given an immediate ZERO. Rubric for Assessment Criteria Excellent (5-4) Satisfactory (**) Needs Improvement (**0) HTML Structure Correct use of all SEMANTIC HTML elements, well-structured. Minor errors in HTML, overall structure is good.(Some use of Divs) Several HTML errors/no use of Semantic elements, structure needs work. CSS Styling Effective and visually appealing CSS use. Basic CSS applied, some design elements are good. Limited or incorrect use of CSS. Embedded or inline css used. Creativity and Complexity Very creative, complex elements added. Some creative elements, moderate complexity. Lack of creativity, very basic page. Nothing but boiler plate Documentation/ Write up Clear, detailed explanation of the work done. Adequate explanation with minor gaps. Poor or missing documentation.
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