

        時間:2024-01-06  來源:合肥網hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要糾錯

        COMP2209 Assignment Instructions

        Learning Outcomes (LOs)

         Understand the concept of functional programming and be able to write programs in this style,

         Reason about evaluation mechanisms.


        This assignment asks you to tackle some functional programming challenges to further improve your

        functional programming skills. Four of these challenges are associated with interpreting, translating,

        analysing and parsing a variation of the lambda calculus. It is hoped these challenges will give you

        additional insights into the mechanisms used to implement functional languages, as well as

        practising some advanced functional programming techniques such as pattern matching over

        recursive data types, complex recursion, and the use of monads in parsing. Your solutions need not

        be much longer than a page or two, but more thought is required than with previous Haskell

        programming tasks you have worked on. There are three parts to this coursework and each of them

        has two challenges. Each part can be solved independently of the others and they are of varying

        difficulty, thus, it is recommended that you attempt them in the order that you find easiest.

        For ease of comprehension, the examples in these instructions are given in a human readable format

        you may wish to code these as tests in Haskell. To assist with a semi-automated assessment of this

        coursework we will provide a file called Challenges.hs. This contains Haskell code with signatures for

        the methods that you are asked to develop and submit. You should edit and submit this file to

        incorporate the code you have developed as solutions. However, feel free to take advantage of

        Haskell development tools such as Stack or Cabal as you wish. You may and indeed should define

        auxiliary or helper functions to ensure your code is easy to read and understand. You must not,

        however, change the signatures of the functions that are exported for testing in Challenges.hs.

        Likewise, you may not add any third-party import statements, so that you may only import modules

        from the standard Haskell distribution. If you make such changes, your code may fail to compile on

        the server used for automatic marking, and you will lose a significant number of marks.

        There will be no published test cases for this coursework beyond the simple examples given here - as

        part of the development we expect you to develop your own test cases and report on them. We will

        apply our own testing code as part of the marking process. To prevent anyone from gaining

        advantage from special case code, this test suite will only be published after all marking has been


        It is your responsibility to adhere to the instructions specifying the behaviour of each function, and

        your work will not receive full marks if you fail to do so. Your code will be tested only on values

        satisfying the assumptions stated in the description of each challenge, so you can implement any

        error handling you wish, including none at all. Where the specification allows more than one

        possible result, any such result will be accepted. When applying our tests for marking it is possible

        Module: Programming III Examiners


        Julian Rathke,

        Nick Gibbins

        Assignment: Haskell Programming Challenges Effort: 30 to 60 hours

        Deadline: 16:00 on 11/1/2024 Feedback: 2/2/2024 Weighting: 40%

        your code will run out of space or time. A solution which fails to complete a test suite for one

        exercise within 15 seconds on the test server will be deemed to have failed that exercise and will

        only be eligible for partial credit. Any reasonably efficient solution should take significantly less time

        than this to terminate on the actual test data that will be supplied.

        Depending on your proficiency with functional programming, the time required for you to implement

        and test your code is expected to be 5 to 10 hours per challenge. If you are spending much longer

        than this, you are advised to consult the teaching team for advice on coding practices.

        Note that this assignment involves slightly more challenging programming compared to the previous

        functional programming exercises. You may benefit, therefore, from the following advice on

        debugging and testing Haskell code:




        It is possible you will find samples of code on the web providing similar behaviour to these

        challenges. Within reason, you may incorporate, adapt and extend such code in your own

        implementation. Warning: where you make use of code from elsewhere, you must acknowledge and

        cite the source(s) both in your code and in the bibliography of your report. Note also that you

        cannot expect to gain full credit for code you did not write yourself, and that it remains your

        responsibility to ensure the correctness of your solution with respect to these instructions.

        The Challenges

        Part I  C Circuit Puzzles

        In these two challenges we will introduce a type of circuit puzzle in which the solver is presented

        with a grid of "tiles" each with "wires" printed on them. The solver is then expected to rotate each

        tile in the grid so that all of the wires connect together to form a complete circuit. Moreover, each

        puzzle will contain at least one tile that is a "source" tile for the circuit, and at least one tile that is a

        "sink" tile. A completed circuit will ensure that every sink is reachable from a source and vice-versa.

        There may however be multiple sources and multiple sinks.

        The grid may be of any rectangular size and will be given as a list of non-empty lists of Tile values. A

        Tile value is value of the data type given by:

        data Edge = North | East | South | West deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)

        data Tile = Source [ Edge ] | Sink [ Edge ] | Wire [ Edge ] deriving (Eq,Show,Read)

        type Puzzle = [ [ Tile ] ]

        where a Tile simply lists which of its edges offer connection of wires. The Source and Sink tiles must

        contain at least one connector edge and Wire tiles must contain either zero (an empty Tile) or at

        least two connector edges. Duplicate entries in the edges list are ignored and order does not matter.

        Connector edges are considered to connect across two Tiles if they share a connector edge. For

        example, a Tile offering a West connector placed to the right of a Tile offering an East connector

        would have a connecting wire. A Wire Tile is connected if all of its connector edges are connected.

        Similarly Source and Sink tiles are connected if, all of their connector edges are connected.

        Example tiles are as follows :

        Source [ West ] could be represented visually as

        Sink [ North, West ] could be represented visually as

        Wire [ East, South ] could be represented visually as

        and finally

        Wire [ North, East , West ] could be represented visually as

        An example 3x3 puzzle is given below followed by a visual representation of the puzzle:

        [ [ Wire [North,West] , Wire [North,South] , Source [North] ],

        [ Wire [North,West], Wire [East,West], Wire [North,East] ],

        [ Sink [West] , Wire [North,South] , Wire [North,West] ] ]

        The following image shows a solution to the above puzzle obtained by rotating each of the Tiles.

        Note the completed circuit in the solution.

        Challenge 1: Completedness of circuits.

        The first challenge requires you to define a function

        isPuzzleComplete :: Puzzle -> Bool

        that, given a list of list of tiles, simply returns whether the puzzle is completed. That is, this function

        returns True if and only if all Tiles are connected, for every Source tile, there exists a path following

        the wires to at least one Sink tile and for every Sink tile, there is a path following the wires to at least

        one Source tile.

        Challenge 2: Solve a Circuit Puzzle

        This challenge requires you to define a function

        solveCircuit :: Puzzle -> Maybe [ [ Rotation ] ]

        where data Rotation = R0 | R** | R180 | R270 deriving (Eq,Show,Read)

        This function should, given a circuit puzzle, return Just of a grid of rotations such that, if the rotations

        were applied to the corresponding Tile in the input grid, the resulting Puzzle will be a completed

        circuit. Where this is not possible, the function should return the Nothing value.

        The values of Rotation represent

         R0 no rotation

         R** rotate Tile clockwise ** degrees around the centre of the tile

         R180 rotate Tile clockwise 180 degrees around the centre of the tile

         R270 rotate Tile clockwise 270 degrees around the centre of the tile

        For example,

        solveCircuit [ [ Wire [North,West] , Wire [North,South] , Source [North] ], [ Wire [North,West], Wire

        [East,West], Wire [North,East] ], [ Sink [West] , Wire [North,South] , Wire [North,West] ] ]

        could return

        Just [[R180,R**,R270],[R**,R0,R180],[R180,R**,R0]]

        note that this solution is not unique.

        Part II  C Parsing and Printing

        You should start by reviewing the material on the lambda calculus given in the lectures. You may

        also review the Wikipedia article, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_calculus, or Selinger's

        notes http://www.mscs.dal.ca/~selinger/papers/papers/lambdanotes.pdf, or both.

        For the remaining challenges we will be working with a variant of the Lambda calculus that support

        let-blocks, discard binders and pairing. We call this variant Let_x and the BNF grammar for this

        language is as follows

        Expr ::= Var | Expr Expr | "let" Eqn "in" Expr | "(" Expr ")"

        | "(" Expr "," Expr ")" | "fst" "("Expr")" | "snd" "("Expr")" | "\" VarList "->" Expr

        Eqn ::= VarList "=" Expr

        VarList ::= VarB | VarB VarList

        VarB ::= "x" Digits | "_"

        Var ::= "x" Digits

        Digits ::= Digit | Digit Digits

        Digit ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6 " | "7" | "8" | "9"

        The syntax "let x1 x2 ... xN = e1 in e2" is syntactic sugar for "let x1 = \x2 -> ... -> \xN -> e1 in e2" and

        the syntax "\x1 x2 ... xN    e" is syntactic sugar for "\x1 -> \x2 -> ... -> xN -> e".

        We can use the underscore "_" character to represent a discard binder that can be used in place of a

        variable where no binding is required. Pairing of expressions is represented as "(e1,e2)" and there is

        no pattern matching in this language so we use "fst" and "snd" to extract the respective components

        of a paired expression. For the purposes of this coursework we limit the use of variable names in the

        lambda calculus to those drawn from the set "x0 , x1, x2, x3, ... ", that is "x" followed by a natural

        number. An example expression in the language is

        let x2 x3 _ = x0 in fst ((x2 x4 x5 , x2 x5 x4)) snd ((x2 x4 x5 , x2 x5 x4))

        Application binds tightly here and is left associative so "let x = e1 in e2 e3 e4" is to be understood as

        "let x = e1 in ((e2 e3) e4)".

        Challenge 3: Pretty Printing a Let_x Expression

        Consider the datatypes

        data LExpr = Var Int | App LExpr LExpr | Let Bind LExpr LExpr | Pair LExpr LExpr | Fst LExpr | Snd LExpr | Abs Bind LExpr

        deriving (Eq,Show,Read)

        data Bind = Discard | V Int

        deriving (Eq,Show,Read)

        We use LExpr to represent Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) of the Let_x language.

        This challenge requires you to write a function that takes the AST of a Let_x expression and to "pretty

        print" it by returning a string representation the expression. That is, define a function

        prettyPrint :: LExpr -> String

        that outputs a syntactically correct expression of Let_x. Your solution should omit brackets where

        these are not required and the output string should parse to the same abstract syntax tree as the

        given input. Finally, your solution should print using sugared syntax where possible. For example, an

        expression given as Let (V 1) (Abs (V 2) (Abs Discard e1)) e2 should be printed as "let x1 x2 _ = <e1>

        in <e2>" where e1 and e2 are expressions and <e1> and <e2> are their pretty print strings.

        Beyond that you are free to format and lay out the expression as you choose in order to make it

        shorter or easier to read or both.

        Example usages of pretty printing (showing the single \ escaped using \\) are:

        Challenge 4: Parsing Let_x Expressions

        In this Challenge we will write a parser for the Let_x language using the datatype LExpr given above.

        Your challenge is to define a function:

        parseLetx :: String -> Maybe LExpr

        that returns Nothing if the given string does not parse correctly according to the rules of the

        concrete grammar for Let_x and returns a valid Abstract Syntax Tree otherwise.

        You are recommended to adapt the monadic parser examples published by Hutton and Meijer. You

        should start by following the COMP2209 lecture on Parsing, reading the monadic parser tutorial by

        Hutton in Chapter 13 of his Haskell textbook, and/or the on-line tutorial below:

        http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/pearl.pdf on-line tutorial

        Example usages of the parsing function are:

        App (Abs (V 1) (Var 1)) (Abs (V 1) (Var 1))"(\\x1 -> x1) \\x1 -> x1"

        Let Discard (Var 0) (Abs (V 1) (App (Var 1) (Abs (V 1) (Var 1)))) "let _ = x0 in \\x1 -> x1 \\x1 -> x1"

        Abs (V 1) (Abs Discard (Abs (V 2) (App (Var 2 ) (Var 1 ) ) ) ) "\\x1 _ x2 -> x2 x1"

        App (Var 2) (Abs (V 1) (Abs Discard (Var 1))) "x2 \\x1 _ -> x1"

        parseLetx "x1 (x2 x3)" Just (App (Var 1) (App (Var 2) (Var 3)))

        parseLetx "x1 x2 x3" Just (App (App (Var 1) (Var 2)) (Var 3))

        parseLetx "let x1 x3 = x2 in x1 x2" Just (Let (V 1) (Abs (V 3) (Var 2)) (App (Var 1) (Var 2)))

        parseLetx "let x1 _ x3 = x3 in \\x3 ->

        x1 x3 x3"

        Just (Let (V 1) (Abs Discard (Abs (V 3) (Var 3)))

        (Abs (V 3) (App (App (Var 1) (Var 3)) (Var 3))))

        Part III  C Encoding Let_x in Lambda Calculus

        It is well known that the Lambda Calculus can be used to encode many programming constructs. In

        particular, to encode a let blocks we simply use application

        <let x0 = e1 in e2> is encoded as (\x0 -> <e2>) <e1> where <e1> and <e2> are the encodings of

        e1 and e2 respectively.

        To encode the discard binder we simply need to choose a suitable variable with which to replace it:

        <\ _ -> e1 > is encoded as (\xN -> <e1>) where xN is chosen so as to not interfere with <e1>

        Finally, pairing can be encoded as follows:

        < (e1 , e2)> is encoded as (\xN- > xN <e1> <e2> ) where xN does not interfere with <e1> and <e2>


        <fst e> is encoded as <e> (\x0 - > \x1 - > x0)

        <snd e> is encoded as <e> (\x0 - > \x1 - > x1)

        Challenge 5: Converting Arithmetic Expressions to Lambda Calculus

        Given the datatype

        data LamExpr = LamVar Int | LamApp LamExpr LamExpr | LamAbs Int LamExpr

        deriving (Eq,Show,Read)

        Write a function

        letEnc :: LExpr -> LamExpr

        that translates an arithmetic expression in to a lambda calculus expression according to the above

        translation rules. The lambda expression returned by your function may use any naming of the

        bound variables provided the given expression is alpha-equivalent to the intended output.

        Usage of the letEnc function on the examples show above is as follows:

        letEnc (Let Discard (Abs (V 1) (Var 1)) (Abs (V 1) (Var 1)) LamApp (LamAbs 0 (LamAbs 2

        (LamVar 2))) (LamAbs 2 (LamVar


        letEnc (Fst (Pair (Abs (V 1) (Var 1)) (Abs Discard (Var 2)))) LamApp (LamAbs 0 (LamApp

        (LamApp (LamVar 0) (LamAbs 2

        (LamVar 2))) (LamAbs 0 (LamVar

        2)))) (LamAbs 0 (LamAbs 1

        (LamVar 0)))

        Challenge 6: Counting and Comparing Let_x Reductions

        For this challenge you will define functions to perform reduction of Let_x expressions. We will

        implement both a call-by-value and a call-by-name reduction strategy. A good starting point is to

        remind yourself of the definitions of call-by-value and call-by-name evaluation in Lecture 34 -

        Evaluation Strategies.

        We are going to compare the differences between the lengths of reduction sequences to

        terminated for both call-by-value and call-by-name reduction for a given Let_x expression and the

        lambda expression obtained by converting the Let_x expression to a lambda expression as defined in

        Challenge 5. For the purposes of this coursework, we will consider an expression to have terminated

        for a given strategy if it simply has no further reduction steps according to that strategy. For example,

        blocked terms such as "x1 x2" are considered as terminated.

        In order to understand evaluation in the language of Let_x expressions, we need to identify the

        redexes of that language. The relevant reduction rules are as follows:

        also note that, in the expressions "let x1 = e1 in e2" or "let _ = e1 in e2" the expression "e2" occurs

        underneath a binding operation and therefore, similarly to "\x1 -> e2", according to both call-by-

        value and call-by-name strategies, reduction in "e2" is suspended until the binder is resolved.

        Define a function:

        compareRedn :: LExpr -> Int -> ( Int, Int , Int, Int )

        that takes a Let_x expression and upper bound for the number of steps to be counted and returns a

        4-tuple containing the length of four reduction sequences. In each case the number returned should

        be the minimum of the upper bound and the number of steps needed for the expression to

        terminate. Given an input Let_x expression E, the pair should contain lengths of reduction

        sequences for (in this order) :

        1. termination using call-by-value reduction on E

        2. termination using call-by-value reduction on the lambda calculus translation of E

        3. termination using call-by-name reduction on E

        4. termination using call-by-name reduction on the lambda calculus translation of E

        Example usages of the compareRedn function are:

        compareRedn (Let (V 3) (Pair (App (Abs (V 1) (App (Var 1) (Var

        1))) (Abs (V 2) (Var 2))) (App (Abs (V 1) (App (Var 1) (Var 1))) (Abs

        (V 2) (Var 2)))) (Fst (Var 3))) 10


        compareRedn (Let Discard (App (Abs (V 1) (Var 1)) (App (Abs

        (V 1) (Var 1)) (Abs (V 1) (Var 1)))) (Snd (Pair (App (Abs (V 1)

        (Var 1)) (Abs (V 1) (Var 1))) (Abs (V 1) (Var 1))))) 10


        compareRedn (Let (V 2) (Let (V 1) (Abs (V 0) (App (Var 0) (Var

        0))) (App (Var 1) (Var 1))) (Snd (Pair (Var 2) (Abs (V 1) (Var

        1))))) 100


        Implementation, Test File and Report

        In addition to your solutions to these programming challenges, you are asked to submit an additional

        Tests.hs file with your own tests, and a report:

        You are expected to test your code carefully before submitting it and we ask that you write a report

        on your development strategy. Your report should include an explanation of how you implemented

        and tested your solutions. Your report should be up to 1 page (400 words). Note that this report is

        not expected to explain how your code works, as this should be evident from your commented code

        itself. Instead you should cover the development and testing tools and techniques you used, and

        comment on their effectiveness.

        Your report should include a second page with a bibliography listing the source(s) for any fragments

        of code written by other people that you have adapted or included directly in your submission.

        Submission and Marking

        Your Haskell solutions should be submitted as a single plain text file Challenges.hs. Your tests should

        also be submitted as a plain text file Tests.hs. Finally, your report should be submitted as a PDF file,


        The marking scheme is given in the appendix below. There are up to 5 marks for your solution to

        each of the programming challenges, up to 5 for your explanation of how you implemented and

        tested these, and up to 5 for your coding style. This gives a maximum of 40 marks for this

        assignment, which is worth 40% of the module.

        Your solutions to these challenges will be subject to automated testing so it is important that you

        adhere to the type definitions and type signatures given in the supplied dummy code file

        Challenges.hs. Do not change the list of functions and types exported by this file. Your code will be

        run using a command line such as ghc  Ce   main   CW2TestSuite.hs, where CW2TestSuite.hs is my test

        harness that imports Challenge.hs. You should check before you submit that your solution compiles

        and runs as expected.

        The supplied Parsing.hs file will be present so it is safe to import this and any library included in the

        standard Haskell distribution (Version 8.10.7). Third party libraries will not be present so do not

        import these. We will not compile and execute your Tests.hs file when marking.

        Appendix: Marking Scheme

        Guidance on Coding Style and Readability

        Grade Functional Correctness Readability and Coding Style Development & Testing

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